I was thinking of a horizontal sliding grill block with two sections. Each section would be 5.5" x 9" (10 total length). They would each need to be slid 9" out from the middle (think barn doors opening). I would have them slide in a slot made from a yet to be determined material. To do this with my actuators which have a .75" travel distance will require a pivot arm.
Before I start fabricating it up I decided to make a mock up out of my large Lego collection since I work better hands on
Here is the mock up (with my Lego box in the background):
Pivot arm to grill block connection: (I think I need it to be a longer slot, but not much)
Bottom connection and pivot point:
Tools and Legos make a great mix
For those decades ahead of me in fabricating things, how does this look to you?
Any design changes?
Where on the grill block would you attach the pivot arm?