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  1. Over unity with capacitors
  2. Build 85 corolla to save gas or make fast?
  3. very low-emission concrete at scale
  4. 2010 Chevy Cobalt AC empties when it’s cold outside
  5. Cable snapping Aero safety fix
  6. Mini Eco-Tank
  7. Meshtastic
  8. Fin5, a propellerless electric outboard motor
  9. Synergetics
  10. Save the Earth one chicken tractor at a time.
  11. Plasmoid Forensics
  12. By steam to space, hydrogen peroxide to orbit
  13. Anyone doing ABS, 3d printing?
  14. Preventative methods for windscreen misting?
  15. 2009 Matrix cranks but will not start
  16. Why aren't trucks wide enough? Jason question.
  17. Athelstan Spilhaus... Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.
  18. Pi Five!
  19. Fall means falling tire pressure
  20. Dealer, independent shop or DIM (do it myself)?
  21. Can you start a Civic with a screwdriver?
  22. UBC device uses wood dust to trap up to 99.9 per cent of microplastics in water
  23. Resurrecting a '91 Swift
  24. Hardware Bug
  25. How do you find a good mechanic?
  26. How to Remove Oil Stains from a Driveway
  27. Designing a better (Best?) car cooling solution for when parked in the sun
  28. Tough little generator build
  29. Parts rant
  30. DeDion truck axle
  31. Run Whole House on Wimpy Generator?
  32. As an automotive interior designer - Need Suggestion For Quick Rendering pc config.
  33. a lot of varibles but......
  34. revolutionary innovation for sustainable engines turboprop
  35. Recommend Spot Welder
  36. Car #10
  37. Oddly Satisfying
  38. Catalytic converter do they work?
  39. Custom In-Ear Monitors/Earphones?
  40. Have you ever needed a custom PCB?
  41. When was the Golden Age of Ecomodding?
  42. Bob of I Like to Make Stuff helped make concrete countertops!
  43. P2238
  44. Got my Ecomodder sticker
  45. Reviving a 270K mile Highlander Hybrid
  46. Wanting to fire up old Volvo
  47. Need help with
  48. Chevy Cobalt rusted fuel lines replaced but didn’t replace evap line
  49. Central Vac Runs Randomly
  50. First time welding
  51. Are geo metros loud?
  52. How much do you Metro owners spend annually on repair costs if any?
  53. Has anyone here gotten into a crash with a Geo Metro or some other fuel efficient car?
  54. Need info about early model Mitsubishi Mirage
  55. Insulating block heater?
  56. Christmas Lights
  57. Odd Golf lie-meter display
  58. Increasing Air Intake Diameter
  59. Geo/Chevy metro maintenance?
  60. $470 XTOOL D7. Worth it?
  61. How longer could the Ford Model T engine have eventually soldiered on?
  62. Any appreciation for what might be the closest "modern" attempt to effectively replace the VW Beetle?
  63. Replace Motorcycle Battery with LiFePO4
  64. Would a modern car with drum brakes all-around still have a chance?
  65. Oregon Coast Bridges
  66. Remember Legionnaire's Disease?
  67. Math: a fatally flawed technology
  68. Motorcycle Airbag Vests
  69. Wheel base history (something to fall asleep with)
  70. Hemp Can Save The Planet
  71. Bed Leveling
  72. Does air in radiator increase warm up time?
  73. Infotainment: what's your modded setup? What are you planning?
  74. The Curly Cooker
  75. Diesel with short trips lately, is it bad for the car and environment?
  76. How to measure parasitic drain
  77. Thermostat Replacement Help
  78. I am my own grandpa [image heavy] - 2004 Toyota Camry LE 2.4 auto
  79. Is it still Ecomodding if you drive 85?
  80. Why No Electric Schwimmwagen
  81. Keyless Chuck Help
  82. How to disable backup alarm in truck/van?
  83. FWD vs RWD for snow and ice
  84. Electrical Connector Identification
  85. New and Exotic Materials Thread
  86. State ofthe Art Novel InFlow Tech 1Gearturbine Reaction Rotary Turbo, 2Imploturbocompressor Impulse 1Comp
  87. GoPro Inside a Car Tire (While Driving) Video
  88. "How to Fix Up a Project Car on any Budget, From $50 and Up" by MotorTrend
  89. Testing a 3d Printed Wheel (YouTube Video)
  90. Improving the minicompressor
  91. Nissan Xterra Warm Start Issue
  92. cooling with capacitors
  93. Color opinions: Car Engine brackets
  94. An engineer mods Porsche 911
  95. Is a $3000+shipping 2017 Mirai Worth it for a motor swap
  96. EVs at LeMons Races
  97. Help me choose tires. Non eco project.
  98. EV at Bonneville Speed Week (Aug 8 to Aug 14)
  99. Assist a repair decision?
  100. How to test a heater core [before installing]
  101. "Solar paint prep"
  102. Deck Material
  103. Airflow through an air compressor valve
  104. Electric Pressure Washers
  105. Engine Restorer test
  106. Civic HX (1996-2000) headcodes?
  107. Harbor freight jack stand recall 3 and 6 ton
  108. What windshield wiper blades are best?
  109. blower motor not working ('06 BMW 325i)
  110. 18:1 AFR is "cleaner"?
  111. Does Anti-Seize Compound Work?
  112. Heat rejection test for windshield tint: (design & result)
  113. Solid State Batteries
  114. Battery Recycling
  115. 2004 Prius 12V battery replacement options
  116. Fact or Error? Don't change old automatic transmission fluid
  117. Geo Metro on Watch JrGO
  118. Is Ultragauge site functional? (Can I buy on it?)
  119. Backflow Preventer
  120. UL-Listed 120V Electricity Consumption Meter?
  121. Injectors, 2 hole replaced with 1 hole?
  122. Takata airbag safety recall expanding
  123. Syd Mead RIP
  124. Battery Drain problems. Wiring diagrams.
  125. LG and GM are building a battery plant in Ohio
  126. Is it true that you can have electrical snow tires?
  127. How fast do you think I was driving?
  128. Tow bar angle
  129. Solid State Batteries - The End of Internal Combustion?
  130. Sentra/Versa CVT Extended Warranty
  131. Oil to coolant heat exchanger
  132. Ever seen an alternator fail like this? No charge, no battery light. Metro problem of the month! SOLVED!
  133. My Accord wouldn't start yesterday; my battery is one year old.
  134. Trans cooler lines too big?
  135. State of the Art Novel InFlowTech: ·1-Gearturbine RotaryTurbo, ·2-Imploturbocompressor 1 Compression Step
  136. Ford mileage correction for new cluster
  137. Smyth utes
  138. Overheating Subaru Outback
  139. Science!
  140. Aftermarket oil pressure gauge - screw sensor to block or mount remotely?
  141. 1995 Buick Roadmaster won’t shift to park
  142. New to me 2015 Genesis 3.8L
  143. Corvette Goes Mid Engine
  144. McCandless 4WD Race Car & 4WD Utility Vehicle
  145. Coated vs bare rotors
  146. Toyota 4A-FE pushing oil to distributor cap with high revs/acceleration
  147. Civic VX EGR ports / Passages cleaning
  148. How do I fix 98 Taurus high idle?
  149. What is a fluid?
  150. CNC-mill powered by Nissan Leaf motor & electronics
  151. Electric Ships
  152. 2004 Toyota Prius: solving creaky front brakes
  153. Attic/roof Ventilation
  154. 2005 Chevy Trailblazer tranny
  155. 92 Metro Tranny issues
  156. IEEE top 10 tech cars
  157. 94 F150 Tow Rig
  158. Electrician Question - Connecting detached garage
  159. Gearing and tire size
  160. Nissan Transponder Keys And Programming
  161. Please help me make D3 work?
  162. LED Strip Lights
  163. 85 Chevy Pickup Build
  164. Water Pump Leak? 1998 Acura CL
  165. Harbor freight engine swap
  166. The Slow Death of the Internal Combustion Engine
  167. Citroën DS - Most Innovative Car of the 20th Century?
  168. Battery Tech Quest/Issues
  169. 2000 Toyota Echo Wiring Manual Needed
  170. Replace this bolt?
  171. Spot the Ecomodder
  172. Rünge Cars
  173. Window Run Problem?
  174. EG Hatchback Weatherstripping and Trim Molding Replacement Needed?
  175. EG Hatchback HID Conversion Question
  176. Exterior Windshield Molding and Seal Replacement
  177. Converting vehicles to moderate stay campers?
  178. Kaiser M725 Electric conversion?
  179. Autonomous Cars - Are They Realistic?
  180. Rear drum adjusters not working correctly
  181. Catalytic Converter Warm Up In Park, Why?
  182. P0730 Incorrect Gear Ratio. Related? My alternator belt came completely loose in 24 miles!
  183. Saturn Ion no crank/no start
  184. Anyone know anything about coils / inductors etc?
  185. All they flushed was our money
  186. (Video) Honda Factory in Ohio late '90s
  187. unusual paint technique
  188. 2007 Honda Fit Idle Stutter and Resolution
  189. Super wood
  190. BMS Wiring for LiFePO4
  191. Cracked transmission bellhousing, how to fix?
  192. 2000 Metro cold start problem: missing, backfiring, stalling
  193. Urea injection in combustion chamber for reduced nox
  194. Good suspension coil spring cutting primer
  195. Good mechanical youtube channel (Schrodingers Box)
  196. Straight pipe exhaust dB test (baffle does not work)
  197. Potato power
  198. Starlite:The lost better fireproof ever on history
  199. Fix volume knob malfunction
  200. Tips for cooling your car in the summer, no AC
  201. "Reading" 1998 Honda Civic head gasket failure
  202. Greener Aluminum
  203. Bad front end noise
  204. Fatigue
  205. Cheap Fuel cheating!
  206. The future is jelly
  207. Steering locked
  208. Forget The CB750's, CB900C Trike Ideas!
  209. N.O.S. Coolant still good after 30 years?
  210. Two Stock CB750 engines, One Transmission?
  211. Run lean for emissions?
  212. Twin Bike Sports Runabout
  213. Finally gave in... bought an automatic
  214. Engine oil in coolant
  215. Honda Civic/Insight Factory Service Manuals (4th Gen, 5th Gen, 6th Gen, 7th Gen) FREE
  216. Ghost fixes lightbulb
  217. Cheapo HID Headlight Efficiency
  218. Wheel color schemes
  219. Random misfire, cyl 4
  220. Best product for removing tree sap?
  221. My brakes are squealing, but still have some material, do not have wear indicator
  222. What the heck happened to my clutch? It was crap, then self-healed.
  223. 2000 Echo random stalling
  224. Laundry list of ideas...
  225. If a 1Fr 2Rr trike can turn in it's own length....
  226. Don't forget to check your PCV valve! Mine puked its guts out.
  227. What to look for?
  228. Headlights flickering
  229. 3rd Gen Prius Headlight Bulb Reliability?
  230. Silicone Not Curing
  231. 8 Piston Titanium Brake Caliper?!
  232. Would you buy these?
  233. Heat issue - blows cool out of passenger side, hot out of driver's side
  234. ISO Certification Bodies, ISO Training, ISO Management in Singapore
  235. Circulating tank block heater maintenance
  236. Replaced headlight, driver's low beam still does not work.
  237. How young/old were you when you learned that air flow effects efficiency
  238. Brainstorm a dealer's logic with me?
  239. VR Questions
  240. Yikes! Trikes!
  241. Autonomous Driving Idea - AI Learning
  242. How to raise efficiency of furnace?
  243. Scratching my head at ~20% MPG loss. 92 Dakota
  244. Dual Chamber Tire Idea
  245. Fan Clutch
  246. 06 Civic Hybrid - Power steering making noise when turning - MPG unaffected
  247. Anti-roll / sway bar design book / reference?
  248. Solve Suby Sound with me
  249. Civic VX CEL/rough idle
  250. If you smell sulfur, please check your battery!