View Full Version : Introductions

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  1. Hello from Ontario
  2. Hi From Winnipeg
  3. Hello
  4. new to this site.. very impressed
  5. VW T4 Hitop Campervan, southern United Kingdom
  6. I've been a member since last year but....
  7. Newbie from Chicago
  8. Not a new user, but with a new car!
  9. Newbie from Baltimore
  10. Well a new member is here.
  11. Hi - new XB-700Li owner here
  12. Newbie here with Velomobile
  13. Word Up From Lexington Va!!
  14. Newcomer
  15. New guy, and I only get 8 mpg
  16. Hi from MI
  17. Newbie Ford Tempo owner
  18. Hello!
  19. Hi
  20. Hello from PA
  21. Stopping by to say Hi :-))
  22. First post
  23. New open source EV website - could use your help
  24. The new eco-ride...
  25. HHR owner looking to increase mileage
  26. Hello again!
  27. new to site
  28. hi from the netherlands europe
  29. Hi from East Texas
  30. Hello from Indiana
  31. new guy from san diego.
  32. Excited to be here
  33. Greetings!
  34. wanted iveco z100 parts!
  35. Hey everyone!
  36. Future Diesel Conversions
  37. New guy
  38. Glad to be here from Arkansas High MPG Mods & Inventions
  39. Hi folks
  40. Electric-Gas conversion
  41. Hi from a new guy
  42. New Member Here!
  43. Another FNG Gas Saving Nut
  44. New guy, Hello
  45. New guy interested in the Open Source motor controller
  46. just another new guy.
  47. Premium vs %10 blend regular
  48. New here with a goal to build an electric car...
  49. pickup truck
  50. Hi, Newbie Alert
  51. 1990 Civic RT4WD d15z1 swap, Minnesota
  52. Huge commute expected
  53. New Guy with an 89 CRX
  54. Hello from Finland
  55. I am new but I think I can help.
  56. I am not the only nut on the tree.
  57. hi i'm new!
  58. Just my opinion, new to the forum, need to vent:)
  59. Hey everyone
  60. nother n00b here
  61. Giiday from down under.
  62. Hi everyone! Infiniti G20 owner here looking to improve my MPG!
  63. Naive and New to the Neighborhood
  64. New Around Here :)
  65. Just saying Hello.
  66. New here with 2006 Dodge Ram 2500 Turbo Diesel
  67. Just to say who am I
  68. New guy with an Escort
  69. My new car. Honda Del Sol
  70. Hello from Wisconsin!
  71. Nice to be welcome
  72. Greetings from the opposite but the same
  73. Hi from the UK
  74. Hey all
  75. Air Force guy here
  76. Hello from Subcompact Culture
  77. new guy
  78. New Guy Driving Mom's Odyssey
  79. new on forum
  80. New guy with old Ford
  81. Hi From Oz
  82. >>BIG<< project- hoping for everyones participation!
  83. Hello from Southern New Mexico
  84. New ecomodder from Nor Cal
  85. new guy here with a mustache!
  86. New Guy
  87. new guy here with a mustang
  88. Hello everyone
  89. Anybody else, or am I the only one?
  90. Not the EV...the guy...
  91. New to ecomodder.. Hello!
  92. Lurker lands
  93. 2006 civic lx registered today
  94. Happy Toy Echo driver
  95. Electric Car new member
  96. another lurker registered today.
  97. Bonjour from French Louisiana
  98. Commutacar
  99. Well........here goes!
  100. Learning to be an ecomodder...
  101. Hi all
  102. Greetings from RightDrive.ca
  103. Hello
  104. Howdy Newbie here.
  105. New to Vehicles & Forum
  106. Looking forward to learning and sharing
  107. Hello!
  108. Looking for help from Focus and Contour SVT Modders
  109. Hi, this is my first post here
  110. Greetings from Italy!
  111. New member
  112. Greetings from a newcomer
  113. 1999 tahoe, tow package,4x4
  114. newbie, lurking..looking to learn
  115. newbie interested in EVs
  116. hi all noobie looking for some advice
  117. New Member
  118. how you get the efficiency graphic....
  119. New Member Mystere485
  120. Hi! Newbie wanting to build EV..
  121. Hi all.
  122. Hi!
  123. Hello from San Diego
  124. Greetings from up North
  125. KC,MO is signed in
  126. thanks to stumble
  127. Greetings from the mountians of Colorado :-)
  128. California HX owner
  129. experienced sales agent...
  130. no more lurking for me
  131. New Member from Texas
  132. Newbie Question about Garage
  133. New Guy
  134. New member Indy
  135. New Member, Cincinnati
  136. New Member, Flander
  137. Partially eco-conscious newbie
  138. Hiya
  139. Just Another New Person (company)
  140. Hello from a newbie
  141. hi from sunny malaysia
  142. new here...
  143. Das Newb
  144. Another lurker-turned-member
  145. Hey everyone!
  146. Hello all, intros intros...
  147. Newbie from Finland
  148. hello im new
  149. Eco-Curious
  150. Hopping onboard
  151. Long time lurker, first time poster
  152. Hey Now...
  153. Old people aren't the only ones that drive the speed limit!
  154. My intro...
  155. just got my 96 civic HX.. got it just because of ecomodder!
  156. New, from Portugal :-)
  157. new from south dakota
  158. Greetings from new member
  159. Hypermiling drives my wife nuts! (my new hobby ;-)
  160. Chicago Noob!
  161. Hello! (You may already know me...)
  162. Hi Everyone from Irelands First EV??
  163. Hello from Florida
  164. Today's Newbie
  165. North West Irelands newest EV Project
  166. Super-eco-trucker
  167. Well into my upgrades, but never got around to writing here
  168. Hello All
  169. An introduction from an unlikely hypermiler
  170. new guy
  171. New Member 4/5
  172. You don't need to see my identification...
  173. new guy's intro
  174. New Member
  175. Hello - Newbie 85 civic dx 1.5l 5 speed
  176. Hello... I bought a truck, and need to make it more efficient
  177. Just dropping by
  178. The Homemade Heat Pump Manifesto...
  179. New to this side of the spectrum
  180. Long time, but I'm back!
  181. about customizing my profile on this site
  182. New and need help on vehicle(s) choice
  183. From bruiser, to cruiser! (My story, take a look!)
  184. Magnetic Engines are Real!
  185. Hello from Minnesota!@@!!
  186. G'day from Oz ( Australia )
  187. Hello from Costa Rica
  188. New here! '93 Honda Del sol, 1st "mods"
  189. Bellevue, Wa. checking in.
  190. Raptor's White Knight Intro!
  191. Structure - Civic IMA owner
  192. EVRIC - Holden Barina (Swift) Electric Conversion
  193. another echo driver
  194. I'm back!
  195. Concept designs
  196. Aerodyne
  197. New echo driver
  198. '07 tC Daily Driver
  199. start a "Fire" fly EV project
  200. Lurker Checking In
  201. Slow and Low Rabbit
  202. Mostly harmless
  203. New to here!
  204. Newbie
  205. Noobie says Hi!
  206. introduction after lurking
  207. I'm new Hi
  208. I'm new!
  209. Northwestern Hallo!
  210. Aloha
  211. Yet another newbie!
  212. Another newbie
  213. New from Atlantic Canada
  214. Was-Happenin' Captain
  215. Yamaha C3 Scooter Owner
  216. Hello
  217. New to Forum.
  218. FNG, from Madison WI
  219. Introducing me
  220. Hi everyone
  221. TheSheMullet
  222. The new guy here, introducing myself
  223. Finally posting my intro
  224. I'm New!
  225. new driver looking to save some money
  226. Mad Nissan MPVish
  227. New member - "Juiced"
  228. Pedro Pinheiro from Portugal
  229. Mew member - Jeep Cherokee Owner here
  230. Hello
  231. Newbie from India
  232. Greetings ... from Canada (Regina, SK)
  233. Hello from NorCal
  234. Hey
  235. Fiero guy
  236. Lebaron (k car project)
  237. new guy from canada
  238. New kid on the block
  239. Newbie - learning from others
  240. Newbie from USA
  241. beginner modder from belgium
  242. Hello from Texas
  243. Modder from Finland
  244. The Demon has arrived
  245. another newbie
  246. Just arrived to the forums
  247. New here
  248. Brand new, but I have the donor
  249. Another lurker decides to give it a go
  250. Been lurking for awhile but not anymore.