View Full Version : Introductions

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  1. From huge V-8's to a 3 cylinder
  2. Thanks Guys
  3. Was lurking, now registered...
  4. Yet another TDI!
  5. Hi
  6. hello
  7. The Elephant in the Room
  8. Hey
  9. Hello!!
  10. Hello To All
  11. New Modder Introduces Self..
  12. Long time modder, 1st time poster :)
  13. Hi
  14. Newb
  15. Hello everybody!
  16. New ecomodder member
  17. New ecomodder member
  18. Greetings!, current TDIer..
  19. Noob here
  20. Checking in
  21. hello from belgium
  22. Most excellent forum!
  23. new here, want to save gas!
  24. Hello
  25. going back to VX roots from D15B soch vtec
  26. Budget chevy lumina project.
  27. New Beginnings
  28. Hello from Ireland
  29. Hello from Ontario
  30. Hi from the high country
  31. 'Ello!
  32. New member
  33. Hello all EMs.
  34. part time paper route driver 88 civic.
  35. Worth a shot..
  36. Just another niggard in a Civic
  37. Steve's Intro
  38. Just lurking...
  39. Another greenmodder coming out of the woodwork....
  40. Dan <11011011> from Houston
  41. Here's my car...
  42. Looking for a car (more efficient than my Taurus)
  43. Plain and Simple I'm a complete Noob!
  44. Oh Hello
  45. Welcome
  46. Newbie from Norcal
  47. Future Nuclear Engineer here.
  48. been lurking, finally joined
  49. Improving and tracking.
  50. New Ecomodder
  51. Saturn trying to reach 50+ MPG
  52. how ya doing
  53. New here
  54. yet another tacoma member
  55. domestic mid-size new guy
  56. Civic HX owner, seeking 60 MPG
  57. old time Tacoma owner lookin' to get more MPG
  58. oldnewbie
  59. new member - Mazda5 owner
  60. New Aveo owner - doing OK, looking to improve
  61. Hybridfest guy now at ecomodder
  62. new member
  63. New Here... any other Altima Owners in here?
  64. New to Forum
  65. At $8.27/gal. it's good to be eco
  66. new here
  67. English newb
  68. Albertan EV Builder
  69. Hey folks
  70. I caaan't driiive 55 ....
  71. newbi
  72. another 4x4 guy
  73. 4x4 guy . . .
  74. I'm In!
  75. Hey - Young vanner here
  76. Hi all from Oklahoma
  77. Hey all, another Jeeper checking in
  78. 80's Checking In
  79. Hey from Alabama
  80. Hello from Tampere, Finland
  81. The life of an ecomodder's wife...
  82. Hi ecomodders
  83. Hi. Nice site you've got here.
  84. Long time GS/Ecomodder lurker
  85. seeking info
  86. I am here now, bow down to ME!!!
  87. New VX'er from Ithaca, NY
  88. Hi there
  89. Gas prices in Hawaii are iNsAnE!!
  90. Hi, New Guy here.
  91. Oh no, another Australian
  92. hi all
  93. hello.
  94. hey y'all
  95. Teen with lead foot checking in for rehab...
  96. Newbe Ecomodder - Prius Owner
  97. Newb here
  98. Canadian Newbie
  99. Hello
  100. West Desert Utah checking in...
  101. Greetings from FL
  102. Metro Hoarding 101 - also: Metro pickup trucks!
  103. Another newbie in Olympia, WA
  104. aero and EV enthusiast from Australia
  105. hello, watching for optimizations and the perfect solution
  106. HI-DE-HO Good neighbors
  107. Another former lurker
  108. Hello Ecomodding... NEAT STUFF!
  109. hey all
  110. Greetings
  111. newb intro and question about civic hb vx
  112. ZEV Independence from Oil Rally
  113. Newcomer - 1995 Ford Aspire Ethanol
  114. Central Pennsylvania, parachute lands
  115. Hello everyone, new guy looking for ideas
  116. Yet another pickup driver checking in...
  117. Howdy, I'm SL8Brick
  118. another tdi joined
  119. neondriver
  120. Hello, and thanks for being there!
  121. 2004 Honda Civic
  122. Fresh blood..
  123. Big But Efficient
  124. New guy in Detroit area
  125. Another new guy here...
  126. new guy, hello
  127. One more TDI...with a twist
  128. johnsn
  129. If i go EV, BigOil goes broke.
  130. In a world where Jeeps get horrible gas mileage....
  131. Short time lurker
  132. Hello. 1964 Ford Falcon ute / Ranchero owner interested in aero mods
  133. Greetings from west Texas
  134. 98 Ford Taurus 4dr Sedan- where do I start?
  135. Yet another new guy
  136. Another TDi'er... :)
  137. Hello from Quebec smart owner
  138. Hello from Brad Perth Australia
  139. Hello from Vermont
  140. Newbie Fuel Economy lover here :)
  141. New lurker
  142. Hail to the eco nerds!
  143. Another new lurker - question about shutting down alternator
  144. New Lurker
  145. Hi! New to the Forum
  146. chasin a dream and learnin along the way
  147. Love cars, hate foreign oil!
  148. Hello!
  149. Just Joined - Is Chrysler ever going offer high mileage in upstate NY?
  150. Bonjour from Quebec.
  151. Hello All (240Z CNG conversion)
  152. 100$$ per Barrel for the First Time 08 - thinking about EV's
  153. Hi
  154. Lone Wolf Signs Up
  155. New FNG with a Yaris
  156. A little about myself...
  157. voxelman's "hello"
  158. Here From TDIClub - looking to increase highway mpg
  159. smart cdi (diesel) owner from BC, Canada
  160. Glad to be here
  161. Hello
  162. Good Morning
  163. Hiya
  164. Coming from the other site
  165. I'm in
  166. new member
  167. Another Hello
  168. Hello folks!
  169. Basjoos here
  170. Hey y'all...
  171. Hello
  172. Hello from BrucePick
  173. Hi, from Mighty Mira
  174. Howdy
  175. Pika Pika!
  176. Yo
  177. Short howdo
  178. Boy, they let anyone in here...
  179. Noob
  180. Howdy
  181. Thrifty McGassaver this is your life!