- historical origin of some rules of thumb
- Rule of Thumb
- Throttle-Stop Test, a granular look
- Found another source of commercial pressure taps
- Fins and lower drag and lift on fastback shapes
- Fold out extensions for vans, etc?
- Hoerner: Fluid-Dynamic drag
- How big a drop in mpg from flapping bodywork ?
- 10% = 5%
- Double-Range Space Shuttle
- Pininfarina Aerodynamica
- Bentley falls victim to 'template' hallucination
- wind-average drag coefficient
- A car in the supermarket carpark
- 2013 Land Rover
- CAUTION: throttle-stop testing
- Guessing at 'ballpark' changes in cD from changes in MPG .
- Reducing the Drag of Rigid Solar Panels Mounted on a Van
- The hidden *real* drag coefficient
- Fascinating free paper - but it's on trains, not cars
- Need advice on NACA duct placement to airflow on curved surface.
- Stuff to not worry about
- Nio et7 - 0.23 Cd
- There is no magic in a Kamm tail!
- Super- template spoilers
- 100 years old this year
- Aerodynamic pressure testing video
- Hucho's 'templates'
- how bad are big vans are aerodynamically
- Truth Table for Aero. Streamlining Templates
- A very interesting theory about drag
- Testing the Tesla Model 3 with and without wheel covers
- Interesting paper on historic car aero
- Throttle stop testing on a diesel
- Kamm & other research models
- $ 53,900 (US) for CFD?
- Book on Kamm
- Relationship between body pressures on the rear panels and the base pressure
- Off-topic - reducing rear lift
- Side pressures and attached flow
- Thesis on wake behaviour on square back vehicles
- New Template: Body of Revolution Debate
- stationary lift
- GM EV1 LSR was Cd 0.137
- Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles, 5th-Edition
- Reducing front-end pressures for lower drag
- Interesting fuel economy phenomenon
- External air curtains
- Hatchback / squareback rear extensions
- Cooling system drag/radiator efficiency
- Gordon Murray Automotive T.50 'rear fan'
- A bit of a laugh
- Vectors
- Lift at red lights
- Failures!
- Reduce lift and drag on fastback cars (and toppers)
- Aerodynamic modifications to a 2007 Camry SE
- New (free) tech paper
- Theories of lift
- 2010 Audi A7/ SAE Paper/ 'Want Low Drag?'
- What causes car drag?
- Tufts
- Reducing lift on different body shape cars
- Perry the Honda Civic's Build Thread
- Reducing drag on old-shape sedans (notchbacks)
- Measuring aerodynamic pressures real time, on real roads
- Understanding separated and attached flows
- Cancelling trailing vortices, is it possible?
- Low drag shapes and lift
- Ultra low drag vehicles
- Magnehelic gauge measurements
- The Kamm research cars
- e-Golf rear belly pan advice
- Multi-channel high speed pressure measurement
- Bus roof raise aero
- Want low drag? Don't follow a template.
- Binky the Civic Build Thread
- Random Aero Odity
- BAT Cars
- Will these strakes cause more drag ?
- ' Honey, I shrunk the Lucid Air '.
- Cd or weight?
- Oil drip aero testing - anyone here had good results ?
- Negative pressures on forward-facing surfaces
- Volkhart V2 Sagitta & Cd 0.16
- The Aerodynamic Streamlining Template Discussion
- Drag reduction - Racecar
- The Tuft Test Images Thread
- Desgeegee's Build Thread Ford Focus
- Interpersonal conflict in this subforum
- Old cars tested in modern wind tunnels
- Quiz - a harder quote
- 1922 Rumpler "teardrop" limousine
- Is CFD software useful?
- Crash safety
- RH Barnard on templates
- delta 10% Cd = delta 5% HWY mpg
- You-Tube : NACA airfoil, smoke-flow imaging
- Quote quiz
- Guessing
- How far from the windshield can the driver properly see?
- Measuring car aero pressures
- Quiz - pressure distribution. (Achievable!)
- I want to build a 100-mpg car (and I want it to look vintage)
- What if grills were functional rather than faux?
- 'Fairing Well' - NASA truck testing publication
- Excellent paper on rear spoilers
- Book - The Streamlined Decade
- Over fenders/aero widebody
- Another visual quiz
- Drag reduction for upright bicycles
- ADDENDUM to Hucho's 2nd- Ed. Subject Index
- My new book
- Visual quiz
- Major Hardware Fan Showdown
- How to do pics of tuft testing
- Quiz - estimate the Cd
- Another tuft quiz
- Low drag shape design
- Vena Contracta 'template'
- Quiz: Qualitative Flow Analysis
- Six - 'Optimum' templates
- Basic car modification methodology
- A book to buy and read
- Rear Spoilers vs 'template' contour
- Meausring lift
- Lift
- Professor Hummel's Figure 2.4, considerations
- What shape fairing for trailer?
- Air suspension for adjustable ride height
- A quiz for people
- Mercedes S class
- Models that don't work on real cars
- Fineness ratio vs drag coefficient
- //// Level out car for better aero ? /////
- Bedliner paint job effects on wind
- Interesting new plane: Celera 500L
- Contour-corrupted rooflines and lift
- A New Tool for Comparing Shapes
- Hyundai IONIQ land speed record
- Building an Aerodynamic trailer for VW Jetta
- Tuft testing with a leaf blower
- Visio.M, 2-seat, BEV, Cd 0.24
- //// Will 2" lift hurt aero ? ////
- //// Tire / Wheel aerodynamics /////
- The Fastback bloc
- Clear Creek fluid mechanics
- Cars with little vertical windows in the back
- Where's Julian?
- 2nd gen Prius aero visual evidence.
- Someone’s aerobed truck is on reddit r/funny as “Toyota Cybertuck”
- Chop Top 400 WHP 67 Mustang needs advice
- 1999 Acura EL or Civic EX sedan - dropping Cd from 0.33 to below 0,20
- Box Truck aerodynamics paper
- A Non scientific everyday Aero Observation
- bi-wing trailer vanes coming to 18-wheelers ?
- Box van rear end mod
- DARKO Wind Tunnel factoids
- Testing Vorblade Vortex Generators on ProMaster Van
- Ponderings on under body aero
- A-pillar testing on Gen 1 Insight
- McLAREN F1 and lift
- Wind tunnel math discussion
- This is an interesting one! (Aero compact pick-up truck 40-50 MPG)
- I was wrong! (Perhaps)
- Porsche Taycan
- Transporting a Bike min Aero drag
- What is a diffuser?
- Measured aero pressures on Insight
- 2020 Hyundai 'Prophecy' concept
- Book to buy
- 2020 Explorer wheel well air curtains
- passively variable angle VG; fixes crosswinds
- Old magazine to buy
- Attached flow on inclined rears, and trailing vortices
- Chrysler-speak,2010
- Ford-speak,2008
- Flow over upper surfaces and lift
- 0.146
- From airtabs to underbody
- Cd 0.27 1984 Porsche 911 prototype
- It's all about compromise - a study on front bumper design?
- Improving flow behind side mirrors
- How to reduce the aerodynamic efficiency of a Metro
- 'template' in contemporary aerodynamic literature
- comment on 1st-gen Porsche 911/912 lift
- 'Ideal' shape for low drag
- delta-Cd/ delta MPG rules of thumb
- Streamline bodies and aerodynamic drag
- vehicle aft-body and aerodynamic drag
- Pressure drag and aerodynamic drag
- Measuring stuff
- Paris dressmaker speaks
- Lift and drag
- A pillar guides
- Rear kammback spoiler
- Hood vent orientation?
- Location and height of front air dam
- Air dam location and height
- Aerodynamic testing
- Beware old and new aero data
- My new way of measuring on-road drag
- More data on smooth wheel covers effectiveness
- Heresy! Smooth Wheel Covers- Myth Busted!!!
- Super splats air flow redirection
- Drop your cooling drag to near zero... with no reduction in cooling!
- Tesla plaid Cybertruck
- Aero Crosstour- Squeezing blood from a stone
- Checking on aero stencil placement and spoilers.
- Its not always about MPG
- Has someone tried base bleed?
- Crazy Aero F-250 "Trunnel" for Sale
- Learn me some about rear spoilers
- Up close: the Volkswagen XL1
- Aero wheel cover for flangeless, alloy wheel (not product promotion)
- The Roaring Raindrop
- Aeromodded+ Tatra in the Czech Republic
- Cybertruck CFD :Justin W. Martin
- Cybertruck CFD:INVERSE rebuttal
- Cybertruck CFD : Boats and Engines
- Taking air from a Low Pressure area
- Cd 0.259 Chev. Sierra/Silverado El Camino
- Kammback drawback: extra-filthy rear end!
- Aerodynamics and stability
- Saw this Modded Prius Today
- 'Cybertrucking' the 2019 RAM(TFL cars.com)
- 2020 Prius Prime- Looking for tasteful Highway aeromod
- Czech treasure, Tatra 77
- Mary Barra on aerodynamics
- Cambridge University wins ROLEX 24-HRS of
- Cd constant... or speed dependant?
- Grubb's Volkstream VW Bus
- Eco modding the Tahoe Hybrid 40MPG Goal..
- Aero roof bike rack.
- EK Hatchback Aero Mods???
- Homemade Motorcycle Tail Section
- ecoXtrm - vintage two-stroke Saab 96 with roof extension from Saab 95
- Snow Aerodynamics? = PERFECT Aerodynamics?
- 03 Toyota Sienna mod
- Flexible carbon fiber ailerons
- 1999 Ford Ranger - Aerodynamic Improvements
- Help me evaluate CFD results
- Ranger with a shed on top
- Folding Aerocap
- For those with pickups or similar with full belly pans...?
- Intuitive aerodynamic design Shelby Daytona Coupe
- Tribute to Syd Mead or F-117 aerodynamics?
- Active Trailer gap for Tractor Trailers
- What kind of MPGs would a brick wall get?