- Haptic Knobs
- Phantom Corsair Perfomometer
- Reasonable MPG gauge for '96 Silverado?
- DIY fuel efficiency gauge/wireless??
- Arduino-based GUI for active grille block
- Custom EV efficiency gauge for my racecar?
- Have a CRT in your Toronado?
- Kw206
- Where do I input the size of fuel tank ?
- My Torque Pro setup
- What to monitor with a ScanGauge to improve fuel economy?
- Post your MPGuino install pics!
- Anemometer
- MPG Display - analog
- where can i buy tailgate letters for my ford f150
- Electro Gyrocator
- MPGuino fuel level and ESP32
- scanguage II users
- Distance sensor for drafting
- SG not showing live LHK?
- Hondas PWNed
- Android App for Logging Acceleration
- Ins.MPG wrong on OBDII scanner (via Dashcommand)
- New Gauges for Mazda3
- Larger Scan Gauge or Ultra Gauge display
- is scan gauge worth it?
- Accuracy: Torque Pro Fuel Economy vs vehicle information display / odometer / trip computer
- Scangauge Buttons Fix
- Searching for a hypermiling / ECO driving app (collecting points for driving smoothly...)
- MPGunio and flow sensor
- carb engines and vacuum gauges
- Difference in displayed vs measured MPG: Statistical Analysis
- Deep OBD Scanning Android App for BMW, VW, Audi, Seat, and Skoda
- MPG live recording
- SG versus Android what application for eco driving
- Automated pulse and glide
- Chargers that share available power
- Tablet as radio?
- Distance to empty on Fiesta changes rapidly near end of tank
- Perceived Scangauge inaccuracy - is it the gauge or vehicle?
- mpg inconsistencies
- accurate temperature measurement
- Scangauge
- Programming ScanGauge's X-Gauge for your car's EGT
- What parameters to observe in a Turbo Diesel?
- Best use of a Scangauge?
- Oh, the disappointment ...
- Calibrating the UltraGauge...
- Double din mpg reader
- Cars that show mpg on dash?
- External Public display of MPG
- Bluetooth UltraGauge?
- Turbogauge won't connect
- speed vs rpm scangauge?
- airspeed indicator
- ESP32 CAN Due board using the Tensilica ESP32 WROOM module
- Adjusting for larger tire size
- SGII firmware...What should I do?
- Anyone using the Auto Meter Eco Meter?
- SGII customer support
- Roadtrip App for tracking fuel and services
- ScanGauge II showing fuel used while engine stopped
- kiwi..?
- mpguino problem
- Help with Torque app pids
- ScanGauge II Upgrade
- ScanGauge E mileage calculation.
- Open Loop/Closed Loop.
- DIY Wide-band install 94 acura
- UltraGauge not picking up EOC?
- Cool instrumentation in car.
- How accurate is a Scangauge 2 for MPG?
- Torque App Questions
- which gauge would suit me... nissan note
- Looking for a new tire pressure gauge
- Fuel Cut off on lower RPM then before!!! What does it mean??
- Ultragauge Fuel cut off Diesel
- Which MPG reader for a '99 Polo ?
- MPGuino is amazing!
- not sure where to put this on my car.....
- App to track dual fuel cars?
- Yet Another CAN Bus Thread....
- torque app help
- Going into open loop at low load -- worn engine?
- Home emissions tester?
- MPGuino injector connection - no 0v feed
- MPGuino VSS Pulses/Mile confusion
- Trouble getting a VSS signal
- Ultraguage: EM Plus VS. MX 1.3 (2002 Accord LX Automatic)
- Audi A2 Scangauge II
- anyone else spotted this.... kiwi.... mark 2
- Some kind of special? MPGuino
- Scangauge in Toyota Echo, Xgauge problem.
- UltraGauge (2011) service display quirk
- Metro-Throttle Position ScanGauge WOT??
- UltraGauge FE calibration?
- Engine load of 6 and 7th Gen Civic
- What is the deal with Vacuum reading ??
- Summertime
- Engine load at idle
- Mpguino values.
- GOFAR Fuel Efficiency Dongle (a Kickstarter project):
- are there any usefull obd 1 tools
- 0-300°F dual probe intake temperature gauge.
- What's the latest in MPG gauges?
- Ultragauge : EOC issues & incorrect load
- Torque Pro + BAFX Bluetooth OBD2 adapter vs Scangauge
- Kill Switch with LED indication injector use/volts
- Recommend a good thermometer tap
- ultragauge mounts? Need to buy...
- ScanGauge II compatibility question
- Arduino based LCD dashboard for 1980's non-canbus motors?
- Mpguino code help
- New Tool - Automatic
- Successfully using multiple OBD-II instruments
- HEM paper (2014) on 2010 Prius Fuel Economy data
- MPGuino on a motorcycle?
- mpGuino weird issue
- 3d printed scangauge bracket
- Torque app not reading DFCO
- Oxygen sensors ~ interpreting readings
- UltraGauge Volvo Problems?
- Metric/imperial units on scanguage
- Android/iphone UltraGauge
- CAN-bus instruments!
- received new DVR cam for the Jetta
- 96% US cars with Black Box ?
- Scanguage and my Subaru
- scanner output to stereo input
- Engine Analyzer??
- SGII question
- SuperMID shows accessory loads on engine
- Gas Pedal Depression Gauge?
- Instrumentation and LPG
- SG-II gauge/trip discrepancy
- Which Gauge is Best and....
- Torque App MPG - 2001 Dodge Diesel
- Have any of you heard of Chariot Gauge?
- Clinometers?
- ScanGauge II - MPG Questions
- ScanGauge calibration tips for TDI? Speed, distance, MPG all off.
- Jet Performance ECU tuning
- Hard to read MPGunio
- Magnetic proximity switch instrumentation
- Trouble ordering UltimateGauge
- Pull information from OBD0
- Fuel in the bowl
- Adjusting vss pulse number for tire size
- Circuit to translate MAP signal to boost gauge?
- Ultragauge + Scangauge on an obdii y cable
- OBDuino Help
- Is there a DIY open-loop indicator?
- Samsung tablet instrument cluster
- fuel scan gauge 84 crx???
- Measuring Fuel Economy by Weighing the Car
- Soliciting advice on 'fuel consumed' instrumentation
- led battery warning light ~ for kill switch ~ not working yet
- Possible problem with MPGuino mileage readings.
- Scangauge not turning on
- 1999 chevy tracker / ultragauge questions
- suzuki king quad 750- what gauge?
- UG reads like I don't have DFCO, and some other UG questions
- Software for bluetooth OBD2 reader.
- MAP direct correlation to FE?
- DashCommand App for Android
- Cam timing on Scangauge
- Windows phone app CoPilot
- ultragauge: DFCO disappeared
- Got a question for the Aspire owners
- Scangauge II Won't Clear Code (get blank screen)
- DiabloSport inTune- What prameters to watch
- Is my Scangauge II an antique?
- Scangauge II vs Torque Pro/OBDLink MX via Nexus 7
- canbus codes?
- new scangauge 2 came in the mail
- fuel sensor ~ obd2
- Electroluminescent gauge power consumption?
- Don't make the mistake I did with MPGuino
- SG calibration off - MPG readout low
- Using MAP Sensor Voltage to Monitor Engine Load
- Way to track Average Engine Load?
- Share Your MPGuino Calibrations
- Early Mercedes Diesel Engine Instrumentation
- How to wire the power cord for MPGuino?
- Torque for Apple devices
- Another Ultragauge thread
- UG short-trip data disappearance
- displacement on demand and MPG apps
- vacuum Gauge confusion
- Garmin Eco Challenge
- how does the MAP readout work?
- MPGuino for old carburetor subaru
- siren on ultragauge
- Ultragauge DFCO observations
- Digital vacuum gauge
- EngineLink APP OBD2 Reader for iPhone
- How to Setup UltraGauge
- Instrumentation for *AUDM* Honda civic 6th gen (EK/Cxi)
- Android Torque Pro settings
- SGII backlight always on?
- Issues With ScanGauge II
- More than one SGII? (daisy chain ScanGauge)
- Wiring Gauges in Dash Hole - S10
- Newbie from across pond-scangauge2 novice!
- Thoughts on the Scangauge E.
- ELM 327 USB/Bluetooth
- Can I disconnect the scangauge2
- Does anyone use a Data Logger?
- custom scangauge install in New Beetle
- Looking for a little help with OBDuino build.
- Measuring Charge Efficiency
- HELP! Northern California / MPGuino
- Obduino32k issues
- Recommend Mileage Tracking App for iPhone
- how to connect fan light ~ visible from inside of car
- Vacuum Gauge Install; Engine Line Tap Location
- Pre '96 "OBD2" data feed into Torque/Android with an Arduino
- Any DashDyno users here?/Additive testing
- 1994 gm td OBD1 mpgunio
- % load on a Honda with an automatic?
- Biggest MPG error you've seen on your uncalibrated gauge? (Nissan X-trail SG/UG)
- Obtaining miles with engine off w/ SGII?
- Civic HX Lean Burn Monitoring via ScanGauge (Video + Info)
- Volo FS3 economy chip: Snake oil or lifesaver?
- ultragauge > injector cutoff
- Vacuum Gauge - Benefits?, Practicality?, Advice?
- MPGuino Micro?
- Finally fixed my intermittant speedometer/odometer problem
- Adding factory mileage gauge to my Sonata
- how much difference did MPGuino or vacuum gauge make for you?
- What are your favorite UltraGauge/ScanGauge gauges?
- obd2 Wifi app for iphone
- what do I need and why?
- Zero Cost manual MPG meaurement (xpg)
- Scangauge is not accurate on my new Corolla
- Smartphone app for fuel economy.
- MPGuino + FlexFuel device?
- vacume guage & scanguage question
- iPad Mini Dashboard
- Do I really need a SG?
- Diesel flow meters
- Honda OBD to OBDII cable??? $10
- Scangauge II Out of Warranty Repair
- OBD bluetooth scanner
- New Gauge that connects with your smartphone
- Very high temps with factory HAI
- Weather Recording
- ScanGauge-II sometimes reads zero mph
- Swapping ScanGauge II for UltraGauge EM ?
- Scangauge II and hyundai (not reading MAP, not reporting fuel consumption)