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Old 12-26-2018, 04:57 AM   #4291 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
In 2006 they said we only had 5 or 10 years "before it was too late".
But before that in the 1970s we had to do something by 1980 to fix global cooling or it would be too late.
Somebody said something sometime?
Oh well, Now you can believe anything you want. Including that doubling carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere does not affect climate.

Some scientists say it is too late already. Even if we would stop emitting CO2 right now.
Current CO2 levels in the atmosphere and oceans level won't drop in a hurry, causing global warming to continue on, raising global temperature by 2 or 3 degrees and sea level by 50 to 80 meter within a few centuries.
Nothing can stop that. But we can make it worse.

"No it isn't so"...
Hold that thought, it is nice to have hope.
I just don't know for sure how bad it will be.

2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
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Last edited by RedDevil; 12-26-2018 at 05:11 AM..
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Old 12-26-2018, 05:12 AM   #4292 (permalink)
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Ever since the late 1990s I see a news article saying if we don't do something right now it will be too late in a few years.

I live 4,400 feet above sea level.
Not my problem.
1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
1989 firebird mostly stock. Aside from the 6-speed manual trans, corvette gen 5 front brakes, 1LE drive shaft, 4th Gen disc brake fbody rear end.
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Old 12-26-2018, 06:32 AM   #4293 (permalink)
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I can only visit the thread occasionally. Right now 108 is the last page, but sometimes it thinks there's 428 pages but 108 is the last that displays. Anyways....

I prefers R. B. Fuller's formulation, it's humankind's final exam:

“Up to now we have been permitted ignorance. We have been permitted selfishness. With selfishness to drive us, with technology exploited solely to make money, we have managed during my lifetime to brim 52 per cent of all humanity to a higher standard of living than anyone—monarch or millionaire—had ever experienced before.

“When I was born, a high standard of living was enjoyed by less than 1 per cent. And during this 52 per cent gain for all humanity, the world population doubled, so there was actually a 104‐folding of the life‐support production capability. And during that same time the life expectancy of the newly advantaged human crop also approximately doubled.” (Yes, that is exactly how he talks. Long phrases like “newly advantaged human crop” tumble out as if they were single words.)

None of this, he emphasizes, was planned. It was like the gradual assembly of the chicken inside the egg, to the casual eye chaotic and uncontrolled. “Humans do not see the logical interrelatedness of big evolutionary development.”

Planning is still not incumbent on us, not the way “Planners” think of planning. How events and discoveries will cohere is utterly unforeseeable. The one sure thing is that cohere they will. The “Planner” incarnates the human mistake of supposing that Universe is waiting for human beings to make the major evolutionary decisions.

What is incumbent on human beings now is to give up selfishness — the “me first” priority which could be rationalized so long as men were convinced that there wasn't enough of anything to go around. But that is no longer plausible. “There is no energy shortage. There is no energy crisis. There is a crisis of ignorance.

“My recent energy studies make it absolutely clear that by 1985, using only the technology available already, we can produce enough energy for everybody in the world, while phasing out all fossil fuels and atomic energy.
www.nytimes.com:Bucky Fuller and the Final Exam by Hugh Kenner 1975

All Darc — Concrete contains gravel-sized rock and sand. Mortar contains sand. There're three grades below rock: sand, silt and clay; and one of the means of greening deserts is clay that has been blasted by sound waves into nano-scale particles. Then there are other admixtures, like plastic vacuum miicro-bubbles or cork dust. So the cement can be mixed with more than air bubbles.

The shape you describe is an Archimedean semi-regular, the icosadodecahedron. All the 20 faces of the icosahedron and 12 faces of the dodecahedron truncated icosahedron.

The pink and blue example is a 3-frequency geodesic, with a vertex at the center of each flat face. The soccer ball shape on the right can be approximated with a higher, say 5 or 6-frequency dome (with a little guttering on the icosa-dodeca edges). The whole thing is mathematically definable to whatever accuracy you require.

Usually no more than 2/10000ths inch, or five decimal places.
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu

Last edited by freebeard; 12-26-2018 at 06:42 AM..
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Old 12-26-2018, 09:33 AM   #4294 (permalink)
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Some aircrete have some sand, but most it's just detergent foam (veru tick) and poortland cement

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
All Darc — Concrete contains gravel-sized rock and sand. Mortar contains sand. There're three grades below rock: sand, silt and clay; and one of the means of greening deserts is clay that has been blasted by sound waves into nano-scale particles. Then there are other admixtures, like plastic vacuum miicro-bubbles or cork dust. So the cement can be mixed with more than air bubbles.
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Old 12-26-2018, 10:52 AM   #4295 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
I live 4,400 feet above sea level.
Not my problem.
I hope you will get along well with your new neighbors.
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.
Old 12-26-2018, 12:04 PM   #4296 (permalink)
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Heartland Institute

Originally Posted by sendler View Post
Did I write this article? :wink: Finally a report that knows the difference between total electricity and total energy. All true I am afraid.
"The dream of supplying Germany with mainly green energy from sunshine and wind turns out to be nothing but a fading illusion. Solar and wind power today covers only 27% of electricity consumption and only 5% of Germany's total energy needs, while impairing reliability and raising electricity prices to among the highest in the world."
That's another Koch family creation?
Germany has reported that on a good day,their renewables have carried 75% of the total national electrical load.
With more and more European/African grid-inter-ties it will only get better.
The foreign nation who operates Germany's coal-fired power plants hopes to dump them on the market,and expand offshore wind with the proceeds.
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Old 12-26-2018, 12:13 PM   #4297 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redneck View Post
I agree.

However, Gore’s father isn’t who I was referring to.

Al Gore and his partner from Goldman Sachs tried (still trying) to pull off the biggest scam in known history.

The Carbon Credit scheme...


That’s the “Inconvenient Truth”...

I thought that carbon trading has been endorsed by all UN participants all along,since 1987 when the IPCC was born?
Elon Musk sells his to major automakers to take some of the CAFE sting out of their bottom line.
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Old 12-26-2018, 12:22 PM   #4298 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redneck View Post

The Positive Externalities
of Carbon Dioxide

Estimating the Monetary Benefits of Rising Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations on Global Food Production


Could be industry-sponsored propaganda.
There are a number of research papers which have contradictory conclusions.
And as of 2017,it's been said that economists have been wrong about their climate related findings for the last 25-years.
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Old 12-26-2018, 12:59 PM   #4299 (permalink)
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So everything I .........

Originally Posted by redneck View Post

So everything I post is a lie ?

And everything you and the other believers post is gospel ?



So the guy has a B.S., M.S. and a Ph.D.

And he’s unqualified to have a opinion ?

Oh yeah I forgot.

He’s not part of the “cult”.

My bad...

No,that's not it at all.It's just that there are other voices out there,who've done research on this topic and results are mixed,conditional,contextual.
There will be 'winners' and 'losers',and the consensus is that there will be more losers.
I'm compiling data,by topic,and will have some things to share,but I can't seem to keep up with the wide spectrum of climate-related subjects that come across this thread.
Off the top of my head,climate/crop research reported:
*soil moisture issues/crop failure
*heat-related plant isoprene/ground-level ozone crop destruction.
*Atmospheric CO2 concentration growth acceleration,then plateauing,and zero additional benefit
*planting time disasters
*pollinator disasters
*temperature-related photosynthetic growth arrest at 104-F.
*heat wilt
*heat kill
*vertical temperature dynamics and forest destruction
*invasive insects
*decimating airborne fungal crop disease (brown rust,yellow rust)epidemics,USA,Canada,Europe,Africa,.......... ..
*bark beetle forest kill
*pine beetle forest kill
*Phytoplankton UV radiation kill-off
*under-ice algae death and replacement by invasive phyto- and zoo-plankton
*oceanic algal blooms(driven by increased winds)
*heat-related deaths of farm workers due to temperature/humidity-related renal failure.
*atmospheric river-related,extreme rain events/crop decimation
*sea-level rise,saltwater intrusion onto arable farm land/crop destruction
*ditto,groundwater/irrigation water fouling and loss of irrigation capability/crop failure
*flood interference with crop harvesting
I don't remember it all.
It's a very complex issue.
Every opinion is important and it makes for good science and education so please keep sharing,and don't take anything personal.We're just talkin'.
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Old 12-26-2018, 01:06 PM   #4300 (permalink)
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Uncle Jordan's money :


And people still give hin money on Patreon, despite he made much more than Patreon and enough to a wealth life style.
Ohhnnn, he is in such need of money to make videos and speak ... (sarcasm mode activated) let's help the poor man...

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