Originally Posted by Patrick
10-speed bike shift cable? Lawnmower throttle cable? Aircraft vernier throttle cable? Jetski Teleflex cable?
If you can find an old twist-shift bike cable and handle, maybe you can mount it to your gearshift. 
That is a funny idea. My stick would not work.
I have never had any luck fixing or reusing cables. I might look into it, but I think that the actuators are cheep (and I have them). The issue with then is that they have no holding force once the power is removed. I would think that running them powered up (but not moving) for more than a few min would burn them up.
So I need some sort of lock device or friction device that will keep the vanes at the position I set them (by hand or with the actuator). It will need to hold the force of the air pressure generated at 70 MPH and still be movable by the actuator (which has a very strong push/pull force).
If I went with a cable how would that stay in place once I set it? Could the same thing work on the actuator?