- WPS wants to increase Electric connection charge to $68
- Watchout humans, here we come!
- Anyone can relate to this while having car problems?
- "The Versa doesn't accelerate fast enough!"
- 'Fuel economy in a retro Shelby Mustang!!
- I just wasted a BOATLOAD of gas!
- Should I stay or should I go now?
- Ideas for two trade students motor swap
- Are Tesla drivers replacing d-bag BMW drivers?
- Where to get low cost building materials?
- Anyone else striving for better MPGs by adding HPs?
- 1959 Austin Healey Sprite w/ Metro G13B engine
- Ecomodder's "strange-looking car" Makes the News
- Landscaping Questions Thread
- What keeps them up in the air?
- Geometroforum.com is unavailable?
- Costco Membership?
- oil / gasoline price watch
- The driverless truck is coming...
- Accidental warm air intake
- Ouroboros batteries
- enough already!
- Sleep late on weekends...
- I Fell Into A Burning Ring Of Fire
- Almost got fooled...
- A debt perspective
- "I could never...my God...Ahhh!"
- Got tired of the bumpy ride. Time for a new ride! (2016 Civic EX-T)
- Too much boost
- New Car Buyers
- Headed to Yosemite
- Miracles You'll See in the Next 50 Years, Popular Mechanics 1950
- asking tow vehicle advice
- Back to the future
- Def tax
- Slow Car Sorry :-/
- We are all machines.
- Robot Exclusion Protocol
- Space Hardware Club Crowdfunding
- Einstein is a real einstein!
- BP's Stunning Warning: "Every Oil Storage Tank Will Be Full In A Few Months"
- Spam: Moroccan used car ads?!?
- Parts Guy Rant
- Road trip!!
- Gotta change the house bulbs again?
- It's tu tu tuesday!
- The Future of the Automobile Lecture
- Into the Ether
- What's the Cheapest you've EVER Paid for Gas?
- Pedestrian safety vs bullbars
- Helicopters, Tricopters and Quadcopters
- Happy Coldest Day of Winter! (May your MPG improve from here on...)
- What Should I Do With My Life?
- No joke, gas 47 cents per gallon...
- I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.
- My life dream...
- Could anyone run a carfax for me?
- Ecomodding goals / resolutions for 2016?
- No Child Left Behind
- Some weird stuff [Locked]
- Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays everyone
- Fastback Focus pickup?
- Was I a fool to turn down this free maybe future classic? 80's Mazda 626
- What's Behind your Motivation to get High MPG?
- Thinking about a new car, looking for ideas
- Red smog alert
- Creative send-offs for the CRXFi?
- Faster than their tires can safely handle
- Q-carbon: a stunning new phase of carbon
- Snow : it's good for something ( showing the aero wake )
- Electric car charger recommended amperage
- Dodge 'scat' pack ...but scat mean poo !
- Happy Thanksgiving Ecomodders!
- Toyota SF-R - a Miata fighter concept
- Lead acid battery dimensions.
- garage sale finds
- Just for thought, but why?
- Convertibles are for wimps.
- You can lead a horse to water ...( Friend buying a Jeep )
- Anybody for VHEM?
- Tire wear causes massive pollution... now what?
- Looking for 1963 Le Mans Panhard Cd blueprints
- Car totaled - what do you think of this one for sale ?
- Where to buy fine strand copper wire (~18ga)?
- How can I find the author of an online image ?
- Renaissance Paintings recreated with auto mechanics
- Evidence of Harmful Effects of Chernobyl Event
- Why it's a good idea to know something about auto mechanics.
- My friend wants another VW
- It's not just cell phones
- Repair costs
- Levitating tools
- Converting earbuds to hands-free
- Canadian lawyers busted me over my art
- Confusion about iPhoto...
- Rolling coal world championship
- WAY, WAYYY off topic - cost of dental crowns
- 1971 muscle car war all over again ?
- The climate change consensus extends beyond climate scientists
- Older Versions of Windows / General Windows Discussion
- A database of fuel prices on individual stations in Europe
- 700 Mile Metro?!
- Now the other head gasket is [allegedly] leaking!
- I Started My Own Blog
- Is Kelley Blue Book realistic?
- Help me resist buying this insight.
- Why didn't you pay a mechanic?
- Please review my Craigslist ad
- Why streamline bicycles vs. just add a fairing ?
- ? How much EV1 DNA did GM put into the Volt?
- All too true
- Traffic-Simulation game
- Cruising toward Oblivion
- My car needs a sweet name
- Wow. I just realized that I'm over halfway to having a BS in EE
- Waaaay off topic - Iron Man,space 'sounds' etc, in movies
- good economy leads to clogged roads
- Any truth to "Women Drivers"?
- Armies wear green for a reason.
- ironic turns in life
- Backlash @ TeamZX2.com!
- Gas is too damn high
- Noooooooo....!!!!
- Receiving a picture message from an iPhone via a Samsung
- More california insanity
- Low miles
- Women who know everything.
- Commas and dates
- Does the driving style of "normal" people flip YOU out?
- Ecomodder.com history
- Motorcycle Cupholder
- Owning a Truck = Sexy...
- I see you see me!
- Well, it's official.
- Sister flips out at my hypermiling. :(
- Car Club USA: CleanMPG Northwest Rally
- App to predict traffic lights for BMW
- Electric car tipping point
- Adventures with children!
- Anyone know whose car this is?
- How do you repark an ATV? :)
- Subaru Mud Run
- Hacking a Jeep's electronic control systems
- You can't draft behind a Hummer...
- Mr. Money Mustache: Are you a Mustachian?
- Garage sale find
- A lack of sleep can cost you money!
- What's Really Warming the World? Nice Bloomberg graph
- I've Started Writing About Cars - Feedback Wanted
- Hydrogen powered steam car?
- Wish the U.S. got this! (Honda Civic diesel 2.3 LHK / 102 mpg US) record
- So why do you think there are no cheap basic cars being sold new?
- Happy 4TH of July Ecomodder brethren
- When you stare into the abyss, the abyss looks pretty stupid.
- Trucking MPG bonus $
- Stupid car ads
- Happy Father's Day Ecomodder Dads!!
- Ecomodder Members! What is your age?
- How do you think environmentalist /ecomodders will be viewed by our grandchildren ?
- Lexus CT 200h
- Learning to drive manual
- Driving for Uber
- Did anyone watch "Hear no Evil, See no Evil" (1989)?
- Baby Cthulhuahua
- 1948 Davis Divan
- robocars continued
- Is this a Scam????
- Bus dies if I turn off AC
- Air-cooled rules at Bugrun 2015
- Dead Toshiba Laptop
- TDI Tesla ?
- NSF Anywhere! Don't Watch! Eco-ride dating advice.
- Saw a guy from Quebec with an ugly Accent this morning.
- My predictions on OPEC and oil prices
- Really good SR-71 Blackbird / YF-12 video
- 3D printing meetup at Local Motors
- How can I make my own cell phone case?
- Stupidity Magnet
- Elon, you didn't think BIG enough
- Page of rarely seen prototype cars
- DARPA robots going through their paces
- Tesla belly pan VS concrete block
- CO2 rising rapidly
- Autonomous Freightliner heavy-duty truck is on the road...
- Built-in adjustable grille block for speed & efficiency
- I'm graduating!!!
- Modumetal "Adamantium"
- Subaru should not make their head gaskets out of kryptonite.
- Favorite Art - what inspires you ?
- Bumper stickers
- Got me an electric car today
- Whats your honest reaction to this seat belt commercial ?
- 1st gen. Insight vs. Metro comparison on rough roads?
- What happens when your Corolla odometer gets to 999,999...
- Rib Eye only diet?
- Homestar Runner is back!
- Toyota AE86 Value?
- Favorite memes
- I guess it's a lot like cooking............?
- I hate typical honda owners
- It was so cold yesterday...
- My EcoModded car on Google Street View!
- WTB solar panel for battery top off.
- What's the deal with Progressive Insurance?
- The Prius problem
- RIP old friend
- Daylight Savings Time = Increased fuel usage?
- What car have you owned with the highest miles / kms?
- 1970 lancia stratos hf zero
- Arco gas stations
- US gas prices near 6 year lows: guess what that means for the forum! (Crickets)
- Mercedes 1 Crook 0
- 2 off the wall questions
- Two cars, one goat
- DIY: Backyard Glacier Zirconia!
- Security OOPS
- Am I the only one...
- Post your winter pics
- "LOL - How does he change his tires ?" ( comments about wheel covers )
- Energy-Pinching Americans Pose Threat to Power Grid...
- iPhone and iPad to analog tv
- Rising sea level, melting ice or...?
- Replacing my laptop touchscreen again
- If you have not seen "Insane Mode",
- Video: mechanical gears found in nature (jumping insect)
- How do you drive courteous ( ideas welcome ! )
- uh... you think my Tierod end is still OK?
- Build a JET ENGINE using only a DRILL, GRINDER and duck tape (NO WELDING)
- V8 AWD Civic conversion
- Hell Cat/Tesla race lol
- 1,700 Private Jets Will Fly to Davos to Discuss Global Warming
- How to run your car at -70F
- "Recycling can waste more resources"
- I Googled my name
- Have we finally come to our senses? MSR Nuclear Plant
- its so cold..
- Burning feces at 1000°C and creating drinking water and electricity
- Won't let go...
- Will work for food!
- Happy new year!!!!!!
- Anyone Live in an RV/Tiny House?
- find another CRX
- The cars you wished you had owned
- Santa's secret
- whoops...what have I done? XJ40 pics on P2!
- This thing eats cars for breakfast
- I'm crushed!
- Valet parking?
- Has anyone raced their eco-modded car?
- Amazing barn find!