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  1. Happy New Decade to all the lurkers
  2. Do you like Elvis?
  3. All I want for Christmas is my right lower posterior molar!
  4. Consumers Ignorant, or Self-deceiving?
  5. Ontario man pulled 53' semi trailer with a Silverado
  6. ignore: Post has no content
  7. EV Credit Extension Bill ends credit in 2024?
  8. Are health savings accounts better?
  9. Don't mess with Mark Rober!
  10. I... don't like smart televisions
  11. Do you suffer from ILS? (Icicle Light Syndrome)
  12. Ford "wants to save you money."
  13. Pack up the family & pets and go for a ride...
  14. Are print magazines dying?
  15. Carbon-free Aluminum
  16. What would be the best way to spend a sick day?
  17. So, our mail carrier left the mailbox unlocked
  18. What would be the best way to spend a "Paperwork day?"
  19. Cosmic Catastrophe
  20. Why are 9v batteries so expensive?
  21. So, health insurance
  22. Have you ever made a dealership keep a promise?
  23. Insulin mafia. Captalism + broken patent didn't helped.
  24. Hold your horses: Electric cars won’t go mainstream, Honda says
  25. Ultimate LRR Tire but not for road use
  26. Are baby boomers conspiring with Toyota to destroy the world?
  27. How do cold air intakes work?
  28. Is Toyota conspiring to kill the planet?
  29. 7-14 december LA car borrowing.
  30. Have any of you been a freelance writer?
  31. I paid off my student loans!
  32. Can anyone actually leave comments at Torque news?
  33. AutoZone price-matches RockAuto
  34. Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot may merge
  35. Mexico drug cartel insurgents beating Mexican army in gun battel
  36. Park & Diamond: Foldable Bike Helmet
  37. Digital scale/balance with "bug"??? Help me.
  38. You won't believe how an obscure regulator may make gas prices explode in 2020 with this one trick!
  39. Equifax Used "admin" as Username and Password for Sensitive Data
  40. Another wilderness tower condemned because of disability act
  41. Where can I find a curved 90° hose adapter?
  42. I managed to scrape my rental
  43. So, an adult male client attacked me (and my favorite shirt)
  44. Fat bitc...h girl.
  45. SLAO, new technology for LEDs. What's the impact?
  46. Story ideas
  47. Storm of the Century?
  48. Currently on a Florida road trip ... random efficiency thoughts
  49. Alibaba
  50. How do I get paid large dollars to watch "Big Bang Theory?"
  51. Boy lost tooth, I helped hin and... ...found a "racist black guy"?
  52. The Two-Minute Rule
  53. Communication is hard!
  54. Some off-topic bickering split from the 'Peak Econobox' thread
  55. Do you have an unused car? Do you like beef jerky?
  56. I was always a "car guy". Crossovers & SUV's are ending that.
  57. National Microcar Ralley 2019
  58. Terrorist attack on Saudi oil
  59. Towing with Panache...
  60. Uber Freight
  61. Have any of you ordered from 1AAuto?
  62. How many of you unlock your phone with a fingerprint?
  63. Oh no! That's due today!
  64. Tesla insurance
  65. Regular Car Reviews does the VW XL1!
  66. Texas shooting. 5 deads and 20 wounded.
  67. Random guy fixes up a Prelude for around $700 total. 2.7m views in 6 weeks.
  68. Pro-life
  69. Newfangled Internet bed companies.
  70. +Accelerating and Braking with the Cruise Control Stalk?
  71. ChrisFix bought a Hummer, installed a 4" snokel, and crushes two Civics.
  72. Keep your toilet seat bolts tight?
  73. Solar installations may be a scam--unless they are Tesla--unless they catch on fire
  74. How does Black Panther punch anyone or run?
  75. Anyone Have Cat Allergies?
  76. Life Advice with Uncle Scotty
  77. Safeway is giving away free ice cream!
  78. Current Times
  79. "100% of people who do not save money do not have any!"--Dave Ramsey
  80. Who here wants to be next...???
  81. Have any of you bought ebooks of textbooks?
  82. Have you ever had a tire shop say your tire pressure too low to inflate?
  83. Can I remodel Mom's kitchen for $428?
  84. Jehovah witness annoying & "against prejudice".
  85. Grant Thompson, the King of Random passed away.
  86. Happy Earth Overshoot Day 2019!
  87. Ecomodder Facebook group
  88. I am early! What do I do?!
  89. For you meat eaters. Kind topic, trust me.
  90. Did everyone know the Yaris is a Mazda 2 but me?
  91. What was the worst college professor you had?
  92. Was the 2017 Hyundai Accent the last car with 14" rims?
  93. Beware of posting eco-mods on Reddit
  94. Bad Car Ads Coffee Table Book, the thread!
  95. What Would It Take To Go 100% Solar?
  96. Who is Kyle and why is my feed plugged up with this
  97. How do I remove Gorilla Tape?!
  98. Matterport 3d scanners (and a $200,000+ income opportunitiy)
  99. Sewage fuel cell
  100. Impressing the World with $19,000
  101. They're getting warmer.
  102. Sacramento County Says It's Illegal to Work on Your Own Car in Your Own Garage
  103. How many pictures of your face do you take at a time?
  104. Shouty features a Gen1 Insight
  105. Lab grown meat advances to steaks (small ones)
  106. Truckla: Simone Giertz' Model 3 custom pickup
  107. Can I prepay for more than a year of license tags in WI?
  108. Happy Father's Day everyone!
  109. Ecomodder in the Wild
  110. R.I.P. Butters
  111. I got my stand did you get yours?
  112. "Social Plastic"
  113. Electric Mower
  114. "Toyota Isn't Quitting on the Prius Just Yet"--Jalopnik
  115. Behold! My revolutionary sucky blowy thing!
  116. 0% APR for 72 months or [up to] $13,000 off
  117. Caller ID
  118. U.S.Congress fined
  119. What important supplies do you always keep in your vehicle?
  120. considering custom plates, need input
  121. A wolf in sheep's clothing
  122. How many of you have added insulation to your car?
  123. How bad does the weather need to be to interfere with cell phone reception?
  124. Wireless dishwasher
  125. Saving the world with 100 billion livestock?
  126. Towing With A Gen III Prius. Have You Done It?
  127. In Cab Operated Electric Telescoping Trailer Tongue
  128. Ethanol Fuel
  129. Israelis 3d-printed a human heart
  130. Craigslist will charge for car listings.
  131. Stupid Taxes
  132. Brazilian law to allow police shoot anyone with a rifle.
  133. 2011 Prius Rear View Cameras Question
  134. Any Rich Dad, Poor Dad fans?
  135. April Fools day
  136. Rear wiper...
  137. Hasport Project Epiphany 2
  138. what did you do for your fortieth birthday?
  139. Millennials or just young ?
  140. School shooting on Brazil Today.
  141. Florida - things to see?
  142. Have you watched any good movies lately?
  143. Get ready to pay more at the pump...
  144. Ford shutting down its truck manufacturing operations in Brazil
  145. Here we go again! Ford tells EPA that some of its own MPG ratings may be wrong
  146. Face bonnes development... Do you believe in that?
  147. Runge Cars - Handmade Aluminum One Off Cars
  148. Simply picking a smaller engine may not lead to an actual improvement to fuel-efficiency
  149. Where to get prescription sunglasses
  150. Chinese cars used to be like this
  151. Brickseek the most useless website ever created
  152. Architect / Home Construction Feedback
  153. Clear solar panels
  154. Have we discussed solar roads?
  155. Is Technology the Future of Education?
  156. How to live with one electronic device?
  157. 1 year with my 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage 5 speed
  158. Like carbon fiber, but from flax!
  159. Survey says: Chevrolet is more reliable than Honda and Toyota!
  160. Bike plows! Yes! Bike plows! :D
  161. Ryobi 40v snowblower will not start
  162. 4 New Tires - $80
  163. Citroen documentary
  164. Facebook group/Page?
  165. Do you think/feel Christmas & New Year as stupid???
  166. Art for aero nerds?
  167. Can you think of any examples of irony and sarcasm?
  168. 3000 nails instead of a rubber tire
  169. Everything wrong with leasing a car?
  170. Interesting kill switch idea
  171. Used Wheel Shopping / Winter Tires
  172. Three Cylinder Radial For ICE In Prius?
  173. ChrisFix replaces a Prius battery!
  174. Have you ever wanted to take off\put on all of the lug nuts at once?
  175. "Creepy old lady" at drugstore.
  176. Do you say "Turn right in 5,604 feet?"
  177. Any Real Advantage To Profiling The Top?
  178. Did big sugar have a "tobacco moment?"
  179. How do I waterproof plywood?
  180. How do I close Torque?!
  181. Researcher of new battery accepted my invitation for interview in this website.
  182. What is wrong with my computer, monitor, and\or video cable?
  183. Driving in snow.
  184. checking in
  185. DIY Raspberry Pi cell phone. But why?
  186. Elon Musk is donating the money for Flint schools to have clean drinking water.
  187. Any of you use vegetable oil on diesels?
  188. According to C-Net, the next Windows update may delete your documents folder.
  189. Why does the Internet load slowly on my brand-new laptop?
  190. Teenage self-taught nuclear physicists
  191. Any of you fly / race radio control drones? (or airplanes, cars, etc)
  192. Engineering Explained has lost his mind again.
  193. So, I forgot to charge my phone last night.
  194. FS: 1964 VW Beetle, 22 original miles. (If you have to ask, "How much?" you can't afford it!)
  195. Cutting Edge Science
  196. Have any of you shopped on Back Market?
  197. How do I properly fix this?
  198. Do\did your professors use rubrics?
  199. $3 billion Hoover Dam project to turn it into a giant battery
  200. Money Management Tips
  201. Do you like the iPhone 10's notch?
  202. Traffic laws vs wheel size and bulb light in your state - country
  203. 184 MPH on a Bicycle...
  204. Why does a modern "compact" car needs to be bigger than some old-school 4WD rig?
  205. lean burn dinner
  206. It's 2018...
  207. For which cars can you find inexpensive low-mileage engines?
  208. Atc
  209. U.S. Has 'Likely' Become the World's Biggest Oil Producer
  210. What are the famous design failure cars?
  211. Neptune does not clear Pluto's orbit.
  212. R.I.P. Burt Reynolds
  213. The news today makes me think of this song
  214. Can anyone figure out this video?
  215. One thousand posts!
  216. Shouty Kilmer says hydrogen cars are the future.
  217. Town of Weston Harrasses Residents Flys drones to photograph long grass to fine.
  218. So, what does the dishwasher do?
  219. Can a phone company require you to pay “installation fees”
  220. Why do you forget me?
  221. What is an Allroad and why can't even McGuyver keep one running?
  222. 10,000,000th Ford Mustang Rolls Off the Assembly Line
  223. Star Trek is Space Fantasy
  224. The laws of thermodynamics and ice chest coolers
  225. What is the best thing to happen to you today?
  226. What would you do?
  227. How serious are you about driving safely? How many crashes have you had?
  228. Losing Earth:The Decade We Almost .......
  229. Would you download a tractor?
  230. Do any trucks\SUVs share engines with sedans?
  231. Just a friendly reminder to check your lug nut torque
  232. The most expensive new car in the world has... rear fender skirts.
  233. General Vehicle reliability-query.
  234. Why does Shouty Kilmer think used cars are so expensive?
  235. Most efficient car under 20k?
  236. Security Cameras
  237. Ever read scientific journals?
  238. 1832 Steam Engine
  239. The brain is pretty cool
  240. Where can I find a timing cover gasket for my 1999 Honda Accord?
  241. What happened to Zillow?
  242. Pulled over for nothing?
  243. Do people get upset when you do PSL?
  244. I secured a table saw, but it immediately smells like it is burning
  245. AMC Pacer documentary
  246. Reforesting with balls of charcoal embedded with seeds
  247. The cheapest Ford GT you could ever buy
  248. What percentage of atmospheric CO2 is best for plants?
  249. Make Google Play Music not suck
  250. I do not like the Honda FSM.