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Old 11-17-2018, 04:11 PM   #3781 (permalink)
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Originally posted by aerohead

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
"My browser does not give me a broken red line for heatwave, but says that freebeard should be capitalized."

You should find a way to read them without going to Facespook itself, lest you become one too. That's what Facespook do.

Disruptive technological advance is technically re-arranging, so yeah.

I can tell when I'm being socially engineered.
Where does that come from?

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Old 11-17-2018, 04:32 PM   #3782 (permalink)
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did that

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Yeah I did that for a while, waste of time. Why do you think my go to's are cherry picking, data manipulation and data exclusion.
What's really important is how they want to "fix the problem", which usually isn't even a solution it usually ends up being self inflicted punishment to feel better about the problem.
Everything kept leading back to the money.
You couldn't have possibly looked any of the original research reports.If you had,you'd have bona fides from which to make more coherent,linear arguments.
Thousands of climate scientists agree that greenhouse gases are preventing solar-induced infrared radiation from leaking back into space,causing the troposphere to warm.
From radioisotopic assays of all the climate proxies,they know that the carbon responsible,has human fingerprints all over it.Again,if you'd actually looked at the un-filtered research you'd already know that.
Radio astronomers knew about the problem and nobody would believe them until Russia sent a probe to the surface of Venus for direct measurement,corroborating the radio data.
Reducing carbon emissions is the only solution.
And until you demonstrate a more robust understanding of solar weather and cosmic rays,you probably won't want to bring that up.You're batting zero so far.
Self-inflicted punishment to feel better.(masochism=endorphins?)
I do agree that there's a lot of money involved.The sperm-whalers aren't going to surrender to the kerosene salesman without a fight.
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Old 11-17-2018, 04:33 PM   #3783 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
I didn't say it, nasa did.
I haven't seen you post anything about data coming in.
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Old 11-17-2018, 05:11 PM   #3784 (permalink)
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NASA satellites

I went over to the Cal Tech, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA),website and looked at their Mission to Planet Earth.
On the first handful of pages they had nothing about solar dynamics-cosmic rays/climate change.
If space weather was of major concern,it might have been represented by a 'first-cause',front row and center,priority positioning at their website?
What is the take-away for a lay person attempting to ascertain the significance,or lack thereof,with respect to solar/cosmic influences on climate?
Would one have expectations of 'Front Page News'?
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Old 11-17-2018, 05:45 PM   #3785 (permalink)
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(ICON) Satellite

I found one site for a 2015 lab test of the satellite.They want $30 for the article at some optical society site.
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Old 11-17-2018, 05:46 PM   #3786 (permalink)
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(gold) satellite

I can't find anything for it.
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Old 11-17-2018, 06:47 PM   #3787 (permalink)
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Arizona Public Service is the largest electric company in Arizona and as of Halloween they spent over $30 million fighting the solar power bill. The California billionaire spent almost $24 million promoting it: https://www.pinalcentral.com/arizona...3892d05c9.html

$54 million could have bought a great many solar panels.

The APS ads claimed that California's electricity was horribly expensive because of solar power, but I shared a source stating that PG&E raised prices to pay for maintenance, did not do the maintenance, was fined, and passed the fine onto customers.

APS had a net income of $442 million last year. https://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/...nue-lower.html

"PG&E said its 2017 net profit was up 18 percent from a year earlier at $1.65 billion" https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/02/...ildfire-costs/

So, these companies made over $2 Billion in profits last year, at the cost of the environment, and consumers.

How do we fix that?

Prop 127 would have coerced APS to invest in solar, but APS would have passed the cost onto consumers, undoubtedly trying to prove voters made a mistake.

Companies need to stay profitable to stay in business, but I do not know how to guarantee profits, while benefiting more than stockholders.

Can you start your own power company?
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Old 11-17-2018, 07:09 PM   #3788 (permalink)
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I just find it no coincidence that icon and gold are going to study the interaction between the sun and thermosphere, then icon is up for a week and nasa starts talking about a lack of thermosphere warming due to lack of solar activity.
Coincidence? I think not.

You can't find anything on it, but I used to work with nasa at Langley on and off. I have probably only mentioned that a dozen times or so.
Just say a little bird told me.
I get much better information than someone with a 4 year English degree trying to compose a news article out of science they don't understand.
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Old 11-17-2018, 09:24 PM   #3789 (permalink)
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Old 11-17-2018, 09:42 PM   #3790 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
How is this germane to a discussion on climate change?
I'm here to raise awareness that we have a much more pressing problem than climate change that will hurt us much worse and much sooner. Which is resource depletion. Humans are already several decades into ecological overshoot. As was predicted 45 years ago in "The Limits To Growth". The best we could hope for now is an oscilating correction if we could let logic be the guide back to a simpler way of life where most people could grow their own food. But awareness is still too faint. People that even contemplate that there is anything whatsoever wrong still hold out uneducated hope for a techno salvation. But if the scale of our consumption is put into context it is obvious that rebuildables can never replace even a small portion of the carbon energy we are current blessed with. Not to mention the diminishing ore quality of several key minerals that have been consumed and washed away.

Because of only a 5% per year reduction in energy access over 10 years the Russian economy fell to 1/2 after the break up of the Soviet Union. Corruption and inequity took over. And many people apparently killed themselves.
It takes only the slightest trend toward degrowth in our current socio-economic system to cause a big collapse.
We are headed for a future with less. We will go kicking and screaming but it would be much better to guide ourselves down intentionally.

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