- My Intro as a new member
- 88mpg, '94 Geo Metro 3-5 some experience!
- how far can one go with a ford excursion?
- Longtime Lurker finally decides to join
- Re-introduction
- Hello!
- Hello everyone im jx_mohawk new here
- hey hey from easternshore! (with Civic VX questions)
- Hello from up north
- never really got started back in '12
- Greetings
- Finally signed up
- Okie but not from Muskogee
- Greetings from a Portugal-based Volvo S60 on LPG
- A Henderson Nevada Geo Metro
- New guy in Ohio
- Civic in Ohio
- Making an old Volvo fuel efficient
- Tribota Tiger (Kubota 3-cyl diesel motorbike project)
- hello from Atlanta
- Hang on, this'll be a strange one...
- new diesel guy
- 16.3 mpg hurts... looking for a HX maybe.
- New here (with new Mitsubishi Mirage)
- Colorado in Minnesota
- New from WV!
- hello
- new member from Ontario
- New member from Virginia.
- Lurker becoming more active
- Return of the Rishar with a new car
- New guy from Pennsyltucky
- New Member from Georgia USA
- New VX owner here!
- Greetings from the FlatLanders!
- New from WV with a Cavalier
- Hi From Portland!!!
- Hello from Northeast Washington State.
- Hello People!
- Hello From the Maine Highlands
- Hi from Colorful Colorado
- Greetings from Montreal, Quebec!
- Greetings from the Netherlands!
- Hello from NC!
- Hello! A DC/FL/TX/CA guy that's (eco)crowd funding
- New CRX owner
- Hello from Tennessee
- New and learning (preparing Geo Metro to tow streamlined ultralite trailer)
- hello!
- New user sayin Hi
- How to get the best mpg out of a 99 4 speed auto v6 Ford Ranger
- MR2 Spyder introducing my new car
- Diesel Dilemas
- Ready to make changes 97 infiniti
- Andrey from Chicago
- 01 Automatic Mustang
- Tweaking a Tahoe, the tow vehicle
- Hello from Georgia | 93 Honda Accord EX
- Hello from Spain
- Hello from Alabama
- Hi From California
- Hi from MN.
- 89 mercedes 190 d
- Hello from Indiana
- Hi from California 2005 Mustang
- Hello from Pennsylvania!
- Hello. New here with a 13' Prius C
- newwwww
- Afflicted with a PT Cruiser
- MY first post here, hello (just bought a 98' Honda Civic HX)
- In the market (600+ miles/week, looking to trade pickup for killer MPG)
- Northwest Arkansas (Bentonville) Checking In
- I'm writing a story about hypermiling for Driving.ca; want to be a part of it?
- Hello from the PNW
- 1955 Pontiac (advice for setting efficient but driveable mixture?)
- new eco driver from CT
- Hello from Denmark
- Hello from NJ!
- From a 600HP 6.0L V8 to a 70HP Hybrid
- Hello from Portugal
- Newbie: 2009 Chevy Silverado Hybrid
- The Myth, The Legend.
- New driving a 2000 Civic HX
- Newbie from the States, living in Germany!
- New guy from ri!
- From spain
- New Member - Oregon
- What will I buy Motor Car or Motor Cycle.
- When can I use Signature?
- I am newbie
- New in Louisiana - Trans Am
- Pizza Delivery Hypermiler
- hello! interested in homebuilt travel trailer for high MPG.
- Longtime efficiency Nut, New to this site
- New here, and new to worrying about gas mileage!
- TimV in the house, Dieselboy wants to get the best out of his ride
- Been Lurking a few months............
- New Guy from Wash DC Metro area
- Hi. I'm Complicated.
- New member intro
- New Guy Intro (2003 Jetta TDI)
- I'm the new guy.
- New member, EV motorcycle streamlining project
- hello from socal, with my v6 brick
- Economist! (from North Western UK)
- Dodge Cummins from Aspen, CO area
- 15 and Determined
- Hello Normandy Park Washington (Seattle area)
- Hello
- Old to fuel-saving New to here
- 94 Civic VX California noob
- Hello from Colorado (97 Civic DX)
- Greetings from East TN
- Hello, my nickname is American Viking
- Something a little different...
- Hello from VA, USA. 96 Pathfinder
- any honda CRZ drivers? lets compare notes
- Hello from Poland
- Any Festiva owners here?
- zingaro from WNC (western north carolina)
- Good Day =)
- New member wanting to share and learn.
- Hello!
- New hot rodder type
- Designing Reverse-Trike EV
- MPG>HP hello! 87 CRX HF 30mpg ??? CRAP
- Honda guy here!
- sfbay newb with camry wagon
- Hi ecomodder
- New guy. 2012 Accent Hatch
- HI to everyone
- suzuki 3.52 final drive (for Geo Metro)
- Speed Racer trying to become Fuel Saver . . .
- Just got my first car, time to start modding!
- Newbie
- New car, and serious eco-driving commences!
- My Lupo 3L 1.2 Tdi - Kermit a few months in
- 97 Civic HX MPG not up to snuff
- Noob from TX w/ 95 civic VX
- Lets get this escort wagon above 40 mpg!
- Portland, Oregon New Guy
- late introduction
- New guy in an Isuzu
- Newbie introduction
- Hello from a UK bike & car enthusiast
- New Member
- New from SF Bay Area - 2011 Ford Ranger
- Introducing the Swedish-French Combo (Renault Clio Mk2)
- Fuel Economy in a Jeep
- Hi. New member in Bay Area, CA
- Not so Insightful
- Tall man in a Tiny Car!
- German Ecomodding
- Hello from Maine.
- New to Ecomodding
- New from Texas
- Hi! Is this possible?
- Hi! Hoping I fixed my crx poor mpg
- Hello from WA trying to put lipstick on a pig (pickups)
- Hi everyone
- Caz -NEWGUYNOOB- Questions also to start Ecomodding......
- Hi from Cleveland
- New here, Insight owner!
- Hello from Bangkok, THA
- First Gas Saver: '94 Civic VX
- Hello, can anyone help me? (doctoral student researching "ecometer" display approach)
- Hello from Manila, PHL!
- Introducing my SuperPILOT - 50+% over EPA!
- Hello from oklahoma
- hi just joined
- new with 09 vibe base model
- Total newbie from United Kingdom
- Hello from Ukraine :)
- Hello everybody and HELP! I'm planing to start a project soon!
- Ready to start on a new road... (WRX STI to Civic HX)
- Hiya
- Hi All From Connecticut
- Hi from portugal
- Hello everyone!
- Newbie, maybe most non-typical vehicle...
- Hi! Great to be apart of the community!
- Hello from Milwaukee. Civic vx
- Hi from New Zealand
- Hello All
- Hi from Portland Oregon
- Hello all!
- Hey guys
- Hello from TN, 2001 Insight
- Hello. 02 Honda CR-V here
- New register longtime lurker
- New Here
- New Here needing help
- New Here
- New gearhead forced eco 90 honda hatch
- New to it all! '94 Civic LX
- hello! new member with 2003 HCH
- Hello! 2013 CR-Z Here!
- New member: Autocrosser and Engineer
- Hi From Sam
- New 07' Ford Ranger
- New, 95 civic vx
- Hi All!
- Hello All....97 civic LX
- Hello
- Hello all and hope to enjoy my stay
- Video Interview Op for Economical Driving Advocate
- New to here and Ecomodding
- Hello and meet my Minivan
- New & working with an 1989 CRX Hf
- First Timer
- Looking for savvy driver to interview on video
- Checking back in...
- This place is great!
- Hi Guys! Merc 240D project car
- Hello all! New Subaru guy here.
- CFD expert - first time posting
- Allow myself to introduce.....myself
- New Guy with a Ranger
- Greetings All!
- Urba Centurion
- May the tailwind be with you, always...
- Greetings:
- Meet Lester and a Little Back-Story
- 1989 civic dx sedan d15z1
- 2013 Dodge Dart owner
- QX4DUDE clears the air.
- Hi everyone from Montreal
- Hey guys!
- New from SD
- New: $800 2001 Saturn SL1 - getting 40mpg
- New join from Arkansas
- New to me diesel car (53mpg US @ 70mph)
- New from Virginia: 93 Prelude
- New in Kansas
- New guy in Texas...97 Civic LX
- New from Las Vegas... CRX Si/VX swap
- New Guy in AZ
- New here - 2008 VW Jetta 2.5L
- Hello from Van
- Novice from Lahore
- Baltimore/DC area
- Hello from North Alabama
- Another new member from Oregon
- Hello from Oregon, USA!
- E85 V8 Engine Efficiency Projects
- Hi from Dublin, Ireland!
- introduction 99 civic lx
- One more wacky project! ('04 Dodge Intrepid, modified 1500cc Saab V4 + RWD)
- Another noob
- New Saturn owner to EM