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  1. Have you ever replaced cells to fix a dead laptop battery?
  2. Rant- No product specs
  3. Reminder Facebook Marketplace Sucks
  4. New Law Will Install Kill Switches In All New Cars
  5. My Accord fell off of my jackstands.
  6. Trucks and Snow
  7. What do you think killed my Accord?
  8. Valles Marineris
  9. Washing machine made horrible noise looks to be full of gravel
  10. What is the worst Christmas gift you have received?
  11. Setting up Roku LE without a Pc or device
  12. ChrisFix is promoting a $700 ethanol conversion kit
  13. Feeling “Nostalgic” Retrostation PC Appears to be Euro Only
  14. 2021 US Hurricane season
  15. Singer Machine Reviews 2021
  16. El Salvador is building a cryptocurrency-fueled and geothermally-powered Bitcoin City
  17. Divest in snowmobile stock?
  18. My Camry was in a fender, hood, bumper, and headlight bender
  19. Rolling coal violations
  20. publish fake science for a fee
  21. Spamming like it’s 1999
  22. Language and region in Facebook English but foreign content
  23. New Humvee?
  24. At what point do you remove the plates when you sell a car?
  25. Is the Ecomodder Facebook page down?! Also, my desktop forgot printers again!
  26. Coroplast greenhouse! :)
  27. Knight Rider somewhat-smooth hubcaps!
  28. Shouty says that idling is stupid. Now I want to! :D
  29. Augh – Car shopping is so frustrating!
  30. Cars.com says free car fax report but demands money, why?
  31. Is Keeping Your Old Car Better for the Environment? by Engineering Explained
  32. E-Cannonball germany
  33. How to move a non-running car sideways
  34. I'm baaaack...
  35. Why do people do this?
  36. Do Bots Lurk?
  37. Old article. The Civic VX: a Honda for the Long Haul
  38. The How to Make Everything shop burned down
  39. LED streetlights are killing 10% of moths in England
  40. Why aren't LED can lights more like USB devices?
  41. What to do if eBay itself is harassing you?
  42. Automatic socket sorter! :D
  43. The Genius of 3D Printed Rockets
  44. Disaster: A ¤%&/"# piston came off the pin on my brand new car with 1300km on the odo!
  45. Mini nukes...
  46. Could the loophole allowing imports of JDM mini trucks also benefit Brazilian coupé-utilities?
  47. What sort of shape are we in?
  48. What on earth is this?!
  49. 2020 Civic engine into a 1993 Civic ?
  50. What are you listening to...???
  51. Bob [He Who Likes to Make Stuff] made a slide-out pantry! :D
  52. That's genious! (efficiency fail thread)
  53. I can get 70MPG with this how..
  54. Colin Furze is digging a secret tunnel--with published plans and 4.5 million views so far
  55. Know what I mean, Vern?
  56. Is Ecomodder dying/dead??
  57. "Well, I feel like I should have the final say here."
  58. Rental Car Shortage
  59. Levels of Awareness
  60. Pilot program tests new fee to replace gas tax
  61. What would you do with a million dollars?
  62. Where car designers are getting inspiration from these days.
  63. Is ammonia the fuel of the future?
  64. Transporting Motorcycle
  65. Fun: help ID this old forged mystery item found under my house
  66. For how much will this house sell and when?
  67. Gone with the wind (or something like that)
  68. On the heels of the failed Puegot 208, any other hybrid air cars in development?
  69. How to make electric vehicle sales 75% of new car sales
  70. Think this will improve fuel efficiency?
  71. How Does America's Response to Climate Change Look From Abroad? | NYT Opinion
  72. Ancient precision
  73. Project Farm tried out an HHO generator (it made things slightly worse!)
  74. US Consumer Safety Commission reminds you not to flil plastic bags with gasoline
  75. What would you do if you learned you originated the Babby meme?
  76. Stranded in Mesa, Arizona
  77. Have you ever successfully used stop leak?
  78. What happened to the thread about a commercially streamlined semi?
  79. Snagged a free snowblower: Ran when parked. Not eco.
  80. anyone else looking forward to the influx of new users?
  81. Avoid Apteras Forum It Integrates with Wix
  82. My new home workshop
  83. Lucid Air & The Template of Doom / Why is Saudi Arabia investing in EVs ?
  84. End of an Era-- sold my manual car, went electric.
  85. Guess the mileage drop on this Prius C with loaded roof rack
  86. When going green is dirty...
  87. Solar powered LCD display (TV or monitor) idea
  88. Quick! What is the best superpower and why?
  89. If I get an old Ford F-150, do I have to resign?
  90. Stolen 1993 Civic hatch with aeromods... Update: FOUND!
  91. Thoughts on Yellowstone Park
  92. I finally got an old VW Bug*
  93. Are you grad school material?
  94. What I'm up to
  95. Did Shouty make a good summary of electric vehicle history?
  96. Can you test out this free CFD software ?
  97. I, for one, welcome our new Starlink overlords!
  98. Printing one off circuit boards at home
  99. GameStop + Robinhood + Reddit
  100. Google chrome fail
  101. What happened to the $30 unlimited tablet plans
  102. A zeroth-order approximation
  103. When the future of car engines looked like turbines...
  104. Chris Hadfield seems like a cool guy
  105. Understanding and measuring suspension natural frequency
  106. The electronics of my home dyno
  107. How do I install a light above the kitchen sink?
  108. Maintaining a car and insurance fear.
  109. Coffee roasting
  110. Cryptocurrency Mining
  111. Free VIN scanner apps
  112. Ford Ka mk1 tips for efficiency?
  113. Never Meet Your Heroes
  114. Good news in carbon capture
  115. Mark Rober, former NASA engineer, is holding an engineering class
  116. What the heck are Wahoo Walls?!
  117. Lagrange L1 - Global Cooling - Solar Power
  118. Is the VX a favorite of Hypermilers?
  119. DIY Murphy bed and desk
  120. Dog loves eating staghorn sumac, is this poisonous to a dog
  121. Buying used, instead of new for environmental reasons -Pros and Cons ?
  122. WatchJRGo bought the biggest automotive shop on YouTube for some reason.
  123. What are repairs that you have done in five minutes?
  124. The 10 Simplest Repairs You Ought to do Yourself
  125. Have you used noise-canceling headphones?
  126. Should I replace my circular saw blade or buy a sharpener?
  127. How do I link to a Pdf document ?
  128. Elon musk on covid
  129. Voter fraud...?
  130. Really? 6 door pick-up
  131. How do we report spammers ?
  132. You can't make this up.
  133. Flourless banana pancakes
  134. Time for everyone to get chillpilled. (re: politics flaming up on the forum)
  135. Cell phone fix and/or file download help?
  136. Morality and intelligence
  137. What is the most fuel-efficient pickup?
  138. Cell phone purchase
  139. Xist's sad, sorry soil sifter
  140. A sign from the online classified gods?
  141. Arduino and the like -- Tell me what I need to know to get started!
  142. An entertainment podcast Freebeard might like
  143. Carpentry side hustle?
  144. AC delete
  145. Physicists build circuit that generates clean, limitless power from graphene.
  146. What are currently the most fuel-efficient tires?
  147. My Random Eco(no)-Related Things Thread
  148. My home dyno
  149. California to ban selling new gas-powered cars by 2035
  150. Hand cranked torch
  151. Flower pot (planter) speakers
  152. Apple pairs with DuckDuckGo in New Safari
  153. PSA: When replacing the roof, park a dumpster next to the house
  154. Dining Room Ideas
  155. 8 second electric Mustang
  156. Stranded in Tucson
  157. Jack Rikard, RIP
  158. My pedal generator
  159. My pedal generator
  160. My new home office audio amplifier
  161. Can I save my laptop?
  162. Covid Project: Restoring a vintage 911 myself. In way over my head.
  163. Cracked.com says that it is bad to idle your engine.
  164. What Happens When Hope Takes Over Planning
  165. The climate change movement: July 28, 1995 to August 14, 2020 RIP
  166. Turning carbon dioxide into liquid fuel
  167. GoPro Inside a Car Tire (While Driving)
  168. Commercial sneeze guards
  169. CNBC Says only racing enthusiasts buy manuals, let’s correct them
  170. SAMs Club Selling Chinese Suppliments and OTC Drugs
  171. Blocking a Tracphone from dialing a specific number
  172. Who remembers the $100 laptop?
  173. My Current Jetta ALH TDI 01M vs Gen 2 Prius?
  174. Make a Vacuum Pump from a Bike Pump
  175. New nuclear technology
  176. Have you had recent orders canceled?
  177. Poll: Will this be a kilotank?
  178. Dodge 700 minitruck
  179. Hertz Bankrupt but...
  180. Minnesota Car dealers selling Canadian Trucks
  181. Sorry. Not sorry.
  182. Fbook Question, what is this circle?
  183. Any Chevy Sprint forums still around?
  184. How to make a hug curtain:
  185. Wisconsin Transfering Expired June Dated Plates
  186. Replacing Mom's window trim with dry rot
  187. Android is giving me month-old notifications
  188. Digital Federal Credit Union offers 6% interest on your first $1,000!
  189. Are drive-ins experiencing a temporary resurgence?
  190. Planet of the Humans - Michael Moore
  191. Has anyone [in the U.S.] received your stimulus check? How are you going to spend it?
  192. Micheal J. Fox wasn't the original Marty McFly! (kind of)
  193. Don't let your wives see this.
  194. Needz moar peoplez
  195. COVFEFE shut-downs bring radical air quality improvements
  196. Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) is Awesome!
  197. Whack commodities pricing
  198. COVFEFE might give us a break on car insurance
  199. How do I attach a handle to Mom's dryer?
  200. Working from home.
  201. Benefits of Covid-19
  202. Any good April Fool's jokes this year?
  203. Trump kills MPG requirements...
  204. Cheapest gas you've seen?
  205. (SAFE) Vehicles Proposed Rule
  206. Two Weeks in Costa Rica
  207. Is there finally a breakthrough with hydrogen?
  208. Does anyone else have a March-April birthday?
  209. More Ecomodders during a recession?
  210. Cosmic!
  211. The current generation of the Chevrolet Onix could be the closest to a replacement for the Metro
  212. Will autonomous cars race to stop light?
  213. Newbie hypermiler against the world.. (let's rant)
  214. Extreme weight reduction on a 1997 Civic!
  215. What’s old is new again... Ford Courier
  216. Oil prices crash 20-30% on collapse of OPEC/Non-OPEC deal, declining demand
  217. What would it take for the U.S. to enter a recession?
  218. Using your credit card for the points? Don't make payments too soon!
  219. WatchJRGo bought and fixed up a Metro! :D
  220. New Coronavirus - COVID-19
  221. Mark Rober built a car trampoline, why not?
  222. Have you ever heard of a...
  223. Now a petition I can get behind
  224. Can you legally turn a commercial shed into a house?
  225. Many Vehicles
  226. One stupid less in the world.
  227. Matt Risinger remodels a house for himself
  228. Limousine Drift
  229. Have any of you used eBay Motors?
  230. "Cars are cheaper in England"--Shouty?
  231. The aliens have been at it again...
  232. Airbus "Maverick" concept plane
  233. Is there any chance that Google would buy Tesla?
  234. KBB vs Edmunds
  235. Parents!
  236. Automaker support for Trump's CAFE roll-back
  237. An alternative to capital punishment.
  238. Had LIFEPO4 battery became cheapper ???
  239. Cars seen on tv.... What is it?
  240. Linus Tech Tips hit 10m subscribers, Linus compared himself to Walter White (in a bad way) and retirement
  241. Full Spectrum Sun Energy Capture. But hydrogen sucks...
  242. Watch this guy frame a big house all by himself in the snow!
  243. Rachel from Card Services
  244. Help With Wiring
  245. You can now buy custom-manufactured tiny homes--in some parts of L.A. City
  246. The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs
  247. What is the best vehicle for commuting?
  248. Samsung is bringing back removable batteries!
  249. How you start a Whirlpool Gold Series dishwasher?!
  250. Even Sony may be making electric cars!