- Have you ever replaced cells to fix a dead laptop battery?
- Rant- No product specs
- Reminder Facebook Marketplace Sucks
- New Law Will Install Kill Switches In All New Cars
- My Accord fell off of my jackstands.
- Trucks and Snow
- What do you think killed my Accord?
- Valles Marineris
- Washing machine made horrible noise looks to be full of gravel
- What is the worst Christmas gift you have received?
- Setting up Roku LE without a Pc or device
- ChrisFix is promoting a $700 ethanol conversion kit
- Feeling “Nostalgic” Retrostation PC Appears to be Euro Only
- 2021 US Hurricane season
- Singer Machine Reviews 2021
- El Salvador is building a cryptocurrency-fueled and geothermally-powered Bitcoin City
- Divest in snowmobile stock?
- My Camry was in a fender, hood, bumper, and headlight bender
- Rolling coal violations
- publish fake science for a fee
- Spamming like it’s 1999
- Language and region in Facebook English but foreign content
- New Humvee?
- At what point do you remove the plates when you sell a car?
- Is the Ecomodder Facebook page down?! Also, my desktop forgot printers again!
- Coroplast greenhouse! :)
- Knight Rider somewhat-smooth hubcaps!
- Shouty says that idling is stupid. Now I want to! :D
- Augh – Car shopping is so frustrating!
- Cars.com says free car fax report but demands money, why?
- Is Keeping Your Old Car Better for the Environment? by Engineering Explained
- E-Cannonball germany
- How to move a non-running car sideways
- I'm baaaack...
- Why do people do this?
- Do Bots Lurk?
- Old article. The Civic VX: a Honda for the Long Haul
- The How to Make Everything shop burned down
- LED streetlights are killing 10% of moths in England
- Why aren't LED can lights more like USB devices?
- What to do if eBay itself is harassing you?
- Automatic socket sorter! :D
- The Genius of 3D Printed Rockets
- Disaster: A ¤%&/"# piston came off the pin on my brand new car with 1300km on the odo!
- Mini nukes...
- Could the loophole allowing imports of JDM mini trucks also benefit Brazilian coupé-utilities?
- What sort of shape are we in?
- What on earth is this?!
- 2020 Civic engine into a 1993 Civic ?
- What are you listening to...???
- Bob [He Who Likes to Make Stuff] made a slide-out pantry! :D
- That's genious! (efficiency fail thread)
- I can get 70MPG with this how..
- Colin Furze is digging a secret tunnel--with published plans and 4.5 million views so far
- Know what I mean, Vern?
- Is Ecomodder dying/dead??
- "Well, I feel like I should have the final say here."
- Rental Car Shortage
- Levels of Awareness
- Pilot program tests new fee to replace gas tax
- What would you do with a million dollars?
- Where car designers are getting inspiration from these days.
- Is ammonia the fuel of the future?
- Transporting Motorcycle
- Fun: help ID this old forged mystery item found under my house
- For how much will this house sell and when?
- Gone with the wind (or something like that)
- On the heels of the failed Puegot 208, any other hybrid air cars in development?
- How to make electric vehicle sales 75% of new car sales
- Think this will improve fuel efficiency?
- How Does America's Response to Climate Change Look From Abroad? | NYT Opinion
- Ancient precision
- Project Farm tried out an HHO generator (it made things slightly worse!)
- US Consumer Safety Commission reminds you not to flil plastic bags with gasoline
- What would you do if you learned you originated the Babby meme?
- Stranded in Mesa, Arizona
- Have you ever successfully used stop leak?
- What happened to the thread about a commercially streamlined semi?
- Snagged a free snowblower: Ran when parked. Not eco.
- anyone else looking forward to the influx of new users?
- Avoid Apteras Forum It Integrates with Wix
- My new home workshop
- Lucid Air & The Template of Doom / Why is Saudi Arabia investing in EVs ?
- End of an Era-- sold my manual car, went electric.
- Guess the mileage drop on this Prius C with loaded roof rack
- When going green is dirty...
- Solar powered LCD display (TV or monitor) idea
- Quick! What is the best superpower and why?
- If I get an old Ford F-150, do I have to resign?
- Stolen 1993 Civic hatch with aeromods... Update: FOUND!
- Thoughts on Yellowstone Park
- I finally got an old VW Bug*
- Are you grad school material?
- What I'm up to
- Did Shouty make a good summary of electric vehicle history?
- Can you test out this free CFD software ?
- I, for one, welcome our new Starlink overlords!
- Printing one off circuit boards at home
- GameStop + Robinhood + Reddit
- Google chrome fail
- What happened to the $30 unlimited tablet plans
- A zeroth-order approximation
- When the future of car engines looked like turbines...
- Chris Hadfield seems like a cool guy
- Understanding and measuring suspension natural frequency
- The electronics of my home dyno
- How do I install a light above the kitchen sink?
- Maintaining a car and insurance fear.
- Coffee roasting
- Cryptocurrency Mining
- Free VIN scanner apps
- Ford Ka mk1 tips for efficiency?
- Never Meet Your Heroes
- Good news in carbon capture
- Mark Rober, former NASA engineer, is holding an engineering class
- What the heck are Wahoo Walls?!
- Lagrange L1 - Global Cooling - Solar Power
- Is the VX a favorite of Hypermilers?
- DIY Murphy bed and desk
- Dog loves eating staghorn sumac, is this poisonous to a dog
- Buying used, instead of new for environmental reasons -Pros and Cons ?
- WatchJRGo bought the biggest automotive shop on YouTube for some reason.
- What are repairs that you have done in five minutes?
- The 10 Simplest Repairs You Ought to do Yourself
- Have you used noise-canceling headphones?
- Should I replace my circular saw blade or buy a sharpener?
- How do I link to a Pdf document ?
- Elon musk on covid
- Voter fraud...?
- Really? 6 door pick-up
- How do we report spammers ?
- You can't make this up.
- Flourless banana pancakes
- Time for everyone to get chillpilled. (re: politics flaming up on the forum)
- Cell phone fix and/or file download help?
- Morality and intelligence
- What is the most fuel-efficient pickup?
- Cell phone purchase
- Xist's sad, sorry soil sifter
- A sign from the online classified gods?
- Arduino and the like -- Tell me what I need to know to get started!
- An entertainment podcast Freebeard might like
- Carpentry side hustle?
- AC delete
- Physicists build circuit that generates clean, limitless power from graphene.
- What are currently the most fuel-efficient tires?
- My Random Eco(no)-Related Things Thread
- My home dyno
- California to ban selling new gas-powered cars by 2035
- Hand cranked torch
- Flower pot (planter) speakers
- Apple pairs with DuckDuckGo in New Safari
- PSA: When replacing the roof, park a dumpster next to the house
- Dining Room Ideas
- 8 second electric Mustang
- Stranded in Tucson
- Jack Rikard, RIP
- My pedal generator
- My pedal generator
- My new home office audio amplifier
- Can I save my laptop?
- Covid Project: Restoring a vintage 911 myself. In way over my head.
- Cracked.com says that it is bad to idle your engine.
- What Happens When Hope Takes Over Planning
- The climate change movement: July 28, 1995 to August 14, 2020 RIP
- Turning carbon dioxide into liquid fuel
- GoPro Inside a Car Tire (While Driving)
- Commercial sneeze guards
- CNBC Says only racing enthusiasts buy manuals, let’s correct them
- SAMs Club Selling Chinese Suppliments and OTC Drugs
- Blocking a Tracphone from dialing a specific number
- Who remembers the $100 laptop?
- My Current Jetta ALH TDI 01M vs Gen 2 Prius?
- Make a Vacuum Pump from a Bike Pump
- New nuclear technology
- Have you had recent orders canceled?
- Poll: Will this be a kilotank?
- Dodge 700 minitruck
- Hertz Bankrupt but...
- Minnesota Car dealers selling Canadian Trucks
- Sorry. Not sorry.
- Fbook Question, what is this circle?
- Any Chevy Sprint forums still around?
- How to make a hug curtain:
- Wisconsin Transfering Expired June Dated Plates
- Replacing Mom's window trim with dry rot
- Android is giving me month-old notifications
- Digital Federal Credit Union offers 6% interest on your first $1,000!
- Are drive-ins experiencing a temporary resurgence?
- Planet of the Humans - Michael Moore
- Has anyone [in the U.S.] received your stimulus check? How are you going to spend it?
- Micheal J. Fox wasn't the original Marty McFly! (kind of)
- Don't let your wives see this.
- Needz moar peoplez
- COVFEFE shut-downs bring radical air quality improvements
- Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver) is Awesome!
- Whack commodities pricing
- COVFEFE might give us a break on car insurance
- How do I attach a handle to Mom's dryer?
- Working from home.
- Benefits of Covid-19
- Any good April Fool's jokes this year?
- Trump kills MPG requirements...
- Cheapest gas you've seen?
- (SAFE) Vehicles Proposed Rule
- Two Weeks in Costa Rica
- Is there finally a breakthrough with hydrogen?
- Does anyone else have a March-April birthday?
- More Ecomodders during a recession?
- Cosmic!
- The current generation of the Chevrolet Onix could be the closest to a replacement for the Metro
- Will autonomous cars race to stop light?
- Newbie hypermiler against the world.. (let's rant)
- Extreme weight reduction on a 1997 Civic!
- What’s old is new again... Ford Courier
- Oil prices crash 20-30% on collapse of OPEC/Non-OPEC deal, declining demand
- What would it take for the U.S. to enter a recession?
- Using your credit card for the points? Don't make payments too soon!
- WatchJRGo bought and fixed up a Metro! :D
- New Coronavirus - COVID-19
- Mark Rober built a car trampoline, why not?
- Have you ever heard of a...
- Now a petition I can get behind
- Can you legally turn a commercial shed into a house?
- Many Vehicles
- One stupid less in the world.
- Matt Risinger remodels a house for himself
- Limousine Drift
- Have any of you used eBay Motors?
- "Cars are cheaper in England"--Shouty?
- The aliens have been at it again...
- Airbus "Maverick" concept plane
- Is there any chance that Google would buy Tesla?
- KBB vs Edmunds
- Parents!
- Automaker support for Trump's CAFE roll-back
- An alternative to capital punishment.
- Had LIFEPO4 battery became cheapper ???
- Cars seen on tv.... What is it?
- Linus Tech Tips hit 10m subscribers, Linus compared himself to Walter White (in a bad way) and retirement
- Full Spectrum Sun Energy Capture. But hydrogen sucks...
- Watch this guy frame a big house all by himself in the snow!
- Rachel from Card Services
- Help With Wiring
- You can now buy custom-manufactured tiny homes--in some parts of L.A. City
- The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs
- What is the best vehicle for commuting?
- Samsung is bringing back removable batteries!
- How you start a Whirlpool Gold Series dishwasher?!
- Even Sony may be making electric cars!