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Old 08-07-2019, 08:12 PM   #6431 (permalink)
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From physics,this variance in Btus or watts cannot explain the amount of energy absorbed by Earth to create the observed warming.James Hansen has studied this since the 1960s.The physics of global warming cannot be satisfied by the feeble difference in the visible and UV spectra falling on Earth's surface.
Okay, I guess it sounds to me like irradiant lack-of-forcing. [edit: I just got to #6429. I can see orbital perturbations.]

Redpoint5 — He starts the day off with pink ARs, but gets to Andrew Ynag's UBI and it happens at https://youtu.be/IwtHJZWYSP8?t=2448.

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Old 08-07-2019, 09:35 PM   #6432 (permalink)
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If the ice age is only 8 degrees colder then I'm good with getting 2 degrees warmer.
1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
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Old 08-07-2019, 10:06 PM   #6433 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
.....but it would require melt antartic ice (repreents 90% of world ice), all of it, and that's quite impossible..... ...... if temperature was changed up to melt everthing, Earth would be a steam room.
As AGW warms the Earth's biosphere, the atmosphere can hold more water vapor (one of the greatest GHGs), the first step toward a steam room. Therefore, water vapor is NOT the darling molecule of AGW deniers, refuting AGW, but one of the greatest bio-feedbacks of AGW.
Old 08-07-2019, 10:18 PM   #6434 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
I'm good with getting 2 degrees warmer.
I assume u got a/c? You can go 3, 6, 10 Cdeg warmer, till the electric grid goes down!
Old 08-07-2019, 11:29 PM   #6435 (permalink)
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Steam and water vapor aren't the same thing. Just sayin'.
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Old 08-08-2019, 02:06 AM   #6436 (permalink)
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Got any credible sources saying man is going to warm the planet 3c?
1984 chevy suburban, custom made 6.5L diesel turbocharged with a Garrett T76 and Holset HE351VE, 22:1 compression 13psi of intercooled boost.
1989 firebird mostly stock. Aside from the 6-speed manual trans, corvette gen 5 front brakes, 1LE drive shaft, 4th Gen disc brake fbody rear end.
2011 leaf SL, white, portable 240v CHAdeMO, trailer hitch, new batt as of 2014.
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Old 08-10-2019, 02:51 PM   #6437 (permalink)
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The Sun and global warming-Part-3

*2006 NASA's Earth Science budget cut 66%,compared to 2004.
*Feb 10,2006 James Hansen,brief dscussion of tropical storms....how NASA-GISS climate simulations showed heat, right where hurricanes Katrina and Rita formed,and theirs was not the only model of it....intensification ,Conference: politics and science,New School for Social Research,Manhattan,N.Y..
*2006,new European Remote-sensing Satellites,ERS-1 & 2 launched.
*March 19,2006,Hansen and Rick Piltz appear on CBS' 60 Minutes
*March 23,2006,Cybercast News Service publishes first in series of hit pieces on Hansen in retalliation for 60Minutes show,written by Rush Limbaugh's producer,Marc Morano.
*March 26,2006,Disney-ABC's This Week,guest,George Will,characterizes renewed interest in global warming a creation of 'liberal media.'
*c April,9,2006,Chicago Sun-Times fact-checkers let a FoxNews,newspaper column of Robert Novak fall though the crackes,allowing Novaks false information,lifted from Michael Crichton's,2004,novel,'State of Fear',a *******ization of Hansen's 1988 data make it to print.
*June 2006,U.S. Senator,James Inhofe,(R),Oklahoma,hires Rush Limgaugh's producer,Marc Morano,as communications dorector for Inhofe's Committee on Environment and Public Works,who's already used Crichton as an expert (sic) witness on global warming.
*2006,Senator John McCain,(R) Arizona,in his 5th year of trying to convince President Bush of the significance of global warming.
*March,2006,'I think the only way to get any action now is for the public to get angry..." Hansen
*April,2006,Greenland ice loss now @ 311-billion tons/year.
*January,2007,National Association of Evangelicals (45,000 churches) declare for climate action.
*March,2007,George Deutsch,Philip Cooney,James Connaughton,testify before Congress's House Oversight Committee.
*2007,Americans using twice the energy of Europeans,with zero difference to their standard of living.
*2007,plants and animals migrating polewards,at 4-miles per decade.
*2007,global warming advancing at 35-miles per decade.
*2007,Arctic lifeforms have no where to migrate to
*2007,all researchers report,Greenland losing 110-billion tons more ice,along with fast-moving ice flows,ice-quakes
*April,2007,US Supreme Court rules:Federal Govt. has authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions of cars and trucks
*2007,'fast','Charney' feedbacks observed for:water vapor,aerosols,clouds,sea-ice,tundra,permafrost,clathrates
*2007,Mountain glaciers experiencing 'Albedo flip.'
*2007,entire,700-cubic-mile Glacier Bay,Alaska,ice field is gone.
*2007,Alan Greenspan,along with other economists see some sense in imposing a 'rising' price,revenue-neutral,carbon-tax
*Summer,2007,Senator John Dingell,(D) Michigan,is first politician to broach the topic of a carbon tax
*2007,Cheney's point man,O'Donovan,leaves govt.service for Shell Oil co.
*2007,Cheney's Philip Cooney,leaves govt. service for ExxonMobil
*2008,Seasat laser-altimetry data now online
*2008,US NAVY's Geosat re-tasked for climate work
*Kyoto Treaty lapses
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Old 08-10-2019, 02:54 PM   #6438 (permalink)
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came true

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
I Google searched for a list of global warming predictions that came true and the only results that came back are ones that were wrong.
Garbage in, garbage out.
I ran across a dozen or so in Mark Bowen's 'Censoring Science' book.
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Last edited by aerohead; 08-10-2019 at 05:19 PM.. Reason: add word
Old 08-10-2019, 03:04 PM   #6439 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
The earth is in a constant state of change.
For the planet to not be warming or cooling would be unnatural.
What you say is correct,but the caveat is,the timescales.The Holocene period that we live in,has been very stable since the last ice age,up until the Industrial Revolution.What we're currently experiencing falls outside the envelope of natural variability.
In 1870 we lived in a 58-F world.
Today,we live in a 59.94-F world.
At a doubling of carbon dioxide(560ppmv) we'll be living in a 62.86-F world.
I think we're at 411-ppmv today,compared to 280ppmv in 1870.
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Old 08-10-2019, 03:22 PM   #6440 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
That's an interesting question; are we (humanity) more resilient to extinction due to our advanced technology, or more prone to extinction due to it?

My assumption is that most people who believe global warming is the biggest problem probably also believe technology is largely to blame.
I would make two points:
*global warming is an observed phenomena.It's been predicted mathematically,and the empirical data closely match the output of the General Circulation Models,forwards and backwards.
*Secondly,as it's been technology which has gotten us to this juncture, we may rely on technology to move us off our current trajectory.We have the technology.Congress and special interests have been the issue.
'(I)f they see an irreversible move to the pork....they...will be competitors with superior skill when it comes to 'reaching for the levers of power.''
US Representative,Buddy MacKay(D)Florida,August 9,1985

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