Thanks for all the encouragement and kudos.
I am planning on trimming the bottom edge to a degree that is parallel to the ground (horizontal).
Originally Posted by cfg83
TomO -
WOW! I really like this one. Practical and pretty. What is the thickness of the Polycarbonate glass?!?!?!?!
It's 1/8" I believe. Very sturdy after I heated and curved it. I don't feel a need for a center support, it doesn't flop or anything.
Originally Posted by Tango Charlie
Very, very nice, TomO.
Why are you the first to use plexi? Everyone should be using this for kammbacks! 
It looks like the top follows the same angle as the roof of the car. Would it be better if it tapered down just a bit, keeping within that notorious 15 degrees?
p.s. Your wife is way too picky. It looks AWESOME. 
I was wondering why anyone didn't make one in plexi by now... I had some laying around and gave it a shot and am pleased with it so far.
The sides are not anchored permanently yet so I can actually change the angle of the slope by removing the tape and repositioning the sides. Once I figure out the proper angle I will mount the sides with an aluminum "L" bracket. I will still have the edges trimmed with Gaffer's tape though as I like the look of it.
Here is a quick snapshot of most of the car as I could get with my Cell:
If someone could photochop that wing radius on there for me (photoshop 7 won't work on my Intel Macs running Leopard) that would be awesome!
I'm not worried about scratches because even if it does scratch it still won't affect visibility as Coroplast would've.
I had this 4' x 8' piece of Plexi sitting up at my parents' cabin not being used for anything, so I don't know where, exactly, it came from. I imagine that Home Depot, Lowe's, Menards, or any other larger home improvement store would be able to order it or carries it. That size sheet is actually enough to make two Kammbacks out of as I only used half of the sheet.