Originally Posted by FieroChris
so that would be 450uf of total capacitance. hmmm wonder if more would be better or not. adam sure has it looking pretty good here...
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I guess I will have to decide.
any feedback for a reliable source on Ebay for the CM400DU 12F IGBT's
dont want to buy junk.. and I probably wont know they are junk until the pedal hits the floor...
Again, posted in other threads, but I want to cover it in them all.
My wife has been in the hospital so I have been busy taking care of her, that's why I havnt been around to help answer questions. Shes making a good recovery and will be ok!
The capacitance is not as important as the ripple current.
For comparison here are the datasheets.
SBE 700D384 600V 1000uF
C4DE 150uF 600V
In-case there was a type, I will use the 220uF figures.
The SBE ring cap can widthstand 500Arms up to 70C. The C4DE caps are good for 65Arms each at 65C for a total of 195Arms capability. Keeping th caps cooler increases there ripple ability to 300A max
Now, The rule of thumb that I have been using is 50% of maximum current at 50% duty cycle. This means I want to handle 500A ripple at full power of 100A output. Im trying to remember, but i believe this is right. My mind is in other places lately.
When it comes down to it though, you will have a hard time having too much capacitor. The more you have, the cooler the cap bank will run.
As for IGBT's, I talked to sawickm a few months ago and we determined that the CM600 modules will work with the driver board and the bus plates. They are just slightly offset from the CM400 modules because the power bolts are centered of the cm600's.