- Anyone run a 195/80/16 Ecopia EP-02?
- Proper vehicle cleaning / polishing / waxing with minimal work?
- Creating a CANbus system on older vehicle
- Stuck timing belt tensioner bolt
- Torque wrench question
- Gasbuddy.com inop, what gives?
- Adjusting valve clearances
- New Tag
- 9,694 Mile Oil Sample with M1 5W-20.
- Reuse engine oil in the engine?
- Ecomodder's Favorite Building Material Also Used by OEMs
- TPS only goes to 78
- Fixing leak in A/C line (aluminum hard line)
- How Do I check the timing belt alignment
- Bestline oil additive?
- Recall: 100,000 Ford
- The civic is lugging.
- civic VX d15z1 ignition timing
- Are Exhaust Flanges Necessary
- Using a car battery to power an inverter?
- Helicoil rentals, tips, experiences?
- What antifreeze for '97 Civic HX?
- RTV/How Much to Use on Oil Pan?
- '89 Cherokee boggs down/dies when turning left?
- Replacing and Oil Pan/How Hard is It?
- Driving a car with your thoughts alone
- New gas tax coming in USA
- GCa
- 92 Honda Civic VX Failed Smog High HC at 25pmh
- Lupo TDI review from Top Gear
- Catalytic Convert Confusion/Civic VX
- Car buying general question thread.
- Choosing a new car...
- question on comparing emissions numbers
- my "people are stupid" video thread
- late shifting in a 96 tercel
- White Smoke From IACV
- Machining a crank pulley
- Honda Gurus - 1990 Civic CX fan switch question
- Broken Bolt/EGR Valve
- Broken Bolt/EGR Valve
- I..Have...Cruise!!!
- 37ish MPG/Civic VX
- Need to remove power steering pump. Time to go manual? :)
- Where is the Darn PCV Valve
- Trying to fix driver's door lock, 00 Civic
- Honda Accord Question
- consumer sized DOT approved cryogenic tanks
- 05 civic hybrid sat for 8 months
- Best place for a replacement Civic alternator?
- Shimmying in steering wheel >65?
- my car DVR set-up
- Rear Quarter Rust Repair/No Welding
- Speed Limiters May Be Mandated On 18-Wheelers, 68 MPH
- mis matched tires on an awd
- PCV Catch Can
- Gator Decoy Head + R/C boat (off topic)
- got hit in the rear, by a big rig
- 1992 Honda VX OBDI code 22
- Speedometer Stop Working While Driving
- What is needed to sell a wrecked car?
- "JUMPR" Compact Jump Start Battery
- PSA: Easter Egg Beer Pong
- The cobalt was a known flaw?
- Help! missing pcv valve!
- 1992 Civic Test
- Timing belt or chain?
- 1986 CRX VX Failed Smog
- Is there any love for the old hot-bulb engines?
- 2009 Nissan Sentra CVT S FE+
- Considering higher mileage VX
- How to read motor oil specs for fuel efficiency?
- 09 Cobalt - Air temp related misfire
- Hairy or smooth
- Can I take these off?
- How to
- Oil concern (bought 5w20 instead of 5w30 by mistake)
- I hate the way this forum steals ideas!!
- This forum steals ideas and claims them as their own!
- Slightly improving sound quality of cheap car head units. (Warning: mucho-pics)
- 1993 Honda civic starting problems
- Manual transmission Clutch Question...
- Deceptivley Simple Mechanical Power Steering Engager?
- 2000 Toyota Camry 4 cyl Auto Transmission oil leak (How to fix))
- HX: no lean burn, no code, no shift light
- Best Seats for Back Pain
- Unofficial Master General Car Security Thread (theft deterrent ideas, all makes)
- A question for Mazda experts (about camshaft)
- Auto Trans Experts - please chime in
- Civic VX Check Engine Light Off then On
- Rebuilt LKO head, snapped exhaust rockers
- Civic VX 26 MPG!!!
- Help with some apellations
- how many miles breaks the deal, buying for around $2000?
- 94 Civic CEL when cold
- Phone input for car amplifier?
- worst job you have done on any car
- Alternator Stopped Working (2001 VW Golf 2.0L)
- Mechanical advantage Russian Style!
- Electronics question
- Brake disks - Safe?
- Any 1990s Stereo Gurus Here?
- Need Ecomodders help "car stolen"
- 1991 Tercel Weird Lighting Issue
- 1990 Civic Ignition Lock Swap? Ya I Lost My Keys.
- Alternative to windshield wipers
- Balance charging NiMH Robot Packs
- Studded Tires on a RWD Truck
- Take me out Walker-style, not: 1/3rd tank? 1/2 tank? safe? fuel cell?
- 1992 Civic VX 38 MPG Max...
- civic vx - source of oil leak near distributor?
- Resurrecting the Beast
- '90s Mercedes Gurus? Any here?
- Car won't start (read for more info).
- Honda Gurus - What trans is in my car?
- The invisible bike helmet
- Lead Acid Battery - 0.0V. Dead?
- Check transmission light
- 1990 Honda Accord Weird Shifter Issue
- Liquid Graphite
- Fixing heated seat!?
- Making a Fiberglass Mold
- Engine locked up yesterday :(
- 1989 civic DX d15z1/Hf tranny
- Belt squel from hell
- Alternator terminals
- Need a new oxygen sensor, failed smog.
- blocking off fuel lines
- I know nothing about Autos...
- I Know Nothing About Car Systems
- 92 vx honda distributor replacement - OEM or After?
- This may hurt aero...
- Front control arm replacement
- Need Mid-Atlantic USA Body/Collision Recommendation & Wheel Skirts, etc. help!
- 'Dirty' or 'bad' gas... ideas?
- 93 Civic, mpg not so good.
- Need 02 Honda civic help today. (205/75 14 ok on the front?)
- Roof maintenance/repair
- Tracing source of oil leak?
- Saturn Vue Engine Replacement
- Flywheel machining - need help
- Starting Problems
- How much rust is to much on a Civic VX?
- Thumping sound at highway speeds/Engine roar
- civic vx: TPS/TAS test?
- Car harder to start after sitting 15min
- Getting the Firefly back on the road: exhaust fell apart
- Junk Yard Woes
- EcoModder Music Makers/Music related to Hypermiling?
- Electrical Outlet Issue
- Rattling under the hood, help me diagnose!
- Your car may soon have an app for that.
- civic vx - occasional pinging, looking for cause
- G-Force calculation
- "Narrower tires equal fun."
- EOC restarting issues
- The Waissi Engine
- Reasons to plan ahead. Duh!
- Jacked up ignition switch.
- My dad's 2008 F-150
- Interesting New (and old) Tools
- 1988 Honda CRXsi Stealth Ad :)
- Aftermarket CATs (what's good, what's not)?
- Diesel Dave's New Diesel
- VX intermittent shift light and no check engine light
- Chevy S10 Door replacement - HELP!
- 1990 honda factory service manual typo?
- Reducing HC Emissions After Smog
- My car DVR setup & results
- Replacing a tailgate on a 2,008 F-150
- Does this kind of place exist? (Shop rental for DIY car work/repair?)
- Washing the Cat
- Laptop charger went bad.
- Video animating “how transmissions work”
- Need Some Opinions About My 98 Civic HX
- Best quality 12v air pump for tires?
- oil filter gasket failure: experiences?
- Best comfort upgrades
- Mimicing the Prius Solar Roof Cooling System
- PCV Problem
- Struts lowering and civic
- Chinese double din GPS units, any good?
- Would this be a Bad Decision? ($1k to buy '00 Ford Focus ZX3, 212k body, 110k engine)
- has anyone used led's for headlights
- Why do you always get a new problem just before a long trip?
- civic vx: ignition timing/cam + crank positions
- High Pressure/ Low pressure
- DIY: remove/install Civic/Acura shifter linkage spring pin or "b*tch" pin
- California emissions and tall transmissions
- Winter Effects: Locked Caliper, Tires Cracking
- Geo Metro LSI convertion to Diesel?
- Neutral High Revs Question
- Tracker CEL light driving me crazy!
- Poor Girl's Car
- civic vx input shaft seal - how deep?
- My cx (what's it worth?)
- 623 mile electric daihatsu
- 1986 Mazda 323 Manual Trans Swap?
- Mileage vs age (used Caravan: go older, low miles or newer high miles?)
- Digital locks on your car's software
- Friend's heater stopped working.
- civic vx: ball joint removal/installation?
- Dear Mechanically Inclined Ecomodders:
- Fixing the seat belt retractor
- small engine surging/backfiring/runs hot
- Cutting noise in cabin?
- civic vx: how to advance distributor one tooth?
- Almera 2.2 sport+ (2000) wont start..please help!
- FWIW, always check the simple stuff first!
- Need an oil for my gearbox.
- vx - lean burn vs vtec-e?
- one way clutch , reliability and rpm and torque handling?
- Civic clutch issue, whats wrong?
- Yanmar diesel genset start up
- Non-top tier gas + additive to save money?
- voltage gauge issue
- 1984 Mercedes Diesel - What's up with this thing?
- Engine off/on while cold
- Giving the plugs some TLC
- All new GM 4.3L v6
- Mobil 1 oil coupon--at Autozone by 7Jan13
- Failed Smog - 92 Civic DX - High HC, CO, and Super High NOx
- Brand New D15Z1 - Lean Burn Stutter / Hesitation
- Looking to get a tour bus for father-in-law
- There are like 6 different kinds of CRXs. How can you tell which one it is?
- Intermittent Brake & Idle problem on Saturn SL2
- HXers - closed / open loop...
- Polarized Filters
- certified CNG switchable to gas kits for:
- Carfax use
- Found an HF! Kinda rough though; need opinions.
- 94 honda civic vx issues
- What might cause hesitation/misfire when cruising?
- George Wiseman of Eagle research
- Leaking power steering lines on my Subaru
- Charbroiled burgers: worse PM than diesel trucks?
- which tires?
- Saturn gurus, what's wrong with my SC2?
- Do I need a cat?
- Paris Mayor Proposes Banning pre-1997 cars
- Finding/making the loudest horn
- I am about to see if my "warranty" has been a complete waste of money.
- Favorite auto parts sources
- Is a 3000w inverter too big?
- Civic VX won't restart after coasting with engine off...
- Who is this?
- Free Vehicle Tracking - iPhone and Android
- thanks
- Free Design programs?
- Working on my Garage (looking for shelving ideas)