- teacher being fired for ... doing his job!
- higher MPG ... higher gas prices!!!
- I will never forget
- Calling things "Green" when it's just about making more money
- We we'rnt "Green" in the old days.
- A European in Cali
- August auto sales up most in 3 years, lead by full-sized pickups
- NASCAR Nationwide question!!!
- It's all over but for the sweating?
- green super car?
- batsh*t crazy drivers ... your experiences?
- Get your mpgs in order...the end really is near?
- July 2012: US oil demand falls to lowest in 4 years
- the concept of "peak Oil " is blarney
- Big Hybrids: Unfairly Dinged?
- Maybe this is why cars aren't designed for economy
- ugly cars that gross you the worst!
- Stick users 90% here?
- Car switching on TV/Movies
- Decepticon Jeep
- Name for hybrid/eco/highmpg club?
- Why is Ethanol such a polarizing topic?
- Rolling Sculpture Car Show, Ann Arbor MI 2012
- A good read on tire size
- CigLighter/PowerSource/Converter/+700wMicrowave?
- Are you prepared for THE END?
- As mad as it gets !
- A quality yahoo article: "6 common tire myths debunked"
- Driving Through Montreal to New Brunswick
- Your hobbies and activities,pic thread.
- We love our cars, some too much
- What to do with a Yanmar diesel?
- Hope you all have a fun,and safe 4th!
- weird police cars in your town?
- Like tubing? do you know new rules changes for New Braunfels??
- New Cars: Can't find one @ MSRP!
- FrankenJetta caught in the wild
- Fuel Prices 2009/12/29 vs Max Members Active
- Drivers education
- People on other forums are d**ks.
- Is this a new eco BMW...???
- Which THREE cars have you realistically wanted to own, but haven't?
- List your favorite SPORTS car, and why.
- Did/Do you build car models?
- Jay gets a Nano
- Things that make me happy
- Taunting the riceboys
- Surplus EV batteries??
- How is my neighbor driving a Seat Leon in TEXAS ?
- Slushbox dying. Replace it or replace car ?
- If ONLY it was a 5 speed!!
- Reality check: 3% of U.S. interviewees know what a "start/stop" system does
- Def not eco friendly.
- Mall Crawler in handicaped spaces Rant
- Well, the hybrid drivers know me...
- Nascar does P and G
- Ecomodding Across the Internet
- post your cars crash test
- Opinion about car purchase sought! (To teach students manual shift driving)
- Are you cheap in MOST all you do?
- How does propane burn hotter with fewer BTU than gas?
- Found out the hard way...
- gas to oil ratio
- Road Moron
- For Your Punography Collection
- How are you prepared for accidents ?
- Ford "T" Speedster
- Another 2012 Ford Fiesta
- Headlight problem
- extensive chloroplast mod
- Delaware to fine left lane campers
- Metro LSI with Scion badge and new paint
- The only way to redeem a minivan (This is hilarious).
- Ever been recorded for hypermiling?
- help on sons hybrid gokart
- 2015 Mustang? How is your stomach?
- interference engines
- The buses... They're watching...
- Merlin's Magic-mobile
- Mac users : I need a good FREE antivirus
- These guys need better editors...
- Life isn't always easy....
- Any Rat Patrol viewers, past/present?
- A Mixed cup?
- How do you handle insults ?
- I had a thinking problem :/
- Kids Toys/Gifts
- "Conspicuous conservation"? An interesting discussion
- F18 Hornet crash at Oceana in Va Beach
- Songs about driving / FE
- So it begins... 1st "you ecomodders are stoopid!" rant of the latest gas price spike
- Now SHE'S an Ecomotorist!!!
- Hypermiling saved my life! Well...
- Tv new interview
- MPG vs l/100km
- Contacting your congressperson
- Help Free Wesley Snipes!!!!
- How is it that motorsports are still allowed?
- americans want heavy gas hogs
- Looking for images/sources for speech
- Testing poll features and a question
- Gas stations in my town found guilty of price fixing. Do you think it's common?
- Big Brother will be watching you in...
- lost cause
- 1st big repair on the 14 year old Firefly. Advice: buy a used car with low miles
- your MPG system sucks!!
- series hybrid cooling
- Anybody We Know?
- Natural Gas Conversion Kits for Gasoline Fuel Injected Vehicles
- Placed my Bet on the Insight
- No Insurance? Taxes not payed? = No fuel for you...!!!
- Quite possibly the easiest way to lose 4mpg. ( spoked wheels )
- Whats Up with EM's limits?
- Feeling old, or tired?
- pictures worth a thousand words?
- Pet peeve: "clean diesel" greenwashing
- Just Beeber eschewing the usual big wheels
- Regulators to require rearview cameras in cars
- Anyone remember WPR special about making food from brush & weeds?
- Aeromodding with Duct Tape?
- Spotting Plugins in the "Wild"
- Wife entered Facebook design contest - likes needed
- Hi-tech cars: Driver distraction warning in US
- w Econoline production stopped, where do you see light industrial buyers going?
- Ever been given a free car?
- Weirdest car you've owned
- Random Video Thread
- Number of classic car owner 'out there' ?
- Civic VX turning 20, collector plates, collector insurance?
- Ever been ripped off/much?
- Feedback on a new youtube series about being cheap
- JAC 4R3: Chinese F150 Clone
- Is anyone a Programmer?! -- I need help with Wordpress!
- How many of you Prius owners are members of...
- Lady sues Honda over gas mileage
- Elated w Craig's List!
- Survey says! (JD Power): reasons U.S. buyers avoid Volt, Prius, Leaf (& others...)
- Dave; how was it in court?
- this is ugly...
- VW rediscovers the small car with the Up?
- Forget Politics, AGW, Peak OIL, IRAN - THIS IS SERIOUS
- This winter's best (so far) YouTube reminder to "drive safely in slippery conditions"
- Free book on "free energy devices"
- winter aerodynamic visualizations
- Any EM tweeting?
- not been around much
- 1995 Cummins diesel in 1965 Cadillac
- suggestions for printing tool catalog
- Reverse lights: how would you react?
- Classic London Taxi - Last Chance
- What is your first car...memory ?
- Farewell, Opel Corsa
- Happy year 2012 to all EcoModders!!
- Who do you hope is our president in 2013?
- What $250K buys.
- Is making a site promoting ecomodder.com inappropriate?
- 06 F150 sx4
- Typical Murrican Family Spent Over $4000 on fuel in 2011
- couple of things I came across
- Doyour Cd's scratch/skip?
- Favorite Automotive Video?
- Pet peeve? Cars that honk their horns to announce doors un/locked or alarm status
- Aptera employees caught destroying frames after company closes
- Female Ecomodder
- World's Tiniest V12 Engine
- You have one vehicle to drive, and rebuild for a lifetime, which one?
- Happy Fourth Birthday Ecomodder.com
- What would cause a car to not start when it's humid ?
- 10 Cars that refuse to Die
- US traffic fatalities in the last 10 years
- The stupidification of gauges
- Best car carnage vids ever
- Ecomodder bumper stickers
- interesting milestone
- Those Long Journeys - how to cope.
- The Concept of Ownership
- UK Fuel Prices Reduce Consumption - BBC
- New concept car!!
- Sustainable Ethanol production - Reposted in General Efficiency
- Hello.
- eastern WA., ID.,MT.,drivers, I need advice!
- MOVEMBER- changing the face of men's health/ choose my moustaches future.
- Any engineers on here?
- New project vehicle - 1951 Ford F1 pickup
- Does anyone have a 5x10 trailer? (or similar?) I have a question!
- Selling someting in the US
- anyone considering getting....
- How many % of your income do you spend on transportation?
- Third car-hall of fame!
- Possible new dream car!
- You Know You're A Hypermiler When...
- 05 prius
- Cutting travel costs
- Fuel Sales in UK Plummet
- ‘Car-puccino’, the Guinness World Record winning coffee-powered car
- The Images Thread
- (Re)considering the wisdom of automobile ownership?
- Neat to see new designs (to me anyway)
- DC TO DC efficiency
- Supreme Court Approves Charging Innocent Ticket Recipients
- Onetime Course: ecomodding, driving, and the highway in American Culture
- Coffe luwak from indonesia
- Reactions to your ecomodding?
- Reconsidering the wisdom of home ownership
- found an EV1!!!
- Tough (for me) math question
- New solar panel technology
- Can you pass electricity through Glass?
- RWD EV Ultracapacitor Flywheel Hybrid truck?
- Wastefulness that you have encountered ( tax write offs etc )
- EV sets record
- Traded the Insight
- It's been a while
- to soothe the savage leadfoot...
- Here's one for our own Bonneville speedster!
- Magazine Road Tests
- Most practical supercar?
- FE top 5, w $1000. cap!
- FE top5, w $2,000. cap.!
- Top5 fun w $2,000. cap!
- The 5 speed rental came back - still has a clutch!
- Frugality in the other areas of your life
- FE be hugged - Top 5 cars
- FE be damned - top 5 cars
- The fashion target just moved...
- LM358——Dual Low Power Operational Amplifier
- The One That Got Away?
- Gashole
- Our first renter for the 5 speed!
- Remember My Wife
- Whats with some of the advertisements here?
- Do we need a politics thread...
- Best shifter/ clutch feel ever?
- % Domestic
- Spreadsheet doesnt work-help
- I sure hope this works - 5 speed for our rental fleet.
- Feather Merchant
- Pass the claret to me, Barrett
- Spotted! ZENN with a tail pipe! (Microcar MC1)
- L.A. City Council Votes to Remove Red-Light Cameras
- Copycats
- Poor vehicle review, no F.E. numbers given at all!
- Funny Bumper Sticker
- Gout/Arthritis
- Was your 1st car good w mpg's???
- Just for Fun - Name that car !
- 24 hours of lemons in chicago
- Books for ecomodders and hypermilers
- Trackback?
- MPG? Who cares!