- 92 VX CA to Fed conversion gone wrong!
- Honda Asymmetrical Wheel Hole Pattern; Why?
- Royal purple?
- Failed emissions
- Spark Plug Wire Resistance
- Coould this be a viable option?
- Running rich after cold starts.
- Toyota Urges U.S. Judge to Throw Out Lawsuits Over Sudden Acceleration
- Speedo calibration for tire size change
- Octane
- Good, fuel efficient tire?
- Transmission Woes
- Old school is NEW in car bodies
- EV from differential?
- 12V powered AC outlet timer
- Saturn SL2 service engine light rest help needed.
- Intrepid trouble
- Fresh air to ... the battery ?
- 'Pop-out' rear 1/4 windows for 5th gen Civic?
- Window tint
- Using Magnets to increase milage
- Geo Metro: need trouleshooting help please.
- Air conditioner really kills mileage
- electro car
- 2001 Accent cylinders misfiring
- what to do ?
- Honda VX intermittent speedo issue
- Zx2 radiator fan
- Poor Radio Reception
- Dragging brakes on a 1991 Corolla
- Real world results from exhaust and boost change
- Can I build my own 12V battery charger with this?
- Second-gen Stop-Start technology coming 2013
- New Flexible DC-DC Power System for Next Gen Hybrid & Electric Vehicles
- 05 Aveo - P0300 Random Misfire
- Jalopnik - How to get 99.7mpg from a geo metro
- How much energy does it take to produce a gallon of gasoline?
- Festiva - what to look for?
- MotoCzysz E1pc
- Hey Civic VX owners - I need your help - please test your egr valve
- CSX Freight Train
- Anybody Ever See One Of These Cars?
- Metro Windshield replacement
- Possible fuel related problem, potentially hurting FE
- hypergolics and hypermiling
- 1965 Honda 65 - mystery oil lines
- Looking for 2nd car.. Geo Metro info requested..
- Electronic vs vacuum/mechanical timing advance
- grit for berry hone (what grit to use to hone Metro cyls)
- The Easy Leg: Vehicle Efficiency
- Rust repair help
- Scan Gauge use in car shopping.
- Honda ATF return line?
- 04 prius won't start - red car on MFD
- Jalopnik: Why the Dipstick is Dying
- Are good used cars going up in price?
- X-Prize Public Events -- who is going?
- ive got RPM problems
- LED taillights, turn signals, marker lights & headlights!
- How do I Post Pictures
- Accessing front turn signals on Scion xA?
- Removing duct tape residue from car body
- the most precise error ever..
- How to scrap out a car?
- 1999 Kawasaki ZX7R Ninja Won't Start - I Need Your Help!
- Faster than The Wind - Using only Wind
- Shell Eco Marathon?
- Car Battery Tips?
- Blown fuse IDK what its for/already googled, no results
- Civic VX Failed Smog Twice
- I need electric help! --- How to reverse polarity?
- Supporting Ecomodder $
- Zx2 Fan- Always running
- Geo Running Sluggish....
- Lost a spark plug
- Is this a VX EGR control box?
- My new muffler :)
- super stoich, slow example
- Dragging Drums Alleviated
- are you supposed to gap iridiums?
- '97 HX dies randomly
- hard mounted fuel tank
- free version of a carfax service?
- Fuel cut off for Ford Contour
- I caught it in the act
- Integra owners, need input regarding fuel cut
- Cylinder deactivation attempt
- VOM as instrumentation??
- O2 questions for my VX
- "Country Brawler" Katana project
- learning (teaching) to drive a manual transmission...
- reverse in a manual tranny
- 96 saturn 4cyld..FYI
- '96 contour 2.0 zetech
- removable weatherproof caulking?
- Need Advice Buy Tools
- Can someone help me with my computer?
- OEM Gauge Update - how to set the ODO
- '95 Geo with black exhaust pipe
- heat shrink tubing..certain wires
- Interchangable Oil Filters for Echo (or any car)
- 93 Civic CV stuck in transmission
- ATTN all Civic Vx , Cx , d15z1 or d15b8 owners! * injector verification / database *
- Reduced tire friction on merely damp roads?
- air intake resonator removal?
- Steel screw broken off in aluminium throttle body
- little oven element
- Pedal Quad Thinger
- John Britten: the ultimate "modder"?
- .
- water in the spark plug well
- .
- New diesel tech to study soot formation
- self 12v electroplating car and two decades
- DFCO question
- .
- Metro carpet
- Cost of gasoline 11/27/09
- LED problem - what's wrong?
- What does the O2 sensor want?
- Cost for adjusting valves ?
- both sides of a metal sheet...
- Took the car to the shop, tips from machanic...
- Rust Alert! Clean behind your plastic fender inserts
- Name That Sound
- Oil leak at thermostat housing and cylinder head
- CCTV / Little black box project
- TaxiBot for airliners
- Making ur old gearbox and diff more silent.
- 25PSI? Yeah... forgot to check those...
- Car shaking?
- External antenna for cell phone
- Eco-Challenge: Plastic Mirror
- Fixed my oil drip
- test post to check avatar
- Did you guys know?
- Gas tank dimensions and profile
- Save on engine oil expense
- 97 Chrysler LHS (OBDII trouble code)
- Melted oil filter
- Lower your 92-95 Civic and still ride comfortably!
- New Dodge Ram Commercial
- Reverse Lights Not Working On Cold Start
- Photos of what I race
- Battery light is ON only on first start
- ECU question on modified Honda Motor
- Buying a second hand car........advice?
- Alternator help/questions '89 Metro
- Replacing headlight bulbs sucks
- Desulfation works a treat improving/reviving batteries
- Regular Tranny Grease vs Sythetic Grease
- Honda VX hesitation @1800rpm
- Replacing lost wheel well arches
- Fuel injector puller
- CL-S users?
- Maybe I'll get Samus, maybe not.
- Damn Saturn L200. P0105 and P1640
- Should a diesel be longstroke/undersquare?
- No power to fuel pump '93 metro
- Head gasket seepage and blown headgaskets
- Rusty Brake Lines Question
- Car doesn't bump start correctly?
- Fuel sock problem: cheap fix?
- crankshaft position sensor oil drip
- Question about fitting clearance
- Looking for air compressor
- Audio for my '92 Metro
- Honda Civic 5th gen and 6th gen
- Idle bogs with elec. load HF to D15Z1
- Loving my new drive: Peugeot 205
- '93 Civic VTEC-E skipping
- Windshield dimples
- Prius (second gen) beep banishing?
- bodykit , vs , Lowering..
- Crash Safety Then (1959) and Now (2009)
- Should I try a newer oil?
- how much can i haul with my 1991 f250?
- Is this worth $200?
- Why is diesel so expensive in the UK?
- interior car clean
- Call for the Honda people
- My Altima 1998 has bad idle after started
- Compression test oops
- OBD2 Diagnostic Flow Chart
- Changing 3 port blow off valve
- Ram Air Nets 5.1MPG gain...
- Relocating OBD2 port
- Geo Metro 97 CV axle help needed.
- Harley people rant!!!
- old car new inspection
- Cash For Refrigerators Program This Fall!
- Anyone ever fixed a leaky hydraulic jack?
- step down gear?
- Intermittent problem w/ Ignition - 89 Metro LSI
- A car's "rake"
- Noisy rear end problem in the Previa.
- I thought Smart Cars were suppose to be safe.
- Not exactly Ecomodder; but cool and could be usefull (intercooler end tank design)
- 16 inch wheels on a Geo Metro?
- 89 metro... shift knob removal
- Looking for ideas for a cheap DIY car alarm
- How to use a digital multimeter to measure current/amps
- oscilloscope for automotive use
- Swapping big cars for small!
- Opinions on Wet Okole Seat Covers?
- Closed loop / open loop bogging down...
- SAE Clutch Housing Dimensions
- LOL @ Harbor Freight stuff.
- What to do with old car parts?
- Garage Animals!
- A decent acceleration calc
- Relay wiring question
- VW still hasn't solved it's electrical gremlins
- The aerodynamics program
- Is this too much for a 2001 Honda Insight?
- Where to get a new halfshaft?
- Windshield wiper suggestions?
- The Green Trailer?
- Suggestion to ecomodder.com?
- Si Rims. Alternatives. Keep/Sell?
- yearly question: 12v a/c
- In market for new tires, what's best buy?
- car trouble robbing gas
- bike light
- Removing decals?
- Hypermiling helped ruin my brakes. Toast after only 25k km / 15k miles
- O2 sensor?
- Oil getting on spark plug threads
- Question about battery selection for EV build
- Bad Fiberglass Job
- AC charge question for Geo
- To buy a salvage title? (Yay or nay?)
- Sealed Batt Needs Water Added?
- ok, what is going on with my car?
- GEO Metro Control arms
- New use for old handlebar tape
- Vacuum pump basics
- Some unfamiliar car terms.
- Serpentine Belt Noise
- What have you fit in the back of your Metro? (Bike?)
- Question about HOW a car AC works...
- Leaking Engine Coolant
- Biologically "friendly" parts washer?
- ABS Fault
- More oxygen sensor problems
- Help removing oxygen sensor
- cleaning up oil spills
- Solar charging two 12 volt batteries (parallel)...
- help naming vehicle
- Interesting Thunderbird