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Old 08-18-2018, 09:55 AM   #2451 (permalink)
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We somehow have to come up with a way that works to proactively enact a complete social/ economic change or else we are headed for Fortress Cities and Barbarism. Eventually the rich will run out of bullets.

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Old 08-18-2018, 12:56 PM   #2452 (permalink)
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The key to financing and achieving the SDGs lies in mobilizing a greater share of the $200+ trillion in annual private capital investment flows toward development efforts...
A self-evident can of worms.
and philanthropy has a critical role to play in catalyzing this shift.
A self-serving statement from a philanthropic foundation.

The solution isn't in some re-jiggering of the economic system, it's in elevating the conciousness of the mass of humanity.
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The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
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Old 08-18-2018, 01:45 PM   #2453 (permalink)
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PCX153 - '13 Honda PCX150
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
A self-evident can of worms.

A self-serving statement from a philanthropic foundation.
An ineffectual baby step but at least shows that some people are waking to the fact that business as usual will shortly fail. We can ride it out to the end and react to the crash. Or proact. A little pain spread over several decades time. Or immense pain over a very short time.
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Old 08-18-2018, 02:41 PM   #2454 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sendler View Post
An ineffectual baby step but at least shows that some people are waking to the fact that business as usual will shortly fail. We can ride it out to the end and react to the crash. Or proact. A little pain spread over several decades time. Or immense pain over a very short time.
It's not like oil will run out all at once. Solutions will occur as needed.

This isn't to say I'm against preparing for the future, but I'm certainly against a 1 world order, or overly authoritarian states.

We deserve the results of our actions/inactions. I'd rather be free to fail than forced to "succeed".
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Give me absolute safety, or give me death!
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Old 08-18-2018, 03:05 PM   #2455 (permalink)
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2009 Honda Fit auto - '09 Honda Fit Auto
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PCX153 - '13 Honda PCX150
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Paul Raskin has released his latest manifesto: Journey to Earthland:The Great Transition to a Planetary Civilization.
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Old 08-18-2018, 03:32 PM   #2456 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Jupiter and the sun magnetically connect. How's that for inverse square?
Water is a great at stopping radiation so of course virtually no cosmic rays are going through the atmosphere, through a mile of water and reaching the bottom of the ocean and getting to the transatlantic cables.
A hurricane raging on the surface above the cables dropping dozens of lightning bolts per second doesn't appear to effect the cables.
Ever see the videos of open pool research nuclear reactors? People can stand 30ft away form a 1mw reactor running full power and receive almost 0 radiation from the reactor. If there was no water between the reactor these people, well they would be dead 2 weeks later.
External magnetic fields doesn't appear to get past the mesosphere layer of the atmosphere.

The climate believers do everything they can to say the sun doesn't effect the climate. Which is funny because it is the driving force behind almost everything on the planet.
Solar flares have lots to do with earths climate. A lack of solar flares means solar minimum, which means inter stellar and inter galactic cosmic rays infiltrate the inner solar system. These atomic nuclei can be ions up to the size of iron traveling at 99.9% the speed of light. By some unknown mechanism high stratosphere clouds are produced when these ions hit the atmosphere at near light speed. These clouds block sun light cooling the planet.

Speaking of lawyers wasn't man made global warming going to be put on trial?
I think it's going to end up like when all the groups tried to sue the gun industry. Most get thrown out, the majority remaining are lost, a few are won, we end up with laws protecting the gun industry from frivolous law suits. The lawyer on both sides get rich.
Lawyers win.
*Interest in interactions between the Sun and Jupiter I'll leave to others.
*Cosmic rays would not induce electric currents on a transatlantic cable.
*Extraterrestrial magnetic lines of flux WOULD induce an electric current in a transatlantic cable.
*Since there is no evidence of extraterrestrial-magnetically-induced currents on Earth,it would follow that there is an absence of extraterrestrial magnetic lines of flux impinging on the Earth.
*Million-volt lightning strikes would be conducted through seawater,through the path of least resistance to an earth ground at some seabed interface and nulled out.
*I haven't seen video of workers inside a water-cooled reactor running under load.
*Yes,external magnetic fields do not appear to penetrate Earth's atmosphere,so I'm uncertain why we're interested in them.
*I've never read where climatologists discount solar irradiance as a climate driver.They actively monitor the photosphere,chromosphere,corona,heliosphere,magnet osphere,electron emissions,ion emissions,solar wind,shockwaves,magnetic fields,current sheets,coronal holes,Alfven waves,temporal spin(surface and internal),heavy ions,sun-spot cycles,radiophysics,gyromagnetic processes,electron beam propogation,H&K lines of UV,flares,coronal mass ejections,contoversial Eigil Friis-Chrisensen&Knud Lassen temp./sunspot causation thesis,steller senescence,tidal fluctuations,planetary conjunctions,conduction assymmetries,acoustic lensing amplifications-refectance amplification accoustic booming,reflectice harmonics,resonnance,explosions,implosions,compres sive heating,asperities,Coriolis effect,reverberations,turbulence,eddies,stratifica tion,attenuation,plume ascension,decending,co-rotations,counter-rotations,boiling,condensation,escape velocities,diffusion,interior waves,surface waves,viscosity,gas-dynamics,ion dynamics,thermodynamics,pulses,spikes,absorption,r arefaction,dampening,cyclic deformation,asphericity,asymmetry,bright areas,Oscillations,resonant modes,local speed of sound,rotation rates,coherent modes of vibration,helioseismology,non-uniform rotaion,radiative diffusion,turbulent diffusion,major restoring forces,pressure,buoyancy,frequencies,wavelengths etc..
*While sun-spots get attention,their importance to overall solar irradiance pale in comparison to two other criteria which I'm not going to mention until Davidson does.
As far as the Sun and climate change goes,if sunspots,all the Milankovitch cycles,the Maunder Minimum,and everything else known about the Sun is taken into account,the Sun's contribution today,cannot explain what is happening,climate -wise.This may be why solar activity doesn't take center stage.Anthropogenic carbon dioxide is driving everything outside of what is known for natural variability.It's not an abstraction,it's scientific fact.
*As far as I've heard or read,solar flares are an issue for things like temporarily knocking GPS satellite navigation off-line and temporarily knocking off FAA radio voice communications( a nasty problem for arctic pilots locked into an assigned altitudes which are causing wing freezing and mid-air collisions they risk, if they were to break out of that assigned altitude without FAA clearance.).
The National Solar Observatory,Summer,1992, did observe a flare from a young star in the Pliades (Subaru) Constellation,which if it had been on the Sun,would have sterilized the surface of Earth.
*I believe that intersteller cosmic rays,not caught by the heliosphere,will be caught by Earth's magnetosphere.Astronauts on the International Space Station are exposed to cosmic rays.When asleep,the optic nerves will 'fire' when struck by intersteller radiation,causing them to 'see' flashes of light.
They're also at risk of genetic mutations.
*I couldn't find my notes on clouds,but the rays/ions, must react like 'normal' condensation nuclei as far as the water vapor is concerned,producing the clouds.
*As to trials,the Children's Trust case goes to trial in federal court in November.
Massachusetts and New York have also filed suits.
According to Nathanial Rich's piece,you'd have to file suit with the fossil-fuels industry,all the presidents since Eisenhower,Congress,Pentagon,Intelligence,the automakers,and I'd have to add probably every kindergarten teacher,school teacher,police officer,fireman,municipal employee,county employee,state employee,most pensioners,many churches,etc..,since their own retirement funds were funded from corporate profits derived from climate change.
As POGO said,'I have met the enemy and he is us.'
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Old 08-18-2018, 04:47 PM   #2457 (permalink)
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spare me,Dollard,Tesla,telegraph,SO,..............

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
I have doubt.

Spare me. Are you acquainted with Dollard and Tesla's longitudinal waves?

What oil pan 4 said. Early telegraph operators dropped the second wire and used an Earth return for a while, until they started picking up EMP that fried the equipment, then they went back to two wires. I forget if that was before or after the Carrington event.

If S0 is an impeachable source, what about Just a Car Guy?

Just A Car Guy: Dozens of vehicles washed off a Jeep dealership in Little Falls NJ during a flood, then jammed up under a bridge, and the resulting lack of a culvert to drain the river, caused houses to flood. Those homeowners blame the dealership!
*If you're acquainted with inverse,geometric relationships then you'll understand why I asked,and why the question is germane to the topic
*I have no idea what the educational background of any particular member is,and the answer to the question would help me enormously if I'm to make a contribution to the discussion.
*I've never heard of a Dollard wave,and especially in association with electromagnetics,only Gauss,as a measure of magnetic field strength.
*Nothing from my AC/DC Electric/Electronic text or lectures triggers any mention of them.
* I've seen science programs dedicated to Tesla,and read a book about him.If I read about Tesla longitudinal waves in passing,it didn't stick.I have no recollection of it.( I sound like Reagan)
*I'll have to figure out what oil pan 4 said.
*I have seen (probably NOVA) a program which described a major space weather event which affected telegraphy.Was that EMP?
*I'm reluctant to 'judge' SO,but it's kinda like, 'if it doesn't walk like a scientist,and talk like a scientists,it may not be a scientist.'
*And quite literally,the future of Earth hangs in the balance of whether or not we have access to the best evidence.
*I've never heard of Just a Car Guy. (does he know what mechanical efficiency,BSFC, Auxiliary losses,Aero and Rolling Resistance road load is?) If so,I might be 'in.'
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/
Old 08-18-2018, 05:06 PM   #2458 (permalink)
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hasn't exactly

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
So weather is climate now?

How about what's not happening hurricane season, what hurricane season? The peak of the season is a month away and we have seen hardly anything.
I remember in 2005 they told us "Events like Katrina are going to become a regular occurrence" because of global warming anf that hasn't exactly panned out.
I agree.We're basically seeing weather.
Sometimes the messengers mention 'records'.These will be of special interest,as any 'outlier' will be suspect if it falls within the categories of events anticipated by climate change.Especially now,since we're kinda primed to be paying attention to this sort of thing.
I think that Superstorm Sandy blew some peoples minds.Harvey was a record event as far as rainfall.The Pennsylvania flooding is black swanish.
All-time record wildfire in California.
They mentioned last night that San Diego,California might be looking at hurricanes.Their Pacific sea-surface temps are at 79.5-degrees F, 0.5-degrees away from hurricane-spawning water temps,if all the other factors are in place.They don't see storms like that very often,although they did mention one in the 1800s.
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Old 08-18-2018, 05:17 PM   #2459 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
It's a UN thing so it's pretty much a redistribution of wealth scam to destroy capitalism, rob money from the US, promise to give it to less developed countries but what's really going to happen is the UN and their cronies are going to pocket at least 80% of it.
We're the UN also,and I suspect that we'll have a say in what transpires.
Orderly,lawful transition, away from kerosene lanterns,steam locomotives,stage coaches,livery stables,horseshoes, buggy whips and laudanum.
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Old 08-18-2018, 05:21 PM   #2460 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
We're the UN also,and I suspect that we'll have a say in what transpires.
Orderly,lawful transition, away from kerosene lanterns,steam locomotives,stage coaches,livery stables,horseshoes, buggy whips and laudanum.
That was easy when the newer alternative was vastly more useful. And there were only 1 Billion mouths to feed. And there was no such thing as 275 Trillion $ in world debt.

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