View Full Version : Introductions

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  1. Allow myself to introduce.. myself..
  2. Greetings from a diesel truck driver pulling a 5th wheel
  3. hey from the new guy
  4. HHR driver seeks to improve mileage
  5. Most recent check
  6. gas hog
  7. Was looking for a new mpg site
  8. Diving in with both feet
  9. Hi from Alberta
  10. Noob.
  11. A frenchie here
  12. New guy in the house
  13. Civic VX pricing
  14. London, UK
  15. New guy from Arizona
  16. new guy from Ohio
  17. Hey Evey One
  18. new guy from dallas
  19. Hello everyone. New hypermiller here.
  20. Hello Ecomodders!
  21. Ford Festiva
  22. howdy y'all
  23. Mechanical newbie hurr.
  24. It's been a while!
  25. compact truck project
  26. Joining the EcoModder community!
  27. Here goes nothin'...
  28. Jumping in, 92 Civic CX with DX swap.
  29. hello
  30. hi everyone
  31. Whatsup Penny pinchers?
  32. Noob from Telford - UK :)
  33. So I got a Soul...
  34. How to I find the fuel log?
  35. Hey I'm new!
  36. new modder with volvo xc70
  37. FNG in TN, Blue Flame Fiesta
  38. Hello!! New Yaris owner in PA
  39. New Guy on the block
  40. New guy with 94 Civic Coupe DX Auto
  41. New guy from Houston ('94 Corolla 5-speed with 13k miles)
  42. New Convert (bought a Civic)
  43. Hello Everyone :)
  44. Newbie
  45. Question very high MPG cars in the Garage (60-80 mpg Honda Civic?) Pt:2
  46. And now for something completely different: Electric BigWheelie
  47. New from Pawtucket, Rhode Island
  48. New guy from OKC, OK
  49. Hello from Arkansas
  50. FNG from VT, USA
  51. Hello from IL!
  52. New Guy Alert!
  53. Ethanal Blends
  54. 1993 Geo Metro XFI (getting 40 MPG on 1.5 cylinders but would like 55 on 3)
  55. New VX to the site!
  56. New here
  57. new to the forum
  58. new guy from Oklahoma!
  59. Greetings!
  60. howdy!
  61. Newbie saturn owner..SC1 coupe
  62. New Guy here. 2010 Honda Civic Si sedan.
  63. New From the North Coast
  64. new member looking for a metro XFI
  65. Greetings
  66. Greetings Community
  67. New, Broncho II -possible EV conversion
  68. Newbie with a gas guzzling SUV (R50 Pathfinder)! Breaking the 20 MPG barrier...
  69. New here
  70. Let's try this again
  71. First Tribeca on the board
  72. New Cherokee Owner
  73. New Guy from the sun shine state
  74. 1990 Buick LeSabre Aero Help!
  75. New Guy
  76. Old Member comming back
  77. Near London Ont Canada, saying hi.
  78. New Member- 1993 Ford Escort
  79. New from Dearborn,MI
  80. CRX HF or INSIGHT gen I?
  81. Newbie
  82. I'm new here
  83. btfit 09 fit suggestions?
  84. Just joined- 2005 Matrix- ideas?
  85. New Member From Florida, US
  86. Another new member from England...
  87. New member from England
  88. Canadian w/ Mazda B300 & Toyoto Echo
  89. New to the forum
  90. What a savings!
  91. 94 Prizm 1.6L 4A-FE 5-spd manual
  92. New Ecomodder in Miami!
  93. New ecomodder from France
  94. New with a 2001 Jetta TDI
  95. Good Day and Howdy
  96. New with 99 Corolla
  97. Hi from Belgium
  98. New guy from rural Illinois
  99. New, please help
  100. Hi from Toronto
  101. .~*~. Hello from the Mountains .~*~.
  102. 2001 Saturn SL2 DOHC AT noob questions
  103. Hello I'm c10 modder to the extreme but now gone GREEN!!!
  104. 22 festivas?
  105. Noob with '93 Civic VX (and other stuff)
  106. New Guy -2011/2012 Jetta TDI
  107. 91 Civic Hatchback Std. 4spd Manual "aka" Newbie
  108. HHO or Brown's gas
  109. hi guys
  110. hi again......
  111. new guy with old festiva's and veggie f250
  112. just joined
  113. New ecomodder Moose
  114. Electric and Diesel
  115. New Job, New Commute - 5.5->28 miles one way!
  116. Long time lurker
  117. Noob from Michigan...looking to gain MPG from Suburban
  118. Ontario Newbie
  119. New from New Zealand?
  120. Hello from Ohio
  121. Newbie here from the great white north
  122. New hewe
  123. help with fuel injector Kill switch for ZX2
  124. repowering old cars
  125. Ecomodding on a boat
  126. Mechanical Engineer from NY
  127. G'day from a Datsun Z nut.
  128. Newb 91 CRX HF
  129. New member here, 2003 SVT Cobra, getting 14mpg.
  130. New-comer from BC
  131. New guy
  132. 2000 Buick Century
  133. New here, '01 Saturn SC2
  134. New Member with a 1998 Civic EX Brokeback
  135. British Skoda Superb driver
  136. My awesome cousin gave us a car!!!
  137. F Body new member
  138. Newbie from the sunshine state
  139. New Member - Toyota iQ
  140. Hello from Croatia
  141. hi- new member with 2011 civic ex
  142. "former" go fast guy.. looking to go further..
  143. New Member - Washington
  144. New Guy with Wagon
  145. Jeep Liberty in Stratford, Ontario
  146. 2009 Dodge Ram
  147. Another convert
  148. new guy here!
  149. VW Mk4 Golf Estate 1.9SDI
  150. Northern CA noob with Integra LS
  151. aspire on e85
  152. new in ohio
  153. Not so new member
  154. Lightened flywheel
  155. Hello from the Charlotte NC area
  156. Hello, new ScanGauge owner
  157. Howdy Folks
  158. new guy in southern indi
  159. New guy with SC2
  160. Hi from Spain
  161. Hi from Dorset UK, 1.4 Diesel Seat Ibiza Ecomotive
  162. hiya
  163. Hello from Orcas...
  164. Hello everyone
  165. Hello from Poland
  166. Long time lurker
  167. Hi From New Zealand
  168. New Guy
  169. Another one
  170. greetings!
  171. New to site
  172. I've been lurking around for a while.
  173. Electric Conversion Kit
  174. Noob here; Nice Site, good info
  175. Old but new
  176. New guy
  177. crawlerdan and the super roo
  178. Where are the focus drivers?
  179. Another New Soul from CA
  180. First Post! 06 Pontiac GP
  181. I am from Europe, my Golf is from hell!
  182. Mike in Phoenix with an ElectraVan
  183. Newbie with 1999 Metro
  184. Greetings!
  185. 2010 Jetta Sport Wagon
  186. Great site
  187. noob
  188. Howdy From Ny
  189. Members from EU
  190. Hello from Alaska
  191. Newb with a 2002 Saturn SL SOHC 5-speed
  192. new
  193. New Honda guy
  194. Another noob.
  195. Another noob says Hello!
  196. Hello from Chas, SC
  197. lurker no more
  198. Hello...
  199. Toyota today, TDI tomorrow
  200. Greetings.... from DIYelectriccar forum.
  201. Newbie: Mk2 jetta action
  202. Newbie
  203. Hey all, wanted to say hi from erie and pittsburgh pa
  204. GEO - What Transmission Oil?
  205. Looking for Geo Metro Convertible$
  206. London Ontario Area 2000 Honda Insight
  207. Hi from the Mile High City!
  208. Greetings from AZ and 34.7mpg baseline
  209. Hello...Dreams of 70mpg
  210. Wait for a baseline?
  211. Hello from Germany
  212. Hi
  213. Back again
  214. Hello from northern Illinois
  215. Hi, this forum seems cool
  216. Hello from Panhandle, FL
  217. I'm new. Great Tips.
  218. Mix of saving and burning the gas, trying to balance it all
  219. Hello
  220. new ecomodder scotland
  221. New from Redding, CA.
  222. VW TDI Driver
  223. New from northeast Indiana
  224. 2000 Fiat Dakota Quad Cab
  225. Howdy!
  226. well hello hello
  227. New from Missouri
  228. My fuel log says im a Hypermiller!
  229. 'allo all
  230. I may not be new but I be returning.
  231. New From Missouri
  232. Noob w/crx hf
  233. new member from québec
  234. Newb w/ a Miata
  235. 2000 Suzuki Swift
  236. Intro post
  237. New guy here
  238. Hey.
  239. Very first post...this is what im working with.
  240. 62 MPG Audi A6 1998
  241. Hello everyone
  242. Newbie from Quebec!
  243. Newbie w/ a BMW 318ti
  244. Newbie here
  245. Hi
  246. newb
  247. Saturn TDI
  248. Newbie with a non-runner
  249. Hello
  250. Hello everyone!!