View Full Version : Forum News & Feedback

Pages : [1] 2 3

  1. Member ID request
  2. Fuel Log feature request (filter by year)
  3. Server maintenance tomorrow 2 PM EST (Sat., Jan. 20)
  4. Fuel Log Feature request
  5. A-Pillar aerodynamic modifications / fairings
  6. Fuel consumption - ecomodder calculator
  7. Increasing MPG
  8. Help deciding on best commuter
  9. 2001 Dodge Ram 3500 5.9 Cummins EPA and Coefficient of drag NOT FOUND
  10. 'Go advanced' & 'Edit' gone as well
  11. 'Manage Attachments' RIP?
  12. IOS Full Screen scam on entering site
  13. report post 'button' for violations
  14. cannot control data entry
  15. Database errors while trying to access profile and User CP
  16. Safari says pw compromised; freezes when trying to change pw
  17. Update EM site/forum? Specific ideas.
  18. Need assistance
  19. Cannot edit older post?
  20. Request to delete account
  21. EcoModder newsletter for January 2021
  22. EcoModder's 20 most popular topics/threads of 2020!
  23. Gas/Electric Hydrogen battery hybrid on 4wd drive-train
  24. front wheel "air curtain"
  25. congratulations on the 13TH
  26. Guess who's a teenager now: Happy 13th birthday to EcoModder! (Win a ScanGauge!)
  27. Just a nice message from a long-time lurker
  28. Changing time clock 24 hour?
  29. EcoModder newsletter for September 2020
  30. Database error / Can't access
  31. Problem with editing old post
  32. Ecomodder keeps getting the name of my new car wrong!
  33. unwelcome 'pop-up' just wrecked my work
  34. Please cut out the political chatter
  35. Notification emails sometimes delayed
  36. Suggestion for vehicle MPG displays
  37. EcoModder's 25 most popular topics/threads of 2019!
  38. EcoModder is TWELVE! 12th birthday prize contest! (ScanGauges, etc.)
  39. Adds
  40. Invalid Re-Direct ?
  41. pictures reoriented 90* counter clockwise
  42. database error
  43. Profile Visitors [I]vs[/I] Posts
  44. Move a thread out of unicorn corral?
  45. Negawatts for EV's
  46. Ecomodder's EU members
  47. One more time contest: win a ScanGauge-e! (Your odds are excellent.)
  48. Contest: win a ScanGauge-e and an EcoModder t-shirt
  49. album uploads don't
  50. Fuel log for hybrid cars
  51. Fuel log graph and Sig not updating?
  52. EcoModder's 25 most popular topics/threads of 2018!
  53. It's EcoModder's 11th birthday! That means another great contest to win prizes!
  54. Forum idea
  55. How to delete a really old fuel log entry
  56. spam:
  57. fuel log - car mpg?
  58. Have I got a deal for you....
  59. Forum & server upgrade - keep an eye out for errors
  60. Photo Embedding
  61. I see the change said the blind man
  62. FE Top 10: 1998 Swift Ghost?
  63. Free Fuel Riding on the Wind
  64. Ecomodder MPG signature "sticker"
  65. Can't open p.59 in Firebrid thread
  66. New contest: one lucky forum member will win a ScanGauge-e MPG gauge
  67. thread split?
  68. Could someone please change my username?
  69. Terms of Service
  70. EcoModder's top 25 most popular threads of 2017!
  71. ecorenovator sends me here
  72. Happy 10th birthday to us!! Celebrating ten years = chance to win lots of stuff!
  73. Page 60
  74. Screen Shot or Not ?
  75. Repeated, malicious attempts to access blog account
  76. un-attachment
  77. How to: Post pictures on EcoModder so they never die
  78. an interesting user profile
  79. PhotoBucket rushes to help Ecomodder
  80. Pictures missing?
  81. Best choice vehicle for touring the National Parks
  82. How do I see photos.
  83. Adding two cars, got two database errors
  84. Site not working properly: splitted my car in two +
  85. List of top cars missing or redirected incorrectly
  86. Ecomodder Mileage Log is Broken
  87. Honda Ridgeline Aero?
  88. EcoModder's top 25 most popular threads of 2016!
  89. EcoModder is NINE! 9th birthday prize contest! (ScanGauges, etc.)
  90. Sub-Forum suggestion- Tools & Techniques
  91. Win a $25 gas card from EcoModder (3 to give away - great odds!)
  92. Any other websites?
  93. The Reg — Patch your vBulletin forum – or get popped
  94. Remove my membership
  95. Honda Insight Owners Facebook Group
  96. merge?
  97. Heads up: planned server outage Thursday 07:00 (AM) EST
  98. Remove my membership
  99. 92 civic vx sputtering/slight missfire at idle normal?
  100. Graph Problem
  101. Problem?
  102. Most popular threads of 2015!
  103. Air conditioning and genuine fuel economy rhetoric
  104. Yay, we're back
  105. Heads up: planned server outage: Saturday 03:00 (AM) EST
  106. Happy 8th to us! Get your birthday prizes! (ScanGauges, etc.)
  107. New Feature: photo feed
  108. Can we have car-specific stickies?
  109. Couple Wiki Ideas
  110. Can't create account in Wiki?
  111. Broken link in a wiki page
  112. How to get cars on left side of posts, just under username
  113. Garage rules on acounting for fuel usage
  114. Fuel log question. (average cost/gal ?)
  115. request - thread title correction
  116. New
  117. request: vx egr control box wiring location.
  118. ScanGauge forgotten at home-Need ScanGauge in Calgary
  119. Extra columns in the fuel log
  120. misaligned header graphic
  121. Seems my odometer is off, can we adjust that?
  122. 404?
  123. D15z1 low idle and miss
  124. site slow?
  125. Ecomodder site NOT working properly
  126. The 25 most popular projects / threads of 2014
  127. Happy 7th to us! Get your birthday prizes! (ScanGauges, etc.)
  128. 1year mpg avg?
  129. Font Changes???
  130. Disappearing posts??
  131. Recent Posts
  132. ScanGauge Mount now available in the EM store
  133. Automatic unit conversion in forum posts (script attached)
  134. Request for Garage section
  135. top motorcycle
  136. New fuel log
  137. Pneumatic pusher and brake regeneration
  138. Team Pontiac Thread.
  139. Is there a way to set subscription preferences?
  140. Facebook group: Hypermiling America
  141. 100 + hypermiling tips ...
  142. Reminder: add a garage entry for your car
  143. forum menu for custom vehicles.
  144. Public service announcement: play nice, be patient. Thank you.
  145. Freezing with Chrome & XP?
  146. Server maintenance time this AM - finished
  147. I can't easily find the forum rules.
  148. Eco-credits? Plant 10 trees, get 1mpg+ on your vehicles ratings?
  149. Server slowdown & planned maintenance (tomorrow, Friday Feb. 27... I mean 28th!)
  150. Recent server down time & planned maintenance (this Friday, Feb. 7)
  151. Addition of "Mod" to Fuel Log
  152. SUGGESTION: Additions to aerodynamic, rolling resistance, fuel economy calculator.
  153. Live updating fleet consumption, by make/model/series
  154. Happy Birthday to us! EcoModder turns six. Prizes! (ScanGauges, etc.)
  155. Fuel log city v. hwy
  156. Recommendation
  157. Suggestion for Garage Trip Log page
  158. mail bomb?
  159. Carsoup.com hijacked my signature
  160. Gmail users: EcoModder needs your (easy) help!
  161. GMAIL users / new members: check your spam folder for account confirmation link
  162. New to site.
  163. Member Links
  164. Interested in being a contributor for EcoModder's Facebook page?
  165. unlocking the AST Part-C?
  166. Modding Thread Sub-forum
  167. Media looking for economy car enthusiast/ecomodder/hypermiler in southern Ontario
  168. Are there too many "stooshies" around just now ?
  169. Site revamp, aggressive marketing, etc.
  170. Making the Ranking System more prominent in the Garage
  171. Garage - Improved Images Section
  172. how about a face book link?
  173. Suggestion: Fuel Log Import
  174. How 2 Load Piks
  175. Reloading Recent Posts page
  176. Small enhancement request to fuel log export
  177. In Garage- Adding feature for enhanced Price/Mile
  178. Idea: New forum area for non-aero mods
  179. Mobile App?
  180. Accessing the "Military theme for fun... and function" thread
  181. Notepad?
  182. Mobile Skin
  183. Is there a GOOD way to save threads?
  184. Updated Spelling Library
  185. [Fuel log] Vehicle fill-up rank
  186. Cant manage attachments on tablet
  187. Can we get CNG in the Garage, pliiiiiiiiiis ?
  188. Delete Vehicle?
  189. fuel economy signature display
  190. Deleted Tanks
  191. Application- Specific Forums
  192. Tire Diameter Change In Fuel Log?
  193. Isn't there any option to share threads or posts on Facebook?
  194. Sig fuel log pic
  195. Price of Fuel in Fuel Log - Liters?
  196. Site FAQ Section and FE for cars older than 1984?
  197. Homepage suggestion...
  198. How to not auto subscribe to threads
  199. Fuel log display in L/100km
  200. 25,000 members
  201. Sorry for the downtime overnight (EST)
  202. Pass the cigars: EcoModder spawns a new forum (for 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage 3-cyl)
  203. Happy 5th Birthday to EcoModder! (Party loot bags: win prizes! ScanGauges etc.)
  204. Is there a certified CNG conversion kit for the Metro?
  205. accessing mileage log help
  206. Can't add image signature because I'm new??
  207. Someone said thanks; but who and what for?
  208. KM option for Cycle Log
  209. Ecomodder License Plate Frames
  210. New EM Front Page
  211. More icons/smiles
  212. Add an option to +1 a post
  213. Introducing New Team Suzuki
  214. Team Honda Thread
  215. Fix "The Kitten"
  216. Suggestion: Hypermiler rating system
  217. Sports Cars Team
  218. 2013 Toyota Yaris Hybrid
  219. Any good iphone forum apps?
  220. Reflections upon being “nice” and being banned
  221. The turtle seems to have wandered off...
  222. changing username?
  223. Adding car to forum garage
  224. electric conversion fiat punto sx 1999
  225. What are the rules of debate here?
  226. (Always strive for perfection ... don't quote extensive posts unnecessarily!)
  227. newbie
  228. iMac Login Issue - Need Help Please
  229. Fleet list, top active cars
  230. Quick Survey: Why do you modify your vehicle?
  231. Ecomodding your house section?
  232. Add more tools to the tools section?
  233. Tapatalk (or mobile/lightweight forum skin)?
  234. Why and how did you modify your vehicle? eBay Motors wants to know!
  235. Rising US gas prices = new EcoModder membership record
  236. Signature help
  237. Ecomodder wiki is spammed (all fixed now!)
  238. moving a thread
  239. How to delete a trip log
  240. suggestion for aero/rr calc
  241. How to Setup Ecomodder Mileage MPG image in Your Signature
  242. Fuel log, trip log web service?
  243. Money spent
  244. Individual threads not accessible
  245. Intro section concern.
  246. Sorry about the server outage overnight/this AM
  247. Sticky Threads ????
  248. Monthly EcoModder email update/newsletter
  249. 20,000 members!
  250. Top 10