- OBDII Port Question
- Choosing voltage meters?
- Time for some overkill.
- UG help
- Some nice Android Applications
- Factory Avg Mpg Gauge isn't even close!
- Factories jumping on the bandwagon
- ScanGauge II firmware UPDATE - discount / group buy for EcoModder members
- Testing & Reviewing a SGe (comparing ScanGauge 2 vs. ScanGauge E)
- Bar Type Display
- Momentary switch to kill fuel
- Mounting the Scangauge
- Garmin EcoRoute or Scanguage
- Woofers.
- car is having a problem!
- ScanGauge II faster response
- Just got Ultra Gauge today!
- Scanner recommendations needed
- Actron 9185
- ScanGauge II issue at full throttle
- gas gauge
- 1982 Cadillac factory mpg gauge
- I'm an iOS developer. What would people want in an ecodriving app?
- Old school mpg meter Popular mechanics writeup
- Best Temp. Gauges
- Exhaust Emission Testing & Equipment
- Good days/bad days
- Has my E85 kit thingy been helping me make the most of my Regular Gas?
- Mpguino Work with non stock car?
- APEXi Super AFC NEO for better MPG?
- Yippee! New ScanGauge
- UltraGauge and EOC / engine kill with ECU on
- mpguino vss signal problem
- CRX VX mpguino
- what is latest SGII™ version?
- My homemade MPGuino case.
- Possible Kill Switch?
- UltraGauge is in the Fit... winning.
- Vacuum gauge and BSFC chart - few questions
- How long to set a baseline?
- Fuel app for Nokia phones
- Scan Gauge II or UltraGauge?
- MPG on laptop
- Anyone have a scangauge 2 in a 2007 Honda Fit?
- MPGUINO Install assistance 94 Metro XFI
- Torque for Android review
- OSB-II Readers
- Torque for Android
- ScanGauge II calibration question
- Ultragague questions - open loop, lean burn
- adding guages
- New ScanGuage-e
- Building a vacuum accumulator, size question...?
- scangauge problems
- MPGuino backup power source???
- SGII Interesting Information - KR "Knock Retard" Gauge
- Ultra Gauge Runs with Key Off
- Monitoring lean burn
- SGII calibration on TDI (auto transmission)
- Speedo and Odo/trip not working
- Factory Fuel Consumption Computers
- Thanks UltraGauge, screw u Nissan.
- HELP< Electronic/computer help needed MPG related
- VSS confusion
- SGII Installation in Overhead Console on Cherokee
- What kind of FE instrumentation for Pre-OBD2 Diesel
- SGII - IGN gauge question
- coasting and average MPG - confused
- Scangauge fuel cutoff settings
- Loop question
- Oxygen sensors? Which one?
- Torque (android app)
- Fighting the kickdown of an Auto tranny w the SGII!!
- Need Help with Ultra Gauge
- installed scangaugeII - some questions
- Engine Off Coasting W/ SGII
- guage to fit a micra
- metric UG?
- Clearing Pending Trouble Codes on an UltraGauge
- Just got my SG2, but it won't clear codes
- new scangauge user question
- MPGuino sales/service ?
- PLX Kiwi MPG calibration
- Anyone tried out obdgpslogger yet?
- what mpg meter for 1989 chevy celebrity?
- Tpms ("live" in-cabin tire pressure readout?)
- Volt Meter with alarms
- SGII, what inputs does it use to compute MPG?
- Seeing what you are talking about
- Looking for a MPG gauge for old truck
- Ultra-gauge
- ELM 323 responds to AT commands
- ScanguageII Calibration
- Ultragauge
- My Mechanic said I need to unplug SGII asap
- New to the SGII
- ScanGaugeII air/fuel ratio
- Simple fuel consumption estimates from Garmin GPS
- Tell me how well
- ScanGuageII units
- Pre Computer Data Logging
- Scangauge ATF reading for Subarus?
- Weird ScanGauge issue
- TDI, EO(ff)C and SG2 for fun and profit
- *poll* your favorite OBDII guage
- this should speed things up (using small calibrated fuel canister for testing mods)
- How to get Ultragauge to recognize EOC?
- Scangauge 2 TFT display
- fuel shut off confusing my scan gauge
- Suggestions? What is the best/cheapest/lower power usage GPS odometer I could buy?
- G Force Chip
- Android Kiwi Bluetooth OBD II Experience?
- Magellan Roadmate 1700 7" gps. Thoughts and Suggestions?
- Scanguage says 25mpg, but manual measurement says = 35mpg
- SGII doesn't always know today was over yesterday
- vaccum road results
- To De-spoof the UG battery myth!
- How do you get the most from your Ultragauge
- Adjustable fuel economy buzzer?
- ppc/wm mpg software?
- So...SGII v UG?
- How can I reset a scangaugeII
- Ultraguage instead of Scanguage??
- Review: Ultra gauge vs MPGuino
- Eoc
- Maxitrip Auto Computer
- ScanGauge II @ Amazon.com for $129.99 shipped
- DWL at 3k+ rpm = higher vacuum?
- DashCommand - OBD-II
- Ultraguage Question?
- Scanguage NOT WORKING on VW Golf
- 14point7 UAFC?
- 24V ELM327 interface
- What is your favorite settings for your scanner
- Speedo reprograming
- Honda Insight MK1 BCM Gauge
- Installing an Ultra-Gauge on a Smart Car
- low voltage warning
- SG2 - Negative MPG ?
- 5V input 12V output 25-50Hz PWM controller
- What gauges?
- Large difference between ScanGauge and OBC
- Looking for an aftermarket Tach for XFi
- Scangauge on Audi A6 1.9tdi 1998 European
- [Mod list discussion] grill block wiki discussion
- [Mod list discussion] Scangauge wiki discussion thread
- MPGuino and a Series 3 Supercharged
- Throttle position indicator circuit
- haven't ordered mine yet but soon
- Scangauge gone insane
- Temps & Scangauge
- Most important ScanGauge variables?
- Vacuum Gauge plumbing
- universal economy shift light add-in
- ScanGauge and Octane
- The perfect Cruise Control
- 91 geo metro mpguino installation
- scangauge instrumentation
- Scangauge Newbie Questions
- Parking distance control / backup sensors
- MPGuino 92 VX
- mympgtracker website
- New scangauge, odd °fWT
- ScanGaugeII best help ever
- ECU tables modification
- MyMPGTracker - ECUTracker (Free Mobile Mileage/Digital Dashboard)
- ScanGauge II does not show open loop under DFCO?
- Using SGII to find converter lock-up release point
- SG2 vs TDI
- Scangauge display closing when EOC, fueltype set to Hybrid
- how to instant mpg from elm interface free
- ScanGauge2 online user manual?
- Do bad pumps mess up your Scangauge readings?
- vacuum / turbo gauge for diesel ?
- Scangauge 2: monitoring hp on an Ion
- ScanGauge II not reading fuel cutoff
- Vacuum Gage on Automatic Transmissions Autos?
- Volkswagen OBDII versus Scangauge ?
- Creader V (Scangauge alternative)
- Turbogauge
- today's ebay deal-scanguage II $135
- Video
- fabricating a VSS?
- Tachometer or Vacuum Gauge?
- Setting up a second car for my SGII?
- Scan Gauge II Question / Issue
- ScanGauge Alternatives
- my primitive vac guage
- Data overload with new device
- a few OBDuino for sale
- How to reset ScanGuage Fill-Up?
- Star in my Scangauge
- BEWARE! Fundamentallogic.com not responding to MPGuino purchase!
- Openguage/MPGuino - does the pre-assembled unit have a backlight display?
- Speedo Accuracy with MPGuino :-(
- Autoenginuity scanner
- Closed Loop Mode
- Question about SGII and calibration
- Scangauge: Bad pump messed up gauges
- CRC Workshop next week
- 1994 Ford Ranger?
- Announcing a complete solution to mapping engine efficiency
- Partial fillups with Scangauge
- Article: Fiat Introducing Fleet Version of eco:Drive
- More Accurate Overhead Computer...
- scangauge problem
- Scangauge Suggestions
- scangauge2 on a 92-95 civic
- MPGuino Acura Integra, All injectors read 12v??
- plug and play instruments obd-1
- MPGuino Hookup (WIP)
- Scanguage IGN guage, what is good? 40 either is really bad or really good
- Help with scangauge II calibration
- Scangauge xgauges wanted
- Scanguage vs MPGuino - 96 Prizm
- Will ScanGauge (or any other MPG display) work on European 2003 Ford Focus diesel?
- Good looking gauge w/ serial port
- USPatent 3,937,202--Economy Driving Aid
- scangauge fuel tank size accuracy
- Please help me calibrate my SuperMID
- Bodge job fuel flow meter for pre-OBD vehicles
- Another 999mpg SGll question
- Kinda ScanGauge w/o OBD
- ScanGauge Customer Service
- "Daisy-chain" two SGII's together?
- vw jetta wagon (can I install MPG gauge from V6 model in 1.8T model?)
- Priorities: RPMs vs VAC
- tire size (Does ScanGauge have adjustment for different sizes)
- vacuum gauge installed
- Tach recommendations for 93 Metro?
- Scan Gauge/ Kiwi Question
- Odometer Accuracy for tracking mileage
- Scangauge 3?
- yet another x-gauge question
- Scangauge supplier?
- LC-1, O2, & ECU on 1986 Carb Engine
- Arduino based AFR
- civic ex coupe 96 not good with SGII
- OBDuino help with using iduino
- Where can I get a kill switch installed
- Hks camp2
- Fuel consumption data from a scan tool?
- SGII vs. PLX Kiwi
- ScanGauge - amazing or..?
- Rev for iPhone
- ScanGauge and Oil Life
- Scangauge and Partial Fills
- Computing FE Question
- What are your 4 favorite ScanGauge Gauges?
- Vacuum gauge reading low possibly? Help