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Old 09-04-2018, 03:14 PM   #2731 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
A polar bear it's not ill, on artic. But on California he would be a albine.
Yes, decease can vary a lot, and that's why we can't be arrogant.

But in things like a transsexuals who demand surgery and hormon treatment from government... well.... if they were okay with thenselves they would not demand surgery and hormon treatment for the rest of their lifes. A dicease, probably (if affect people life deeply), but this did not give us right to hurt them, force them or any other freak things like did in the past (by medicine, psychology, psychiatry,state, chucrh).
The problem is that polictic, extreme left, it's trying to impose things without know. A deacese or not, a right or not to get free surgery??? The answer it's not easy and they can't call of Hitler everyone who do not agree 100% with them.
For the oposite side the right wing can't do the same to please their politic ideology.

Knownledge it's still limited about brain, despite deep research.

Trump ??? Sociopaths get support in "thin cows times", or when people are afraid. Probably someting connect to base instincts from appe humanoid times. Cold blood were good fighters when rival tribes conflicts happens and had more leadership.
And left it's not innocent just because they said they wish help poor people.

Most conservatives are not conservatives, but just hate gays, immigrants, latins and hate the left. They still cheat wife, beat, steal, do the horrible things that chuchs supposed fight. I'm speaking in general, since there is a wide variable between all that. This talk of morals and God it's laughtable, in the same way the left talk of rights and humanity also have a lot of hypocrisy.
I remamber there is reasonable people in both, right and left wings. I spoke in general way to just make a example.

I need to get out too.
A friend of mine got into an argument with a co-worker,and their boss,overhearing the argument,broke into intense laughter.
When the two demanded to know what he was laughing about,he said " I don't know who's more stupid.The one of you for believing what you believe,or the other of you,for believing you could change his mind!"
People are what they are.They believe what the believe,and they act accordingly.How could they do otherwise? And if you were any number of them,you'd think and act exactly alike.
The only example which is different I can think of,is research scientists,which when shown that their research is flawed,will abandon their view and move ahead with the new knowledge.
Their my only comfort on Earth.Well almost.
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Old 09-04-2018, 03:26 PM   #2732 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Yeah, it's just a little dead.

I try to watch both sides, right and left. I also saw Fox News, and even Louren Southern. Honestly I don't find reasoable people in any side of famous vloggers, but I feel both are just paid to push one political ideology.

Believe me, I hate cretin bull sh...t in both sides (right & left), and I was hated by both in a incedent I can tell you later, and this incident it's the living proof of how people in my country are retard, cretins and hypocrites.

Many people on left are in the deep the same sh...t as the people they complain, or worse. This topic it's about clime and gobal warming, so I don't know if people will want to listen me about such personal story. It all started with a piece of paper, a note with phone number.

JBP... despite he talks many trues that most psychologist are too cowards to say today, I don't agree with hin in other things, his bias. I like people who deep explore both sides in search of true. But such people nearly don't exist today.
I have an aunt with a master's degree in psychology.She thinks it's a bunch of crap.It is legal to practice it.I've worked for few,and it appears to pay pretty well.
The Chamber of Commerce would probably frown if pyschologists (and the universities which trained them ) recommended that their patients abandon the world of consumer capitalism and move out of the city.Henry Ford advocated such blasphemy.He cost about six million lives though.It's hard to know which way to go.
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Old 09-04-2018, 03:50 PM   #2733 (permalink)
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standard of living

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Well if we are going to play the "true cost of fossil fuels power" game then here is something to consider.
About 40% of Americans live pay check to pay check or on fixed income.
So called "green energy" depending on the scope of use is going to at least double people's energy costs and has the potential to increase the price of everything substantially.
This will in turn lower these peoples standard of living. Now they have to fork out an extra $100 per month for their energy bills, which to these people is a lot of money.
So now they are forced to not eat as healthy, maybe they can't afford all their prescribed meds, now they can't afford to go to the dentist or Dr, can't afford to drive a safe modern car so they drive an old piece of junk, can't afford to heat their home during the winter, have to go with the cheaper health insurance plan or no plan at all.
These people aren't going to be helped by air that is ever so slightly cleaner.

So don't assume puting up solar panels is is going to be like waving a magic wond that is automatically going to make everyones lives better.
We could use me as a test case.
* I live on a fixed income.
*I switched to wind-powered electric power,adding 1-cent/per kWh.
*I also switched from CFLs to LED lighting.
*With 'green' power,my overall monthly electric bill didn't change.
After reading 'How Not to Die',by Dr.Michael Gregor,and changing to a flexitarian diet,I lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure to normal in 6-months.And I'll never need Viagra.
The money I save by not eating the standard American diet is financing my trips to the wind tunnel.
It's very unlikely that I'll ever develop type-2 diabetes,high blood pressure,or stroke,as all these can be reversed with diet.
This keeps me away from expensive medications.Another pay raise!
If I weren't going to the wind tunnel I could be channeling that money towards an EV which I could charge from wind power,which would improve the standard of living for everyone on the planet.
Since my house is superinsulated,and I'm willing to live like an English king,heating is optional.
Air conditioning IS an issue.Over time I believe this situation can be improved.
I'm a veteran with Part-B Medicare,and so far in relatively good health,so I probably have an advantage as far as healthcare goes.That option was open to many.
As I mentioned in another thread,losing the 54.5 mpg CAFE standard will cost American motorists an additional $1,359,468,000,000.00 over the life of their 2025 automobile.So I would argue that clean air is a benefit to the economically-challenged in the USA.
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Old 09-04-2018, 04:04 PM   #2734 (permalink)
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700 miles

Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Ok, let's put charging time by side, just for a while.

What about power density?
Do you believe they really got it? Did he really reached very high energy density for these batteries?

700 miles it's really a lot.

Compare to gasoline car's range :

Toyota Prius – 12 gallon tank, 50 mpg = 600 miles
Honda Civic Hybrid – 12 gallon tank, 40 mpg = 480 miles
Ford Fusion – 17 gallon tank, 36 mpg = 600 miles
Volkswagen Golf – 14 gallon tank, 35 mpg = 490 miles
Chevy Cruze – 13 gallon tank, 35 mpg = 455 miles

We don't know the size of the battery of this car, since ellectric cars have huge batteries, tooking more space than gasoline tanks. But even so it is, (in case it's really true) or sounds incredible.
When the EV1 came out,the average daily commute was 47-miles if I remember correctly.The 80+ miles range was good enough for most people.
In a road trip,you're probably going to want to urinate before 700-miles,so perhaps,in light of an otherwise dead planet,you'd put up with some driving down time,in order to top off your battery pack.
If we're going to get off fossil fuel combustion,an EV is a way to do that,with little impact to the driving experience.
And historically,the price of electricity is very stable,while gasoline and diesel can go through wild swings.
A BMW 7-series owner may slam the price of a Tesla S until they figure the $24,000 they'll spend on Premium fuel over the life of the 7.$zero for the Tesla.
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Old 09-04-2018, 04:10 PM   #2735 (permalink)
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gas engines

Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
I said just for a while...
And Sputnik was a primitive junk making "bip bip", and the rocket technology that put it on orbit was the reall breakthrough.

I supose that 2,5x the enerdy densit of actual Lithium batteries it's a bit more important than the charging time. With 700 miles range you get like actual cars. But even ate 1/3 of the price of actual lithium packs, it's still more expansive than gas engines with fuel tanks.
The issue with the ICE car is the carbon dioxide.If the automakers had to pay for Global CO2 mitigation, and include that cost in the MSRP of their ICE cars,you couldn't afford to by them nor their energy dense fuel!
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Old 09-04-2018, 04:13 PM   #2736 (permalink)
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arc flash

Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
I imagined fast discharge of arc flash was fast and the danger of burns was based in that it can turn a entire cotton clothes on fire, ignet a entire shirt like a candle, for example, and not so much burn direct from electric energy.
An electrician neighbor had his contact lenses fuse to his corneas when exposed to an arc flash.Blinded for life! It's very serious!
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Old 09-04-2018, 04:21 PM   #2737 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Beta voltaic, alpha voltaic and nuclear thermo cells have been around since the 1950s.
There is nothing experimental about "nuclear batteries".
They can last a few decades to 100 years, all depends on the radioactive element used.
I believe that it was the Cassini Space Probe which had a Plutonium-powered,electrical system.
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Old 09-04-2018, 04:30 PM   #2738 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Properly regulated capitalism results in trash being picked up. Socialism results in nothing being made to turn into trash.
We do get a safe drinking water,pure food and drugs,military,police,fire protection, schools,Hoover Dams,Interstate Highways,Transcontinental Railroads,etc..
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Old 09-04-2018, 04:59 PM   #2739 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
It's not. Have you noticed how quiet all the global warming alarmists have been lately?
They have good reason to be silent.
Within the next 2 years I expect it to completely collapse in on its self like a dieing star.
By 2030 it will be a complete joke, the few true believers left getting laughed at like flat earthers.

Petroleum isn't going anywhere ant time soon, it will get more expensive due to supply and demand.
I don't give alarmists any time.They don't have any better crystal ball than the next loon.AeroStealth mentions Guy McPherson and Paul Beckwith now and again.I Quite literally,do not have the time to keep up with any of that.I can't even stay abreast of things here at EcoModder!
I do defer to scientists whom are 'close' to the subject of climate change,and I subscribe to their 'cautionary principle'.
Like most folks,I'm just along for the ride,and will be watching as things unfold.
I believe very strongly in the science,only because I have quite a bit of the original material.I don't see any conspiracies there.These people work their a... off trying to debunk their own research.I consider them selfless heroes.
I agree with you that petroleum won't be going anywhere soon.We've just uncovered a conspiracy to make an additional $1.3-trillion for the oil companies.And the well-funded lobbyists who'll underwrite many an election and re-election campaign will have an ample war chest from which to buy elections.
I hope climate change turns out to be the biggest hoax ever perpetrated upon mankind,but when I study it,I can't come to any other conclusion than we've screwed the pooch.
The division I witness even here at EcoModder gives me little confidence that we'll ever be able to act before reaching critical tipping points,if we're not there already.
I see Dr,Seuss's Lorax playing out,where capitalists will be fighting over who gets to cut down the last Truffula Tree.
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Old 09-04-2018, 05:25 PM   #2740 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
We could use me as a test case.
* I live on a fixed income.
*I switched to wind-powered electric power,adding 1-cent/per kWh.
*I also switched from CFLs to LED lighting.
*With 'green' power,my overall monthly electric bill didn't change.
After reading 'How Not to Die',by Dr.Michael Gregor,and changing to a flexitarian diet,I lowered my cholesterol and blood pressure to normal in 6-months.And I'll never need Viagra.
The money I save by not eating the standard American diet is financing my trips to the wind tunnel.
It's very unlikely that I'll ever develop type-2 diabetes,high blood pressure,or stroke,as all these can be reversed with diet.
This keeps me away from expensive medications.Another pay raise!
If I weren't going to the wind tunnel I could be channeling that money towards an EV which I could charge from wind power,which would improve the standard of living for everyone on the planet.
Since my house is superinsulated,and I'm willing to live like an English king,heating is optional.
Air conditioning IS an issue.Over time I believe this situation can be improved.
I'm a veteran with Part-B Medicare,and so far in relatively good health,so I probably have an advantage as far as healthcare goes.That option was open to many.
As I mentioned in another thread,losing the 54.5 mpg CAFE standard will cost American motorists an additional $1,359,468,000,000.00 over the life of their 2025 automobile.So I would argue that clean air is a benefit to the economically-challenged in the USA.
The only reason it's even possible to have wind power that only costs 1 cent more per kwh is because of all the fossil fuel and nuclear power that can make up for when the wind is lacking.

What if not very many people want a 54.5mpg car and they would rather just pay the guzzler penalty and get a truck or SUV?
Then the big 3, not just ford would go to only making trucks, SUVs and muscle cars.
I'm expecting gas prices to double by 2025 and triple by 2030. That's why I am already adopting electrics as primary vehicles.

1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
1989 firebird mostly stock. Aside from the 6-speed manual trans, corvette gen 5 front brakes, 1LE drive shaft, 4th Gen disc brake fbody rear end.
2011 leaf SL, white, portable 240v CHAdeMO, trailer hitch, new batt as of 2014.
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