Originally Posted by sendler
One weakness with the presentation is,no mention of 'The average input heat rate for fossil-fuel steam-electric power plant generation.'
Utility-scale electric power generation requires 3.195 kWh worth of fossil-fuel heat energy to produce 1-kWh of net electrical output.68.7% of the fuel's energy is lost at the stack,cooling tower,pond,lake,ocean.
As of 2014,over 589-GW worth of US electric energy potential was lost this way.
If fossil-fuels were not part of the energy mix in 2014 electrical generation,the overall energy demand of the US could have been reduced by the quadrillion-Btu equivalence of 589-GW.
In a 30-year renewable energy transition scenario,BEVs would cost 14.4% more up front,but would ultimately save the owner 25.4% on the back end.A $366,943,461,500/year savings on fuel,every year,for 30-years.
All residential,commercial,and industrial energy needs could be provided with 66% less energy production.
According to the Republican Party,the Green New Deal,carried on over a 30-year timetable,would cost $2.30/day,per capita.The price of a 20-oz soda at a convenience store.
Presently,Americans spend $878,105,000,000/year on petroleum pipelines,refining,and oilfield services.
Home heating and air conditioning loads can be cut in half.What's left over can be served with 1/4 of present consumption.
As of December,2018,five-million BEVs had been sold,added to hybrids,and plug-in hybrids.It's a start.
Eight 'US' coal companies have already filed for bankruptcy this year.We'll have to see who's going to do,and pay for the coal-mine land reclamation mine owners are responsible for.
We have an estimated 1,000,000 'orphaned' oilwells which American taxpayers are going to have to pay to properly plug,or risk irrepairable harm to aquifers.Plus a lot of steel well casing abandoned in the ground which can't be recycled.Another 'Superfund.'
These sorts of data routinely escape the dialogue in energy conversations,and
it's a handicap to anyone attempting to make informed energy decisions.
California wildfires have doubled since 1984.
Seems like everyday,there's some new,compelling reason to consider the rationality of a Green New Deal.