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  1. My Intro as a new member
  2. 88mpg, '94 Geo Metro 3-5 some experience!
  3. how far can one go with a ford excursion?
  4. Longtime Lurker finally decides to join
  5. Re-introduction
  6. Hello!
  7. Hello everyone im jx_mohawk new here
  8. hey hey from easternshore! (with Civic VX questions)
  9. Hello from up north
  10. never really got started back in '12
  11. Greetings
  12. Finally signed up
  13. Okie but not from Muskogee
  14. Greetings from a Portugal-based Volvo S60 on LPG
  15. A Henderson Nevada Geo Metro
  16. New guy in Ohio
  17. Civic in Ohio
  18. Making an old Volvo fuel efficient
  19. Tribota Tiger (Kubota 3-cyl diesel motorbike project)
  20. hello from Atlanta
  21. Hang on, this'll be a strange one...
  22. new diesel guy
  23. 16.3 mpg hurts... looking for a HX maybe.
  24. New here (with new Mitsubishi Mirage)
  25. Colorado in Minnesota
  26. New from WV!
  27. hello
  28. new member from Ontario
  29. New member from Virginia.
  30. Lurker becoming more active
  31. Return of the Rishar with a new car
  32. New guy from Pennsyltucky
  33. New Member from Georgia USA
  34. New VX owner here!
  35. Greetings from the FlatLanders!
  36. New from WV with a Cavalier
  37. Hi From Portland!!!
  38. Hello from Northeast Washington State.
  39. Hello People!
  40. Hello From the Maine Highlands
  41. Hi from Colorful Colorado
  42. Greetings from Montreal, Quebec!
  43. Greetings from the Netherlands!
  44. Hello from NC!
  45. Hello! A DC/FL/TX/CA guy that's (eco)crowd funding
  46. New CRX owner
  47. Hello from Tennessee
  48. New and learning (preparing Geo Metro to tow streamlined ultralite trailer)
  49. hello!
  50. New user sayin Hi
  51. How to get the best mpg out of a 99 4 speed auto v6 Ford Ranger
  52. MR2 Spyder introducing my new car
  53. Diesel Dilemas
  54. Ready to make changes 97 infiniti
  55. Andrey from Chicago
  56. 01 Automatic Mustang
  57. Tweaking a Tahoe, the tow vehicle
  58. Hello from Georgia | 93 Honda Accord EX
  59. Hello from Spain
  60. Hello from Alabama
  61. Hi From California
  62. Hi from MN.
  63. 89 mercedes 190 d
  64. Hello from Indiana
  65. Hi from California 2005 Mustang
  66. Hello from Pennsylvania!
  67. Hello. New here with a 13' Prius C
  68. newwwww
  69. Afflicted with a PT Cruiser
  70. MY first post here, hello (just bought a 98' Honda Civic HX)
  71. In the market (600+ miles/week, looking to trade pickup for killer MPG)
  72. Northwest Arkansas (Bentonville) Checking In
  73. I'm writing a story about hypermiling for Driving.ca; want to be a part of it?
  74. Hello from the PNW
  75. 1955 Pontiac (advice for setting efficient but driveable mixture?)
  76. new eco driver from CT
  77. Hello from Denmark
  78. Hello from NJ!
  79. From a 600HP 6.0L V8 to a 70HP Hybrid
  80. Hello from Portugal
  81. Newbie: 2009 Chevy Silverado Hybrid
  82. The Myth, The Legend.
  83. New driving a 2000 Civic HX
  84. Newbie from the States, living in Germany!
  85. New guy from ri!
  86. From spain
  87. New Member - Oregon
  88. What will I buy Motor Car or Motor Cycle.
  89. When can I use Signature?
  90. I am newbie
  91. New in Louisiana - Trans Am
  92. Pizza Delivery Hypermiler
  93. hello! interested in homebuilt travel trailer for high MPG.
  94. Longtime efficiency Nut, New to this site
  95. New here, and new to worrying about gas mileage!
  96. TimV in the house, Dieselboy wants to get the best out of his ride
  97. Been Lurking a few months............
  98. New Guy from Wash DC Metro area
  99. Hi. I'm Complicated.
  100. New member intro
  101. New Guy Intro (2003 Jetta TDI)
  102. I'm the new guy.
  103. New member, EV motorcycle streamlining project
  104. hello from socal, with my v6 brick
  105. Economist! (from North Western UK)
  106. Dodge Cummins from Aspen, CO area
  107. 15 and Determined
  108. Hello Normandy Park Washington (Seattle area)
  109. Hello
  110. Old to fuel-saving New to here
  111. 94 Civic VX California noob
  112. Hello from Colorado (97 Civic DX)
  113. Greetings from East TN
  114. Hello, my nickname is American Viking
  115. Something a little different...
  116. Hello from VA, USA. 96 Pathfinder
  117. any honda CRZ drivers? lets compare notes
  118. Hello from Poland
  119. Any Festiva owners here?
  120. zingaro from WNC (western north carolina)
  121. Good Day =)
  122. New member wanting to share and learn.
  123. Hello!
  124. New hot rodder type
  125. Designing Reverse-Trike EV
  126. MPG>HP hello! 87 CRX HF 30mpg ??? CRAP
  127. Honda guy here!
  128. sfbay newb with camry wagon
  129. Hi ecomodder
  130. New guy. 2012 Accent Hatch
  131. HI to everyone
  132. suzuki 3.52 final drive (for Geo Metro)
  133. Speed Racer trying to become Fuel Saver . . .
  134. Just got my first car, time to start modding!
  135. Newbie
  136. New car, and serious eco-driving commences!
  137. My Lupo 3L 1.2 Tdi - Kermit a few months in
  138. 97 Civic HX MPG not up to snuff
  139. Noob from TX w/ 95 civic VX
  140. Lets get this escort wagon above 40 mpg!
  141. Portland, Oregon New Guy
  142. late introduction
  143. New guy in an Isuzu
  144. Newbie introduction
  145. Hello from a UK bike & car enthusiast
  146. New Member
  147. New from SF Bay Area - 2011 Ford Ranger
  148. Introducing the Swedish-French Combo (Renault Clio Mk2)
  149. Fuel Economy in a Jeep
  150. Hi. New member in Bay Area, CA
  151. Not so Insightful
  152. Tall man in a Tiny Car!
  153. German Ecomodding
  154. Hello from Maine.
  155. New to Ecomodding
  156. New from Texas
  157. Hi! Is this possible?
  158. Hi! Hoping I fixed my crx poor mpg
  159. Hello from WA trying to put lipstick on a pig (pickups)
  160. Hi everyone
  161. Caz -NEWGUYNOOB- Questions also to start Ecomodding......
  162. Hi from Cleveland
  163. New here, Insight owner!
  164. Hello from Bangkok, THA
  165. First Gas Saver: '94 Civic VX
  166. Hello, can anyone help me? (doctoral student researching "ecometer" display approach)
  167. Hello from Manila, PHL!
  168. Introducing my SuperPILOT - 50+% over EPA!
  169. Hello from oklahoma
  170. hi just joined
  171. new with 09 vibe base model
  172. Total newbie from United Kingdom
  173. Hello from Ukraine :)
  174. Hello everybody and HELP! I'm planing to start a project soon!
  175. Ready to start on a new road... (WRX STI to Civic HX)
  176. Hiya
  177. Hi All From Connecticut
  178. Hi from portugal
  179. Hello everyone!
  180. Newbie, maybe most non-typical vehicle...
  181. Hi! Great to be apart of the community!
  182. Hello from Milwaukee. Civic vx
  183. Hi from New Zealand
  184. Hello All
  185. Hi from Portland Oregon
  186. Hello all!
  187. Hey guys
  188. Hello from TN, 2001 Insight
  189. Hello. 02 Honda CR-V here
  190. New register longtime lurker
  191. New Here
  192. New Here needing help
  193. New Here
  194. New gearhead forced eco 90 honda hatch
  195. New to it all! '94 Civic LX
  196. hello! new member with 2003 HCH
  197. Hello! 2013 CR-Z Here!
  198. New member: Autocrosser and Engineer
  199. Hi From Sam
  200. New 07' Ford Ranger
  201. New, 95 civic vx
  202. Hi All!
  203. Hello All....97 civic LX
  204. Hello
  205. Hello all and hope to enjoy my stay
  206. Video Interview Op for Economical Driving Advocate
  207. New to here and Ecomodding
  208. Hello and meet my Minivan
  209. New & working with an 1989 CRX Hf
  210. First Timer
  211. Looking for savvy driver to interview on video
  212. Checking back in...
  213. This place is great!
  214. Hi Guys! Merc 240D project car
  215. Hello all! New Subaru guy here.
  216. CFD expert - first time posting
  217. Allow myself to introduce.....myself
  218. New Guy with a Ranger
  219. Greetings All!
  220. Urba Centurion
  221. May the tailwind be with you, always...
  222. Greetings:
  223. Meet Lester and a Little Back-Story
  224. 1989 civic dx sedan d15z1
  225. 2013 Dodge Dart owner
  226. QX4DUDE clears the air.
  227. Hi everyone from Montreal
  228. Hey guys!
  229. New from SD
  230. New: $800 2001 Saturn SL1 - getting 40mpg
  231. New join from Arkansas
  232. New to me diesel car (53mpg US @ 70mph)
  233. New from Virginia: 93 Prelude
  234. New in Kansas
  235. New guy in Texas...97 Civic LX
  236. New from Las Vegas... CRX Si/VX swap
  237. New Guy in AZ
  238. New here - 2008 VW Jetta 2.5L
  239. Hello from Van
  240. Novice from Lahore
  241. Baltimore/DC area
  242. Hello from North Alabama
  243. Another new member from Oregon
  244. Hello from Oregon, USA!
  245. E85 V8 Engine Efficiency Projects
  246. Hi from Dublin, Ireland!
  247. introduction 99 civic lx
  248. One more wacky project! ('04 Dodge Intrepid, modified 1500cc Saab V4 + RWD)
  249. Another noob
  250. New Saturn owner to EM