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Old 10-12-2010, 01:48 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Wonderboy View Post
I don't think you got the point I was trying to make. Of course no one would or could take a train directly from Boston to Phoenix (who would want to leave Boston especially to go to Phoenix? Who would want to go to Phoenix in the first place?) I was just picking arbitrary major US cities that are geographically spread out, just as I arbitrarily chose Sapporo and Kyoto.
Even with the drive to the airport and the 2 hour check in a plane would get you to phoenix 3 hours before that fastest train in the world would. I doubt it would be cheaper by train either. Planes go 3 times faster than high speed trains. Trains are awesome for regional travel because they go right into the city and you dont have to wait hours for check in but over long distances their slower speed catches up.

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Old 10-12-2010, 03:58 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by miket View Post
Do you have a link for e3t? How much would it cost to build and maintain per mile? Heck if i could afford it i could fly the space shuttle to where i wanted to go at 17,000 mph.
5th post on this thread has the link.

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Old 10-12-2010, 04:37 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Wonderboy View Post
Here's some quick numbers from wikipedia:

United states
3.79 million sq miles
83 people/ sq mi

3.93 million sq miles
181 people/ sq mi

Our federal government would be responsible for spreading the tax money (in this hypothetical case for subsidizing high speed rail) over one country roughly the size of europe.
15 states have population densities higher than Europe, and many of those badly need good mass transportation (Southern California, for instance) and can't get it.

Besides, the federal government is spreading my tax dollars to build and maintain highways in flyover states like Wyoming, which has a population density of 5 persons/sq mi. What's the difference?

Originally Posted by nmgolfer View Post
How do you get to the train station? How do you get where you're going once the train reaches its nearest station? What a pain figuring all that out... Easier to just drive or Fly, walk over and rent bing bang done!
How to you get to the airport? How do you get where you're going once the plane reaches its nearest station? What a pain figuring that all out... at least trains can stop in the middle of a city and not 10 miles outside of town.

High speed rail is a pipe-dream of central planning focused socialists who believe they, not individuals should decide how and when people get from point A to point B.
Ah, another selfish teabagger.

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Old 10-12-2010, 04:57 PM   #24 (permalink)
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See comments in red

Originally Posted by Clev View Post
15 states have population densities higher than Europe, and many of those badly need good mass transportation (Southern California, for instance) and can't get it.

Southern California has a commuter train... some people use it too. Nothern California has BART which will never pay for itself... another white elephant

Besides, the federal government is spreading my tax dollars to build and maintain highways in flyover states like Wyoming, which has a population density of 5 persons/sq mi. What's the difference?

Highways are paid for with gas taxes by the people that use them

How to you get to the airport? How do you get where you're going once the plane reaches its nearest station? What a pain figuring that all out... at least trains can stop in the middle of a city and not 10 miles outside of town.

I use a car, then I rent a car. Its inexpensive and easy especally with today's GPS nav systems

Ah, another selfish teabagger

That is completely uncalled for. If I were a moderator I would ban you.

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Old 10-12-2010, 05:14 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by nmgolfer View Post
Southern California has a commuter train... some people use it too. Nothern California has BART which will never pay for itself... another white elephant
Southern California has the worst "commuter train" service imagineable... and this is coming from somebody who tolerated it for five years.

BART doesn't "pay for itself", but neither do highways. Gas taxes and other user fees only pay for 51% of the cost of the highways. And let's see you dismantle BART and put those 327,000 daily riders into cars. Traffic is bad enough in the Bay Area.

Highways are paid for with gas taxes by the people that use them
Not even close--see above.

I use a car, then I rent a car. Its inexpensive and easy especally with today's GPS nav systems
And how does this suddenly change with high-speed trains?

That is completely uncalled for. If I were a moderator I would ban you.
Actually, that's the appropriate response to "ZOMG communists!"

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Old 10-12-2010, 05:53 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Clev View Post
Which is why it's a shame that California keeps dragging their feet on it. It's a long state with a few very highly populated areas separated by many miles of not-so-populated areas.


These areas are connected by freeways that see a continuous stream of cars in both directions 24x7. Even a limited train (say, San Diego-Riverside-Pasadena-Visalia-Bakersfield-Fresno, with a split to Sacramento and a BART linkup in Fremont, would serve a massive number of people with as few as eight stops (none closer than 20 miles, and most 80 miles apart), and reduce the amount of repaving that must be done almost continuously on I-5 and Highway 99.

Absurd... most wear and tear on highways is due 18 wheel tucks (shipping). That would not change and the required repaving would not change
California is flat broke (unless they (you) tap into their 82 billion in CAFR funds that is) and they should not ask a flat broke federal government to finance their white elephants on the backs of future generations. Here's and idea for you... If you Californians think a wiz bang train ill fix your budget woes (Califorina and their "green economy" are losing 100 companies for every three that decide locate there)... then raise your gas taxes some more and pay for it!
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Old 10-12-2010, 06:04 PM   #27 (permalink)
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I wouldnt be suprised if China finances builds and operates high speed rail in california.
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Old 10-12-2010, 06:13 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by miket View Post
I wouldnt be suprised if China finances builds and operates high speed rail in california.
Highly unlikely... (There is no money in it). They're good capitalists!
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Old 10-12-2010, 06:15 PM   #29 (permalink)
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Cool, thanks. So, I'm going to Sacramento from Ontario tomorrow and that's... $151 each way? Plus fees and taxes? You mean I have to wait three weeks if I want a decent price? And then it's still $79 one way. But I was told that Southwest was going to solve all of my regional travel problems!

Absurd... most wear and tear on highways is due 18 wheel tucks (shipping). That would not change and the required repaving would not change
There are 6-9 times as many cars as trucks on I-5.

Originally Posted by nmgolfer View Post
California is flat broke (unless they (you) tap into their 82 billion in CAFR funds that is) and they should not ask a flat broke federal government to finance their white elephants on the backs of future generations. Here's and idea for you... If you Californians think a wiz bang train ill fix your budget woes (Califorina and their "green economy" are losing 100 companies for every three that decide locate there)... then raise your gas taxes some more and pay for it!
That's funny, coming from somebody in a state that gets $2.05 in federal money for every $1 in federal taxes they pay. Maybe if we weren't bankrolling the welfare states we'd have more money to spend around here.

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Old 10-13-2010, 11:13 AM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Clev View Post
Cool, thanks. So, I'm going to Sacramento from Ontario tomorrow and that's... $151 each way? Plus fees and taxes? You mean I have to wait three weeks if I want a decent price? And then it's still $79 one way. But I was told that Southwest was going to solve all of my regional travel problems!

Plan ahead or DRIVE... 151 each way is CHEEP compared to hundreds of billions in rail infrastructure. Not good enough? Take the bus then if you're afraid of flying..

There are 6-9 times as many cars as trucks on I-5.

Cars, being MUCH lighter don't wear out the highways the way trucks do

That's funny, coming from somebody in a state that gets $2.05 in federal money for every $1 in federal taxes they pay. Maybe if we weren't bankrolling the welfare states we'd have more money to spend around here.
Those are liars statistics. New Mexico, happens to be the location of two National Laboratories and numerous military installations. Those are the major employers. Is that welfare? Only in the sense the the Military Industrial Congressional Complex is corporate welfare and franky I would not mind a bit if the whole darn war machine were moth-balled permanently.

Fact is California once was the golden state. I've lived a good chunk of my life there but its full of self centered people who passed things like Prop 13 that led directly to its current state of decline. A high speed train between LA and Sacramento won't change that.

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