Originally Posted by ptsmith24
I'm driving a 1990, but I've only had mine hooked up for a few hours (and my original setup was hooked up for about a week). I tapped all four leads a foot or two from the ECU and have not experienced anything negative. Without the 'guino attached, and when you dis- and re-connect the battery you don't experience any problems?
Hope that helps.
--Humbled one with limited experience
Well, it's odd... what I did the second time, was disconnect the neg battery lead, unplug my ECU (so I could tap the wires - only wire exposure is RIGHT at the ECU connectors, no more than an inch from the ECU), and tapped them. Hooked up power to the MPGuino, buttoned everything back up, connected the neg terminal. Turned the key to ON, let it sit for a minute so the fuel pump reset and pressurized and timing advanced, then cranked it. It started up at about 1200 RPM (normal), but then dropped immediately to like 250, and the engine rocked as if it needed new mounts. Sounded not right, like the fuel delivery wasn't correctly timed. Killed it, tried again, same thing. Eventually the ECU was able to adjust so it would idle at 500, but this is still lower than the normal 800. Took it for a short drive - every time I disengaged the clutch, RPMs would drop to 250 before coming back up to 500. Once it stalled. Drove about 30 miles, no change.
Disconnected the batt. again, disconnected my taps, reset everything, car did it again, but over a couple mile drive, the ECU learned to idle back to normal.
This is why I think maybe the taps are bad, or not having the 100K resistors RIGHT at the taps, so now there's essentially a big antenna on both wires. With a more computerized car than one 15 years its senior, I'm thinking the noise is far more detrimental.
Can anyone confirm if 200k would be too much and should I just short the 100k's on my board and add 100ks to the taps?