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  1. OBDII Port Question
  2. Choosing voltage meters?
  3. Time for some overkill.
  4. UG help
  5. Some nice Android Applications
  6. Factory Avg Mpg Gauge isn't even close!
  7. Factories jumping on the bandwagon
  8. ScanGauge II firmware UPDATE - discount / group buy for EcoModder members
  9. Testing & Reviewing a SGe (comparing ScanGauge 2 vs. ScanGauge E)
  10. Bar Type Display
  11. Momentary switch to kill fuel
  12. Mounting the Scangauge
  13. Garmin EcoRoute or Scanguage
  14. Woofers.
  15. car is having a problem!
  16. ScanGauge II faster response
  17. Just got Ultra Gauge today!
  18. Scanner recommendations needed
  19. Actron 9185
  20. ScanGauge II issue at full throttle
  21. gas gauge
  22. 1982 Cadillac factory mpg gauge
  23. I'm an iOS developer. What would people want in an ecodriving app?
  24. Old school mpg meter Popular mechanics writeup
  25. Best Temp. Gauges
  26. Exhaust Emission Testing & Equipment
  27. Good days/bad days
  28. Has my E85 kit thingy been helping me make the most of my Regular Gas?
  29. Mpguino Work with non stock car?
  30. APEXi Super AFC NEO for better MPG?
  31. Yippee! New ScanGauge
  32. UltraGauge and EOC / engine kill with ECU on
  33. mpguino vss signal problem
  34. CRX VX mpguino
  35. what is latest SGII™ version?
  36. My homemade MPGuino case.
  37. Possible Kill Switch?
  38. UltraGauge is in the Fit... winning.
  39. Vacuum gauge and BSFC chart - few questions
  40. How long to set a baseline?
  41. Fuel app for Nokia phones
  42. Scan Gauge II or UltraGauge?
  43. MPG on laptop
  44. Anyone have a scangauge 2 in a 2007 Honda Fit?
  45. MPGUINO Install assistance 94 Metro XFI
  46. Torque for Android review
  47. OSB-II Readers
  48. Torque for Android
  49. ScanGauge II calibration question
  50. Ultragague questions - open loop, lean burn
  51. adding guages
  52. New ScanGuage-e
  53. Building a vacuum accumulator, size question...?
  54. scangauge problems
  55. MPGuino backup power source???
  56. SGII Interesting Information - KR "Knock Retard" Gauge
  57. Ultra Gauge Runs with Key Off
  58. Monitoring lean burn
  59. SGII calibration on TDI (auto transmission)
  60. Speedo and Odo/trip not working
  61. Factory Fuel Consumption Computers
  62. Thanks UltraGauge, screw u Nissan.
  63. HELP< Electronic/computer help needed MPG related
  64. VSS confusion
  65. SGII Installation in Overhead Console on Cherokee
  66. What kind of FE instrumentation for Pre-OBD2 Diesel
  67. SGII - IGN gauge question
  68. coasting and average MPG - confused
  69. Scangauge fuel cutoff settings
  70. Loop question
  71. Oxygen sensors? Which one?
  72. Torque (android app)
  73. Fighting the kickdown of an Auto tranny w the SGII!!
  74. Need Help with Ultra Gauge
  75. installed scangaugeII - some questions
  76. Engine Off Coasting W/ SGII
  77. guage to fit a micra
  78. metric UG?
  79. Clearing Pending Trouble Codes on an UltraGauge
  80. Just got my SG2, but it won't clear codes
  81. new scangauge user question
  82. MPGuino sales/service ?
  83. PLX Kiwi MPG calibration
  84. Anyone tried out obdgpslogger yet?
  85. what mpg meter for 1989 chevy celebrity?
  86. Tpms ("live" in-cabin tire pressure readout?)
  87. Volt Meter with alarms
  88. SGII, what inputs does it use to compute MPG?
  89. Seeing what you are talking about
  90. Looking for a MPG gauge for old truck
  91. Ultra-gauge
  92. ELM 323 responds to AT commands
  93. ScanguageII Calibration
  94. Ultragauge
  95. My Mechanic said I need to unplug SGII asap
  96. New to the SGII
  97. ScanGaugeII air/fuel ratio
  98. Simple fuel consumption estimates from Garmin GPS
  99. Tell me how well
  100. ScanGuageII units
  101. Pre Computer Data Logging
  102. Scangauge ATF reading for Subarus?
  103. Weird ScanGauge issue
  104. TDI, EO(ff)C and SG2 for fun and profit
  105. *poll* your favorite OBDII guage
  106. this should speed things up (using small calibrated fuel canister for testing mods)
  107. How to get Ultragauge to recognize EOC?
  108. Scangauge 2 TFT display
  109. fuel shut off confusing my scan gauge
  110. Suggestions? What is the best/cheapest/lower power usage GPS odometer I could buy?
  111. G Force Chip
  112. Android Kiwi Bluetooth OBD II Experience?
  113. Magellan Roadmate 1700 7" gps. Thoughts and Suggestions?
  114. Scanguage says 25mpg, but manual measurement says = 35mpg
  115. SGII doesn't always know today was over yesterday
  116. vaccum road results
  117. To De-spoof the UG battery myth!
  118. How do you get the most from your Ultragauge
  119. Adjustable fuel economy buzzer?
  120. ppc/wm mpg software?
  121. So...SGII v UG?
  122. How can I reset a scangaugeII
  123. Ultraguage instead of Scanguage??
  124. Review: Ultra gauge vs MPGuino
  125. Eoc
  126. Maxitrip Auto Computer
  127. ScanGauge II @ Amazon.com for $129.99 shipped
  128. DWL at 3k+ rpm = higher vacuum?
  129. DashCommand - OBD-II
  130. Ultraguage Question?
  131. Scanguage NOT WORKING on VW Golf
  132. 14point7 UAFC?
  133. 24V ELM327 interface
  134. What is your favorite settings for your scanner
  135. Speedo reprograming
  136. Honda Insight MK1 BCM Gauge
  137. Installing an Ultra-Gauge on a Smart Car
  138. low voltage warning
  139. SG2 - Negative MPG ?
  140. 5V input 12V output 25-50Hz PWM controller
  141. What gauges?
  142. Large difference between ScanGauge and OBC
  143. Looking for an aftermarket Tach for XFi
  144. Scangauge on Audi A6 1.9tdi 1998 European
  145. [Mod list discussion] grill block wiki discussion
  146. [Mod list discussion] Scangauge wiki discussion thread
  147. MPGuino and a Series 3 Supercharged
  148. Throttle position indicator circuit
  149. haven't ordered mine yet but soon
  150. Scangauge gone insane
  151. Temps & Scangauge
  152. Most important ScanGauge variables?
  153. Vacuum Gauge plumbing
  154. universal economy shift light add-in
  155. ScanGauge and Octane
  156. The perfect Cruise Control
  157. 91 geo metro mpguino installation
  158. scangauge instrumentation
  159. Scangauge Newbie Questions
  160. Parking distance control / backup sensors
  161. MPGuino 92 VX
  162. mympgtracker website
  163. New scangauge, odd °fWT
  164. ScanGaugeII best help ever
  165. ECU tables modification
  166. MyMPGTracker - ECUTracker (Free Mobile Mileage/Digital Dashboard)
  167. ScanGauge II does not show open loop under DFCO?
  168. Using SGII to find converter lock-up release point
  169. SG2 vs TDI
  170. Scangauge display closing when EOC, fueltype set to Hybrid
  171. how to instant mpg from elm interface free
  172. ScanGauge2 online user manual?
  173. Do bad pumps mess up your Scangauge readings?
  174. vacuum / turbo gauge for diesel ?
  175. Scangauge 2: monitoring hp on an Ion
  176. ScanGauge II not reading fuel cutoff
  177. Vacuum Gage on Automatic Transmissions Autos?
  178. Volkswagen OBDII versus Scangauge ?
  179. Creader V (Scangauge alternative)
  180. Turbogauge
  181. today's ebay deal-scanguage II $135
  182. Video
  183. fabricating a VSS?
  184. Tachometer or Vacuum Gauge?
  185. Setting up a second car for my SGII?
  186. Scan Gauge II Question / Issue
  187. ScanGauge Alternatives
  188. my primitive vac guage
  189. Data overload with new device
  190. a few OBDuino for sale
  191. How to reset ScanGuage Fill-Up?
  192. Star in my Scangauge
  193. BEWARE! Fundamentallogic.com not responding to MPGuino purchase!
  194. Openguage/MPGuino - does the pre-assembled unit have a backlight display?
  195. Speedo Accuracy with MPGuino :-(
  196. Autoenginuity scanner
  197. Closed Loop Mode
  198. Question about SGII and calibration
  199. Scangauge: Bad pump messed up gauges
  200. CRC Workshop next week
  201. 1994 Ford Ranger?
  202. Announcing a complete solution to mapping engine efficiency
  203. Partial fillups with Scangauge
  204. Article: Fiat Introducing Fleet Version of eco:Drive
  205. More Accurate Overhead Computer...
  206. scangauge problem
  207. Scangauge Suggestions
  208. scangauge2 on a 92-95 civic
  209. MPGuino Acura Integra, All injectors read 12v??
  210. plug and play instruments obd-1
  211. MPGuino Hookup (WIP)
  212. Scanguage IGN guage, what is good? 40 either is really bad or really good
  213. Help with scangauge II calibration
  214. Scangauge xgauges wanted
  215. Scanguage vs MPGuino - 96 Prizm
  216. Will ScanGauge (or any other MPG display) work on European 2003 Ford Focus diesel?
  217. Good looking gauge w/ serial port
  218. USPatent 3,937,202--Economy Driving Aid
  219. scangauge fuel tank size accuracy
  220. Please help me calibrate my SuperMID
  221. Bodge job fuel flow meter for pre-OBD vehicles
  222. Another 999mpg SGll question
  223. Kinda ScanGauge w/o OBD
  224. ScanGauge Customer Service
  225. "Daisy-chain" two SGII's together?
  226. vw jetta wagon (can I install MPG gauge from V6 model in 1.8T model?)
  227. Priorities: RPMs vs VAC
  228. tire size (Does ScanGauge have adjustment for different sizes)
  229. vacuum gauge installed
  230. Tach recommendations for 93 Metro?
  231. Scan Gauge/ Kiwi Question
  232. Odometer Accuracy for tracking mileage
  233. Scangauge 3?
  234. yet another x-gauge question
  235. Scangauge supplier?
  236. LC-1, O2, & ECU on 1986 Carb Engine
  237. Arduino based AFR
  238. civic ex coupe 96 not good with SGII
  239. OBDuino help with using iduino
  240. Where can I get a kill switch installed
  241. Hks camp2
  242. Fuel consumption data from a scan tool?
  243. SGII vs. PLX Kiwi
  244. ScanGauge - amazing or..?
  245. Rev for iPhone
  246. ScanGauge and Oil Life
  247. Scangauge and Partial Fills
  248. Computing FE Question
  249. What are your 4 favorite ScanGauge Gauges?
  250. Vacuum gauge reading low possibly? Help