OK I need some help.lol
I'm considering doing a presentation on my modified Talon for our local College. Speaking in public is terrifying to me!!! So I'm going to have a friend give the speech and I will answer questions after. I will also have the Talon there with a few props to explain how the modified parts work. The good news I have over a year before this needs to happen. Our local College is building a new massive Tech Center that will open August 2016.
My wife will help me write the Outline because my writing skills suck.

So my question for you my friends is how much information do I talk about?
Some things that I want to cover.
What is Ecomodding.
What modifications are used today to increase FE.
Chart showing of these modifications and how much do they help in FE.
Lean Burn technology.
Today and tomorrows Automobile Emissions.
Paint waste solvent disposal.
Just the thought of doing this is giving me Anxiety. I want to contribute what I have learned and pass it on in hopes it will inspire some young thinking