- Eco-Friendly 8-in-1 AM/FM Dynamo Lantern only $12 SHIPPED!
- Amarican made LED's?
- Solar Window Heater
- Hot Tub "Blanket" . . . while in use.
- DIY Solar PV panels sold at Lowes
- rain catchment + water turbine = Pico Hydro Power
- Pulse and Glide my heater?
- Home energy - broken solar cells?
- white metal roof vs traditional silver metal
- Be sure to check out my heatpump install
- This may be new
- dead wire in the fuse box
- Gaming laptop with lowest power consumption ?
- ups battery
- Accidentally improved KWH usage on fridge.
- National Solar Tour.
- recycle old battery lawnmower
- DIY Solar Hot Water Heat Exchanger
- Micro-Hydro electricity
- Full size to mini frig experiment
- Monitor real time energy usage with Google
- Home power monitors
- Manual Treadmills
- Saving water at home.
- Replacing home DSL with mobile internet ?
- Water heating using ONLY the pilot light
- Air-conditioning (because I'm a sissy)
- Cheap solar cell sources, recommendations?
- Got a new pool pump yesterday
- Lawn chemicals bad! How can we fix that?
- Water pools to keep cool ( no A/C )
- Aluminium foil window treatments!
- Super efficient fridge - need math advice
- Water heater blankets - still worth it?
- "House" for my A/C condensor
- How to affix radiant barrier to metal garage door
- E-Star freezers - how so efficient ?
- kill-A-Watt strikes again
- Tesla Turbines and water heaters.
- Hydroelectric dam
- Ideas to build a green masonry home?
- Cheap home made worm composter
- AC option - the Anti-Sun Roof
- Smelly rainwater
- A/C Rplacement/Tandem Alternatives
- Water boiling dilemma: electric vs nat. gas
- LED spotlights
- Heating water with a compost pile?...
- vert.windmill $ 400 / 40kWh - plugs in
- New 1/2 house A/C time
- Shorted out my solar PV panel - half voltage now. Help diagnosing?
- tweet-a-watt - a brilliant idea!
- Hot water!
- Mini-split heat pump end of season review
- Hot&cold water washing machines
- Use Washing machine to power toilet and save water!
- Tax credits to make your home more efficent.
- DIY solar - to - grid tie
- Excessive electric usage indicated! Help!
- Trik's Kill-A-Watt Thread
- Window plugs
- Water Heater Help
- Earth911.com, great recycling site
- biodiesel stove
- Google PowerMeter
- Cheap Killawatts! Buy 'em while you can!
- So after two decades of getting invites to the Electric COOP meetings...
- Saving@Home on your cable bill
- What's going on over at EcoRenovator
- Best water use ever!
- convection encaseing for wall radiators
- Electric bill seems high...advice?
- DIY Automated light switch
- Project! Pedal power bicycle generator, ghetto style
- Have you been waiting for PV panels prices to drop?
- Programmable thermostats
- How much energy do you use at home?
- Insulating a hole in the wall
- Recycling tips: Why not?
- Winter and Hot Tubs
- Water Meter for water savings!!!
- Mini-split ductless question..
- Power Supply Efficiency
- Some solar help at home
- DIY LED Fish Tank Lights
- FYI : groar's solar panels thread (EcoRenovator)
- How do I calculate cost savings on incandescent bulbs?
- Pestering the 'rents... About lightbulbs!
- LED X-mas lights
- automated thermostat
- New Generator Wind Turbine Efficiency 50%+
- why do builders put radiators under windows?
- Electric stove energy usage?
- If they are good enough for athletes...
- Mass quantities of food in the fridge...
- Heat Pump Temp Lockout Settings to Gas Backup
- home automation + greenishness = gooder
- PEX solar hot water collector
- Some Stuff we're doing for EF.
- Corded mowers work too!
- Cordless Electric Lawn Mowers Do Work!
- DIY Distilled water
- A/C more efficient when left on ?
- Before you even get a quote to replace a boiler or furnace!
- Has Anyone Built an Outside Air Ventilator?
- DIY heat pump??
- Attic insulation
- Save energy with DOW Great Stuff Foam...
- Washer/Dryer energy usage
- Introducing EcoRenovator.org! Like EcoModder, but for homes
- Gray-water for toilet?
- Insulation for water heater
- Solar cell panel prices to drop soon..
- Hot water from oil in the summer time.
- First house ecomod/improvement - added a switch
- LED lighting goes mainstream! It's at Wal-Mart!
- Solar Powered Battery Charger
- Any advantage to a new microwave?
- Lower heating and cooling costs
- Renewables are here to stay!
- Bought a Trailer!
- Using a stationary bike to make electricity
- Learn me about pellet stoves
- H2O heat transfer efficiency
- OT? Rain barrels and where to find them
- Pretty Cheap House Cooling?
- Attic insulation
- Ecomodding my Dad's Pond
- LED Refridgerator light
- Efficient attic ventilation
- Air sealing!!!!
- Brace Yourself for Future Utility Bills
- Reduce A/C load by tinting your house windows!
- What we are doing at home : electricity (light, computer...) and water
- Wind power testing idea
- Bio-Diesel for Home heating oil
- A/C Compressor Died
- Oil heat question
- Energy Program in Texas
- Ecofriendly digital TV converter?
- Wind Energy
- a second look at LCDs
- Turning off electric hot water heater when not home?
- where to get "kill-a-watt" etc. for 230V operation????
- Window unit vs central air
- getting serious on solar (looking for online comunities)
- Getting a water cistern
- Solar powered clothes dryer
- whats the latest and greatest on LEDs?
- Hot tub?
- Summer in Az
- Increasing mpg to save earth or try vegetarianism instead
- Home heating costs?
- LED Lighting is the way to go to save
- HELP: Any HVAC Experts?
- Time for new Well Pump
- Saving on A/C Costs
- New TV? Don't Rip Up Your Walls
- Geothermal energy?
- May be time for PV at my house
- How much for solar panels?
- low volume shower heads
- saving on computer NRG
- Eco-Shaving?
- huge drop in my electric bill
- Aluminum foil roof?
- Me and curvy plastic shovel vs 8.5 HP Ariens
- Wasting@Home - Confessionals
- Time for New Hot Water Heater
- DIY - Ambient Air Fridge
- ecomodding your workplace
- Saving power by changing computing habits and hardware
- "Rain Garden" Plans
- A Polluted Future?
- Wearing out the lights & taps through "excessive conservation"?
- Just signed up for Green Currents Program (renewable electricity)
- Electric Blanket to help reduce home heating needs?
- Article: A Big Drop In Emissions Is Possible With Today's Technology
- Review- Via's pc2500e
- Wood stove radiant heat!??!
- Toaster Oven Fowl
- Just bought a Kill-A-Watt electricity consumption meter
- Monitoring tools cut home energy usage
- Off-grid, "off the shelf" shack
- Gypsy Rose: a beautiful, downsized, DIY, mobile, off-grid cabin
- Individual Emissions
- The Powerbike!
- How much does your home fuel cost?
- RV Like Conversion For Car
- Laptop power use when charging
- Christmas lights
- How much do y'all pay for trash pickup?
- Signed up with a 100% renewable electricity utility
- hypermiling the house
- Save while you search
- Intellivent - Indivudal room climate control
- Saving a few watts - a few ideas that I use around the house