09-16-2018, 04:56 PM
#2931 (permalink)
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Published on Jul 7, 2017
My suggestion is start a new thread and put all the 'busted' videos there. They get real tiring. The solar wall was a third-party suggestion that got some publicity at the time. Similar to letting the Army Corps of Engineers build it.
It's outdated because the wall will be paid for by Mexico, following the NAFTA re-negotiation. And it never made it to the prototyping stage.
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09-18-2018, 12:41 PM
#2932 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard
Oaky, I admit it was a sociological experiment. I posted one video by Styxhexenhammer and one by Steven Crowder.
One was dog-piled and one was ignored. I have my result. Thank you.
Maybe you have the bends? If you limit your thinking to 1995, you miss what has been reported since 2009. we've learned a lot from GOES16 in the last year.
For one, we know that Sunspot and Earthspots share a common mechanism.
The hurricane in the Philipines is 10x Florence (and headed straight for a reactor in China). I hope Niky is Okay.
The thing about sunspots,is,that they don't have anything to do with global warming,as concerns climatologists.
While solar irradiance DOES have a something to do with global warming,sunspots have very little to do with solar irradiance.
The maximum natural variability of solar irradiance is not of significant magnitude for which to explain the observed warming.
Between 1990 and 1995,some solar physicists were willing to give 'em the benefit of the doubt,but after 1995,there was no reason to explore 'other' explanations for warming,other than greenhouse gases.
Solar weather affects radio communications for awhile,GPS for awhile,and produces nitrates from upper atmospheric nitrogen,however nitrates have nothing to do with warming.
When the Sun's magnetic field pulls Earth out of it's orbit,hurtling it sun-wards,scientists will probably take notice.
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09-18-2018, 01:14 PM
#2933 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Not solar wind, more like the lack there of. But you are right about it not having anything to do with global warming.
And we are going to start learning a whole lot more about the sun, in an up close and personal kind of way.
Scientists make lots of assumptions. Normally they test and peer review these assumptions, unless it has anything to do with global warming, then they just skip the testing and peer review part.
*Science came into existence in the wake of what David Wootton describes as 'killer facts.'
*The discovery of the New World in 1492 was a 'miracle.''impossible'
*In 1536,Marcello Palingenio Stellato published a satirical attack on the Vatican,and after death,his body was dug up by the 'Church',posthumously condemned,and his remains burned.
*In 1543,Vesalius' anatomical investigations wounded Galen's authority in anatomy mortally.
*Tycho Brahe's 1572 discovery of his nova proved the fallibility of god.
*The appearance of the 1577 comet was another blow to the 'Church.'
*In 1600 Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake by the 'Church' for saying that stars were suns,that the Sun was a star,that there could be extraterrestrial life,and that the Earth,Moon and planets shone by reflected sunlight.
One can go on and on.
By around 1661,facts started to displace authority and science took off.
Scientists observe phenomena,postulate hypotheses which might explain the phenomena (theory),then construct an experiment to confirm or reject the validity of the theory,based upon empirical observations directly witnessed.
Then they publish their results.Others are free to duplicate the methodology of the experiment and see what results they produce.If they reach the same result,then its a corroboration.
That's pretty much all they do.Even climatologists.
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09-18-2018, 01:30 PM
#2934 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard
I got 1:27* into the first one and 0:21 into the second. potholer54 has the affect of a sanctimonious pr*ck. "...there's no need for real-time debate in science" Because it can't be peer reviewed ...or what?
Perhaps you misapprehend long-form journalism. Crowder, like Joe Rogan, is a comedian. He has guests. The guests may or may not be falsifiable sources. Admittedly, I know nothing about his blog, just the Youtube stuff.
*I can't pull it out of the transcript, but the in graphic quotes about 'fluctuations' they're talking past each other.
Both potholer54 and Thunderfoot rub me the wrong way. I prefer a less affect[at]ed host, like Joe Scott or Scott Manley.
So, you don't like him - what about the facts he reports on? Crowder is lying about the climate.
09-18-2018, 01:33 PM
#2935 (permalink)
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Until 1995. Then everything screeches to a halt. 
So, you don't like him - what about the facts he reports on? Crowder is lying about the climate.
Which him: - Crowder
- Rogan
- potholer54
- Thunderfoot
Facts are overrated, according to Scott Adams. Persuasion is key.
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Last edited by freebeard; 09-18-2018 at 01:39 PM..
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09-18-2018, 01:56 PM
#2936 (permalink)
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1995 halt
Originally Posted by freebeard
Until 1995. Then everything screeches to a halt. 
All I'm saying,is that once the effect of sulfate aerosols were added to the General Circulation Model,the model's output finally matched the 'paleo' record,from all the proxy data.And they didn't need anything other than greenhouse gases to explain it.
And as they've said,once you can get a model to work backwards,you've got something you can use going forwards.
And they just continue to tweak it, as new and better measurement data trickles in.
We know from the Younger Dryas,that Earth can undergo 'abrupt' climate change.
If we duplicate the conditions for which that occurred,we can expect the same result.And there's nothing in the paleo record to suggest that sunspots/earthspots had anything to do with any of it.
Once we have a handle on Fuel/Oxygen/and Ignition,we don't need to be in possession of much else to master the concept of fire.
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/
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09-18-2018, 02:05 PM
#2937 (permalink)
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Once I saw in Discovery Channel something about airplanes creates small clouds trail (contrails) that supposedly would have some role in global clime.

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09-18-2018, 02:49 PM
#2938 (permalink)
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contrails and climate
Originally Posted by All Darc
Once I saw in Discovery Channel something about airplanes creates small clouds trail (contrails) that supposedly would have some role in global clime.

Recently,they hadn't sorted out whether their albedo reflected sunlight away from the planet,cooling it,or held in the existing infrared radiation in even more,compounding global warming.
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/
09-18-2018, 02:53 PM
#2939 (permalink)
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How desertification influense global warming?
China created a way to turn some desert land into productive land :
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09-18-2018, 03:03 PM
#2940 (permalink)
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All Darc — Contrails are not what your looking for, try chemtrails. I acknowledge the controversy, but have no settled opinion myself. We did get a data point when all the airplanes were grounded on 2001-09-11.
The thing about sunspots,is,that they don't have anything to do with global warming,as concerns climatologists.
I was making a comparison between the electrical properties of the two bodies. Coronal mass ejections have more effect.
Red sprites are found above those thunderstorms/Earthspots:
There is some sort of energy transfer going on there.
Originally Posted by All Darc
How desertification influense global warming?
An historical example would be the beginnings of the Sahara and Gobi deserts within human memory. Climate effects are unquantified, but the toll in human misery is on-going.
The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse,
Sex-repression, Warfare and Social Violence,
In the Deserts of the Old World
Evidence for a Worldwide,
Climate-Linked Geographical Pattern
in Human Behavior
James DeMeo, PhD
Human Violence is Unnatural. Perpetual War is Not Inevitable.
The Human Species is By Nature Loving, Cooperative and Peaceful.
There is a Real Early Peaceful Period in the Archaeological Record.
The Concept of a "Naked Violent Ape" or "Violent Genes" is a Modern Fantasy-Falsehood.
Early Climate Change Towards Saharasian Deserts at c.4000 BCE led to the
First Widespread Appearance of Violent Human Societies, who have
Favorably Perpetuated Themselves over the Centuries by Conquest of more Peaceful Societies.
Those are the findings from James DeMeo's Saharasia!
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
Last edited by freebeard; 09-18-2018 at 03:15 PM..
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