View Full Version : Forum News & Feedback

Pages : 1 [2] 3

  1. 2000 A4 quattro - Eficiente fake numbers
  2. Can't send PM until I have 10 posts. OK, but...
  3. Posting Pictures Questions
  4. Possible to not have the combined mpg set the bar?
  5. question about user status
  6. Proposal of Automatic and customizable unit conversion in Forums
  7. Forum sections by region?
  8. This year vs last year
  9. top 10 issues
  10. Server maintenance - site will be offline this weekend (1pm to 3pm EST Mon. the 5th)
  11. Adding decimals to Garage
  12. Ecomodder WM/Droid/Ios app/integration?
  13. EM Garage Slow?
  14. Tapatalk
  15. Ordered Stickers - Never Received.
  16. Last fuel log not shown in graph
  17. HOWTO - Add pictures/photos/images in Ecomodder
  18. Project Gallery Link!!!!!! Hello?
  19. Prominent link to Ecomodder Project Library
  20. Signature test area?
  21. Why show MPG for electric cars?
  22. Instrumentation drop down menu
  23. Custom MPG signature
  24. Suggestion - How about a news forum
  25. wireless signal issues
  26. So now I'm saving mpg, but....
  27. Sigtest from Sprintmonitor.de
  28. Has there been an ecomodder.com challenge?
  29. Commercial rules
  30. Modification of the quarter! Nominate your favorite mod here
  31. How to add a poll to your new thread
  32. Project galley hard to find. Needs link in menu bar
  33. Suggestion to moderator
  34. 2 of same car in garage.
  35. Work from Home Tracker?
  36. Site New Bugs: logged out when typing long
  37. Civic HX wheels for sale
  38. Change posts per page
  39. How to have fun with trolls
  40. Project thread
  41. Wiki News
  42. VOTE! Modification of the Year - 2010
  43. Want sweet EcoModder t-shirts? READ THIS!
  44. Fix how thanks are listed in your profile
  45. Modification of the Month contest is back! ... in the form of Mod of the Year 2010
  46. Units
  47. Mindset Electric car uses brass era tires and wheels.
  48. Skoda Octavia EPA rating: not available. Action?
  49. Unable to post a new thread in...
  50. Milage question and challange Kia Sportage
  51. Happy Birthday to us - EcoModder turns 3! Celebrate by winning some prizes!
  52. Happy Birthday to us - EcoModder turns 4! Celebrate by winning some prizes!
  53. Tanks updates in "Fuel Log"
  54. Can I choose what Refuellings to include in my 90 days?
  55. Legal aid
  56. Future of EV’s ???
  57. Error when adding to Fuel Trip Log
  58. Vehicle Coefficient of Drag List
  59. Disabling the "We miss you!" emails
  60. Top Ten Lists Only Show Cars! Trucks, M/Cs and Other omitted.
  61. Problem changing EPA combined in Garage
  62. How do you retire a vehicle?
  63. Thank you darin!
  64. How to set up your cycle log
  65. EcoModder - European division
  66. Unable to load pictures
  67. Fuel log graph not updating?
  68. Making use of the Wiki Tire inflation
  69. Mega-Super Members Only Scangauge Sale!!!
  70. [Mod list discussion] Wiki up and running. Thread for suggestions to main mod list
  71. Incorrect Information re: Tire Pressure in Efficiency Mods
  72. Making use of the Wiki for modification / hypermiling info
  73. Site Admin
  74. Requestion: KWH
  75. What ecomodder needs (IMO)
  76. Importing Fuel Logs
  77. Virus on the site?
  78. Downtime
  79. PHP error
  80. MetroMPG, Darin on MSN.com!
  81. Why do YOU like EcoModder.com?
  82. How did YOU find EcoModder.com?
  83. How do I become a blogger on the main site?
  84. Unsubscribe
  85. How about a Full Screen button in the embedded YouTube videos?
  86. Flash Chat?
  87. Truck section of Forum?
  88. Sub-forum for news articles?
  89. New Chart(s), and/or more search option in the Garage page.
  90. Who's Benjamin F.T. Jones?
  91. EPA Combined on fuel log wrong
  92. Just wondering...
  93. Pics no longer available
  94. Bugs and blackouts today - sorry!
  95. Is there anyway to remove Trip Log?
  96. What's Wrong with Site Update Speed?
  97. Wrench Smart....... Back Up Smart
  98. Thanks in posts
  99. funds & experiments for the community
  100. EcoModder Nominated for "Best Transportation Website" by TreeHugger
  101. Can't stay logged in to Ecomodder.com
  102. 91 geo Metro xfi tranny swap
  103. Can you explain how to add an image to the wiki?
  104. Site slow??
  105. Token expired and killed my post. Bad Token!
  106. trailer skirt
  107. EcoModder server will be down 15 min. for maintenance, tomorrow 7AM EST (Fri Jan 8)
  108. Introduce our ecovehicles? (Moderator only please)
  109. Need help
  110. Server outage: Tues Dec 29 - sorry!
  111. Is it ok to remove anomaly tanks in your fuel log?
  112. Mark Forum Read Link
  113. Can I turn off "Popular topics" individually?
  114. Clean up of list Top vehicules MPG (us)
  115. Lifetime mpg top 10 cars?????
  116. What is with the influx of members?
  117. Happy birthday to us! EcoModder turns two (December 3).
  118. site not handheld friendly
  119. Yet another milestone: 10,000 members
  120. EcoModder milestone: passed 10,000 threads today
  121. Fuel Log Graph Won't Update
  122. 3 cyl metro re-build
  123. ecomodder page loading?
  124. Problem with mpg calculation output on top 10 list
  125. DC Generators to power electric cars.
  126. Custom mileage signature choices
  127. Forum software updated today - pls let us know if you see anything odd
  128. New feature: EcoModder Project Library (help expand it!)
  129. database error when trying to read PM
  130. What is a linkback?
  131. How many of you think it would be nice to see a list of
  132. New spam filters working
  133. Can't unsubscribe
  134. Page loads hanging up for anyone else?
  135. Added a feature for posting thanks for helpful posts
  136. Database error
  137. Added advanced stats to the individual fuel log pages
  138. New Feature: EcoModder Team Competition
  139. How to delete a car in the garage
  140. I swear Ecomodder just did something wierd
  141. attachment file maxed-out----help!
  142. Suggestion for fuel logs
  143. Ontario Government red-tape need HELP!
  144. EcoModder Garage Stats
  145. 1.10 MB maxed-out,can't post more images
  146. Image-posting glitch or maybe maxed out
  147. Motor probs - commutacar
  148. Cant delete fuel log entry
  149. VOTE! June 2009 modification of the month (and 1 random voter wins an EM decal)
  150. What up with the irritating pop ups?
  151. Can I change the name I log in with
  152. June 2009 Modification of the Month nominations
  153. Delete function added to the fuel logs
  154. How do I delete fuel/trip logs? Help!
  155. news story sources: what can the average driver do
  156. Need A Biodiesel maker thingy
  157. Placing an order through RightDrive
  158. Ford Fusion - hypermiling and pulse/glide mentioned
  159. forum bug: car list in PM's
  160. VOTE! May 2009 Modification of the Month
  161. Please report sneaky stealth link spammers
  162. Gas Mileage Conversion Button In Forum Post Editor?
  163. Server will be down for a few minutes tomorrow at noon ET (Tuesday, May 26)
  164. Any interest in a whole forum project vehicle?
  165. Planned server outage 6 PM ET today; Apologies for the down time over night
  166. Subscribing to thread
  167. Working on top ten lists: what do YOU want?
  168. Tie-in with googlemap
  169. New French language forum
  170. New Garage Feature: Search!!!
  171. Top Ten
  172. VOTE! April 2009 Modification of the Month
  173. go to last post button not working on large threads
  174. Thread jacking somewhat related
  175. EcoModder 100,000th Post Giveaway Spectacular!!!
  176. General observation: too much thread hi-jacking
  177. Calendar
  178. April 2009 Modification of the Month nominations
  179. open 3D cad?
  180. Lots of cheap coroplast sheets 4 x 8 foot in Missouri
  181. 100k posts is coming on up!
  182. A couple suggestions.
  183. VOTE! March modification of the month
  184. Comment on fuel logs, facebook style?
  185. Contest! Name Paul & Sabrina's controller
  186. Garage % Over EPA - Question
  187. "Start New Thread" icon at bottom of each post???
  188. Thread page length 10 or 20 posts?
  189. March Modification of the Month Nominations
  190. Indexes and Link Lists
  191. Sorry for the down time overnight
  192. VOTE! February modification of the month
  193. Adding photo to your post
  194. Garage needs its own search.
  195. EM on Twitter!
  196. EPA mileage new 2008 formula
  197. February Modification of the Month Nominations
  198. Build Thread Key Postings Index Experiment.
  199. a limit on fuel logs?
  200. Another garage suggestion
  201. VOTE! January Mod of the Month
  202. Setting for unread messages
  203. Eco-driving. Quiz- Tips and tricks for saving energy and take care of the environment
  204. I miss the BLOG on the homepage
  205. Added Facebook Connect
  206. For fun: graph of US gas prices vs. forum activity 2008
  207. New in "Tools" menu: Fuel economy units conversion calculator
  208. mpguino added in efficiency instrumentation choices?
  209. How often do you use the "Preview Post" button ?
  210. EM 1 Year Anniversary & a Big Thank You!!!
  211. Does Ecomodder forum software always eats extra spaces? (Tables in posts)
  212. Gas vs NON-Gas log? Trips vs Miles?
  213. New contest in the works! "Mod of the month"
  214. Adding Smiley's to quick reply.
  215. Was anything changed with thread subscriptions?
  216. EM Giveaway Contest: Digital Tire Gauges
  217. Why is my Avatar so blurry
  218. The EM Garage is too big
  219. How much are they paying you to run these ads?
  220. Anyone with kids WATCH THIS!! PLEASE
  221. this web site can save energy
  222. How Do I Delete a Fuel Log Entry?
  223. How to report blatant SPAM?
  224. Congrats
  225. Feature request: Maintenance Diary in the Fuel Log
  226. EV Log
  227. 2005 Honda CRV All wheel drive
  228. Can I delete an entry from my fuel log?
  229. Lexus LS 600h L - Contradiction?
  230. ecomodder vs. ecomodderS?
  231. What does the Star next to someone's name mean?
  232. garage issues
  233. Do people know what RSS is and how to use it (on both the blog and the forum)?
  234. Private message glitch?
  235. Sorry for the slowdown/outage!
  236. Power Products
  237. How about a sticky for materials and sources.
  238. Titles Based on Post Count
  239. New posts in user cp not new
  240. Thanks for reporting spam, guys and ladies!
  241. EM Garage : one bug and a few ideas
  242. Links in Sig
  243. 100+ Hypermilling Tips needs anchors
  244. Anyone good at graphic design?
  245. New forum section
  246. Standardize EV mpg reporting request
  247. A "What to Look For in a new car" gallery
  248. US carmakers launch EcodriverUSA.com
  249. EcoModder iPhone/iPod Touch Theme!
  250. How do you post a video??