09-04-2018, 01:25 PM
#2721 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4
If you are in the business of wind or solar power with the first one you lose money and the second one you make money.
I say celebrate diversity. Coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind and solar, even geo thermal.
But not oil, no one likes using crude oil petroleum products for utility power generation.
If climate science holds,then coal,natural gas,and petroleum combustion have got to go.
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09-04-2018, 01:33 PM
#2722 (permalink)
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beyond Pluto
Originally Posted by freebeard
Which magnetic field reaches beyond Pluto (or Neptune as the case may be). It supports the material driven off the surface of the Sun as fast waves, slow waves and squirted through the magnetic portals.
T'would make a TV series. Would anyone watch?
The Sun's magnetic field extends out to 100-Astronomical Units,or 100X 93,000,000 miles.
Pluto's average orbital distance is 39.5 AU,positioning Pluto well within the protection of the Heliospheric magnetic field.
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09-04-2018, 01:40 PM
#2723 (permalink)
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English degrees
Originally Posted by oil pan 4
The difference between the green power fan boys and me is I have been formally educated on the subject, been to numerous wind farms, solar farms, been inside wind turbines, wind turbine control rooms, ect.
By comparison, everyone else just reads bias news articles written by people with English degrees...
If we had public education,the children could come home after school and tell their parents how the world actually works,then one of the parents could tell me.
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09-04-2018, 01:46 PM
#2724 (permalink)
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Wind generator for a car ?????
The solar trolley makes sense, giving extra energy, but the wind turbine for car it's hilarious.
And how could a record of 1987, for solar car speed, be broken just in 2011 ?
Sunswift got 56,85 mph, while Sunraycer GM (1987) had performed 49.09 mph.
Last edited by All Darc; 09-04-2018 at 01:52 PM..
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09-04-2018, 01:47 PM
#2725 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
Wind turbines are not very safe for birds and for those climb guys :

More birds die from striking glass-envelope skyscrapers than any other source.
And more people fall to their death washing the bird-killing glass skyscrapers' windows than any other source.
Were is the discussion to demolish all USA' glass-fenestrated skyscrapers?
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09-04-2018, 01:48 PM
#2726 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead
If climate science holds,then coal,natural gas,and petroleum combustion have got to go.
It's not. Have you noticed how quiet all the global warming alarmists have been lately?
They have good reason to be silent.
Within the next 2 years I expect it to completely collapse in on its self like a dieing star.
By 2030 it will be a complete joke, the few true believers left getting laughed at like flat earthers.
Petroleum isn't going anywhere ant time soon, it will get more expensive due to supply and demand.
1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
1989 firebird mostly stock. Aside from the 6-speed manual trans, corvette gen 5 front brakes, 1LE drive shaft, 4th Gen disc brake fbody rear end.
2011 leaf SL, white, portable 240v CHAdeMO, trailer hitch, new batt as of 2014.
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09-04-2018, 02:00 PM
#2727 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
Bladeless wind turibine:
But I bet it's way more expensive than the already espensibe wind turbines with blades !
And energy from grond X atmosphere :
Hard to beliese it can be usefull...
I couldn't here the audio portion.I'll try Saturday.
*I'd like to know it's mechanical efficiency,compared to state-of-the-art turbines.
*I'd like to know it's dynamic stability atop a tower at maximum operational wind speed.
*I'd like to know it's downwind turbulence profile,considering other units operating in its wake.
*The dish itself would have a free air drag coefficient of around Cd 1.35,one of the 'dirtiest' of known shapes.
*And its combined cyclic wake could induce resonant tower oscillations which could potentially bring the whole thing down. 
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09-04-2018, 02:33 PM
#2728 (permalink)
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fossil fuel
Originally Posted by sendler
That is fine to say as long as you also realize intrinsically that fossil fuel has allowed human civilization to balloon far beyond being able to survive on current real time solar flows. We cannot just stop without the economy crashing and the world starving and falling apart. And there is no scale of rebuildables that can be implemented to maintain our numbers now without it.
We have all but eaten our seed corn of affordable liquid fuel to attempt a complete retrofit.
If viewed with respect to certain conditions and caveats,then the remarkable transformations credited to fossil fuels cannot be disputed.They're as close to real 'magic' as we're likely to see!
It's the spectre of what's fallen through the cracks throughout this transformation that the scientific community is recoiling from in horror that's at issue.
In an unknown length of time,Earth will move out of its 'Goldilocks' zone,rendering a planet which is uninhabitable,in conventional metrics.
We're living proof of surviving a full-blown economic meltdowns.There have been plenty of those.Thanks economists!
Survival may require another economic meltdown.But as AeroStealth has said,we probably won't run out of inches.
We decide.Denali's or Bolts! Teslas or Testarossa's.
There's a soft path and a hard path.The longer we stall on the soft path,the worse the options.
If you WANT to see billions of mortalities,just keep on keeping on! Burn your coal and natural gas.You'll have 'em by default.You'll have your Malthusian apocalypse.
Rugged individualism,laizzez faire,law of the West.........................
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09-04-2018, 02:39 PM
#2729 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
Following your quotes.
1- For example this battle, more poitics than science, over themes linked to sexuality, gays, lesbian, trangenders. Sicence treated these groops like sh...t for decades, and now politics wants to use public force an opinion and students to define what it's decease. Both are wrong. And we must remamber that something be a decease do not means that we have the right to impose things or "treatments" (s...t -another theme for debate) over the people who have it.
2-Science know little about brain, despite be a lot more than 50 years ago. THey should not be arrogant in define like if they had always the answer.Like I sai, they need courage to say when don't know something.
3-Humility ? I's about know limits, just true and not speculation placed as true. True it's brave, while fake knowledge it's arrogance and cowardice.
Arrogance made science a politic weapon. Science (bad science) have a whole history of crimes against humanity, even nowadays. ANd in terms of brain it's more phylosophy than science when it comes to define things.
'When your jaws are full,all questions are answered.' Kafka
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09-04-2018, 02:55 PM
#2730 (permalink)
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what you see is what you get
Originally Posted by All Darc
Redpoint, you edited and added more text... Háa háaa.... (like I often do)
I will need to follow.
Media is pushing crap behavior, selfish, vanity, porn in ways never before. The people who decades ago had to be dissimulated to be accepted, cause they were so imoral or so selfish to get along, today don't even have to.
If society, the usal Joe (like said in USA) became as freak as the freak people who have power, there will be no nice Joes to defiant the freak powerfull people. Public opinion will not work in good direction, will not boicot or acuse the freak industry, cause industry would had turn these pewople in another freaks.
That' what I'm trying to say, the new strategy to slave society it's to create slaves with poor moral and still with no power. It's like a bullying tough bad guy in school trying to convince little frail bonne nerds that the good way to run day by day problems it's solve things in physical dispute.
Back on pshychology, it's ironic, they are suposed to treat minds but most can't help thenselves, as they are more depressed, more prone to suicide. Many have terrible family problems with wife and kids. And if you get 4 different ones, they often have different diagnoses, different ways to judge and see the things. One can mix religion, and other can mix por libertin behavior. It's a jungle, a circus... How can we take such thing seriously ???? Come on...
And the criminal way these science behaved along history, and still a bit today. They use local culture as argument such "but society it's that way", and if society change there will be new rules and what they did n past will be considered crime, like it's today about treatments for gays, lesbian etc...
I saw a article of a brazilian psychology association where they where disgusted about some proposed law, and the law proposition was really disgusting, but it was exactly what most psychologistz and their associations preached 10 or 15 years before.
How take seriously such lack of character, such disgrace, such cowards, such ping-pong balls that run like chicken or kiss a...es based in power or public opinion?
For me most of then are just garbage. Don't have sanity or moral even for thenselves. And I repeat, many should be on jail.
Democracy... the problem of this system is that it can't be much better than the people who vote. Stupid people ellect stupid or cretins, and dispise the rest.
But science would not be like that. It should have more character, otherwise it fails about their purpose.
Over the decades Fembot-L has tried to get me to abandon the word 'should' from my vocabulary.
Borrowing from Zen,there is no permanence,there should be no attachments. People do things,because that's what people do.
From cannibals to 'angels',people are capable of behaving in any of the spectrum of human behavior, recorded back to pre-Sumerian antiquity.
It is what it is.That's all we've ever had.Any expectation beyond that reality is only a setup for neurosis.
There's a very thin patina of civilization separating us from the rest of the animal kingdom.When people get 'hungry' enough,you can expect tooth and fang.
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