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  1. online traffic simulator
  2. Sfvisbf
  3. Bring On The $6 Gallon Of Gas
  4. Funny Video
  5. Cd Player Stolen! Glass Broke!
  6. Who knows JS?
  7. What's This?!?
  8. $105 oil
  9. Word of the Day..
  10. Peltier Cooler/Heater!
  11. anyone hear about this
  12. Life in the "Legal Lane"
  13. Honk and the finger
  14. Photoshop for Designing Mods
  15. Wish me luck!
  16. Units of Measure
  17. Hybrids vs. Diesel shootout (Prius II vs Honda Civic iCDTi Turbo-diesel)
  18. For fans of the college world series
  19. You know it's cold when....
  20. Smart vs S Class
  21. What RSS feeds do you follow?
  22. Off-Road Test: '08 Jeep Grand Cherokee (Rally Race)
  23. Record High Gas Prices?
  24. Your morning chuckle: Ford's virtual showroom, now with Fuel Efficiency selector!
  25. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr................
  26. Woo Vacuum Pump!
  27. The Prius makes it to GTA IV
  28. Ethanol kills grain food market
  29. Watch TV online
  30. New job starting - less time on line
  31. Gas Price charting link
  32. Fidel Castro Resigned!
  33. How bad is it getting?
  34. COLD! C.V.T. Analysis.
  35. Alberta Oil Sands
  36. Airlines look to alternate fuels
  37. New Prius 1/x
  38. Americans get serious about using less gas
  39. Neat video: if you like clever, minimalistic autos... check out this furniture!
  40. Just Married
  41. A game of Desktop Tower Defense anyone?
  42. Super Metro (powered by CBR 600 superbike engine)
  43. If you're going to fiddle with taxes...
  44. Economics of New Car buying
  45. Video: um... electric, submersible Lotus Elise. No, really.
  46. Bob Lutz calls global warming crock of [bad word]
  47. Valentines Day is Upon Us!
  48. U.S. fertilizer prices hit all time highs.
  49. gas importing
  50. Hummer Tank
  51. Gas Price Photo
  52. I must be a nerd...
  53. News: Shell rationing gasoline, diesel in Western Canada
  54. Chavez Cuts Exxon -- and us?
  55. Screech from Saved by the Bell
  56. Peak Oil
  57. More Smart car publicity
  58. Cost of Gas VS Cost of Food
  59. Very clever knee brace generator - 5 watts while walking - no extra effort.
  60. Home page at EM
  61. Snow!
  62. 0MGZ, no t3h w1ndzzz!
  63. Some humour for us gas savers
  64. Your ideal home/property
  65. Low faith in biofuels for climate
  66. Quick Review: '07 Chrysler Crossfire
  67. Economy drifting
  68. An impending implosion?
  69. The Bad with the Good
  70. Any diggers here I should add to my friend list?
  71. ZEV Independence from Oil Rally
  72. Is There Anything We can ALL AGREE Upon? (Invitation to sign ZEV petition)
  73. Spotted 2 smart cars in the past week
  74. Toyota concept aero truck
  75. Video: icy bridge in Knoxville TN takes out RWD trucks & SUV's
  76. Plan B 3.0
  77. You know it's REAL cold when...
  78. 60 Minutess; Global Warming AGAIN??
  79. I hate when.....
  80. Posting and You
  81. Who else in in the Phoenix AZ area?
  82. Anyone ever try this?
  83. Book report: The Last Oil Shock by David Strahan
  84. Thieves Stealing Catalytic Converters?
  85. How far can you go
  86. Those blowhards are expanding.
  87. $10 Metro on Craigslist. Project car, anyone?
  88. bought a new beater saturn
  89. Federal Government Considering Fuel Tax Increase
  90. Silly Dartmouth kids...
  91. ABS Brakes Saved Me Today
  92. What's your eco-footprint?
  93. Congrats to RH77 for getting published @ beaterreview.com
  94. lack of Bike Racks (for parking/locking to)
  95. Hypermiling technique saved me the other day
  96. Driving with Emotion: Now Safer
  97. Highest MPG on your ScanGauge
  98. Metro/Swift/Firefly Crash Test Videos!
  99. They're gonna start this war after all...
  100. Chevy Volt Commerical
  101. I just witnessed a car accident!
  102. Electronics guys?
  103. Small Talk Banter - Charlie Wilson's War
  104. I love this site!
  105. Trends in Auto Marketing
  106. Welcome to the Solar Century
  107. $100 oil celebration
  108. Electoral Compass
  109. Article: Angry drivers torching traffic cameras in England
  110. News: Oil hits $100 per barrel
  111. New TSA Battery Regulations -- Yay!
  112. I moved to the city
  113. Direct Injection Ethanol Boosting + Turbocharging
  114. Don't die tonight!
  115. Anyone interested in doing a review of their car with an ecomodding twist to it?
  116. CO2 --> Baking Soda
  117. Swapping for Green
  118. Great site for recycling...
  119. Peakster's Geo Thread
  120. Whoopsies. Maybe others need a reminder too?
  121. Year end stats for Woo
  122. Ugent Assistance Needed! Delayed Enlistment Program + Army
  123. Introducing collegevegan.com
  124. Interesting videos
  125. Video: Peugeot ecomodding commercial
  126. Anyone have wordpress blog experience?
  127. Merry Christmas!
  128. Social bookmarking (Digg, SU, reddit, etc) users check in!
  129. Happy winter/summer solstice, everybody!
  130. Why my gas mileage sucks. Big time.
  131. My kingdom for a giant, heated workspace
  132. Proof that my dad has gone crazy.
  133. Advanced auto parts
  134. Funny EM Google ad
  135. Where are you located (Frapper map)
  136. Well, this will certainly get 'em to slow down...
  137. How It All Ends
  138. My Favorite Designer
  139. Japanese TV
  140. It is what it is
  141. Anyone been published?
  142. No Country for Old Men
  143. Living with Expensive Gasoline
  144. Google's Search for Sustainability
  145. Throwing a thread in here.