View Full Version : The Unicorn Corral

  1. Eureka! HHO works! But ony if you pee in your cell :D
  2. Toyota's Unicorn
  3. Lost Prototype of The Passarola, 1709
  4. Spinning magnets
  5. Plasmoids
  6. Mullen Perpetual Motion machine being tested by the Fed
  7. Is It Possible Apply + Newton III Motion Law as Dynamic System in a Motor Engine Device
  8. Will moving the mass of a vehicle forward while it is travelling, cause it to coast farther ?
  9. I nearly doubled my MPG on my diesel vehicles.
  10. Magnetic field separates oxygen from air/nitrogen?!?!
  11. Any slick 50 fans here?n
  12. Crazy Idea: Magnetise your gearbox gears
  13. Fuel fix Pro scam, high fuel prices are bringing out scams
  14. Lawn mower carb on V8 + dynamic carb controller
  15. Tuner chips?
  16. Motorkote?
  17. Oxygen generator on cooled EGR only inake?
  18. Knock, knock. Who's there? A Rotating Detonation Engine
  19. When you are sweating passing the particulate test
  20. Fuel Vaporizer
  21. No Connecting Rods!
  22. The greatest idea ever, or the worst idea ever? ("Free" BMS)
  23. July 4 instant infinite gas mileage!
  24. the Macbeth Lens
  25. Environmentally friendly EPA approved fuel can spout
  26. Looking for a unicorn
  27. Anyone Use Xado
  28. Cetane...
  29. Solar Panel//Underside//Thermoelectric
  30. Just got a 2003 Ford Focus ZX3,, zetec 2.0 (Results so far)
  31. Can you make $100,000 removing litter from parking lots?
  32. Eagle-Research
  33. Go back to Washington!
  34. Sprouts and Electric Gliders
  35. Sprouts and Electric Gliders
  36. Gold Fault Laser
  37. The electric universe
  38. Dutch Lightspeed fully solar car by 2019
  39. 1987 Chevy Sprint turbo for sale!
  40. A Montana outfit thinks they have the secret to inducing lean burn on <2005 cars.
  41. Hydrocarbon Fuel
  42. My first and hopefully last corral entry, and it's hypothetical
  43. Free energy motor
  44. MPG Tune for $25.xx US ?????????
  45. But Anonymous thinks its good!
  46. Eagle Research says 200MPG in 2000lb veh is easy
  47. TriboTEX: You too can help Kickstart this scam!
  48. 4-stroke opposed-piston engine development from Pinnacle Engines?
  49. Why don't you demand courtesy from any and all topics?
  50. Heat up the gasoline
  51. Speed limiter helps fuel economy?
  52. BioDiesel, why cant I find it anymore?
  53. Hydrogen on demand system?
  54. Testing OBD2/CAN Fuel Saver
  55. Hydro-Steam Propulsion
  56. This unicorn got corralled:
  57. Unicorn "Flatulance"?
  58. Adding acetone to gasoline
  59. Exhaust valves
  60. 100 % unicorn **** yet maybe the most useful product in the whole Corral!
  61. fuel vapour injection system
  62. Vapourising fuel
  63. Tri-force 70% fuel economy increase.. pffft. .. ya know... HAHAHA
  64. Did anyone watch Fifth Gear episode on fuel savers?
  65. Centrifugal oxygen enrichment...
  66. Air2Nitrous device claimed to cut vehicle exhaust emissions by 90 percent
  67. Onion Predicts Camry's Demise...
  68. Another compressed air car
  69. Elio vehicle on "Wheels That Fail" last night!
  70. Elio has a marketing stablemate!
  71. State of the Art-Novel InFlow Tech-Development / 1-Gearturbine 2-Imploturbocompressor
  72. Ultrasmooth sub-micron carbon spheres oil additive.
  73. A123 Systems LB shell
  74. Web Skepticism Tutorial
  75. Winter Wheel Spats
  76. "The Gas Saving Switch"
  77. Vapor fuel continued desscussion!!
  78. A ricer's Christmas present
  79. Turboencabulator
  80. Another win for the idiots.
  81. Working on hydrogen kit 60%savings.
  82. doh
  83. Snake oil or real deal? Phoenix Fuel Converter
  84. Schauberger Generator?
  85. This is in reference to the EGR build that T Vago was presenting.
  86. Some Comic Relief...
  87. What happened to the vapor thread?
  88. Cheap gas on the way?
  89. HHO Mod, Does it work?
  90. Vacuum driven gas vapor system
  91. Supercharger Tuning- electric "supercharger"
  92. Good for a laugh or a cry (Gravity Plane)
  93. Any merit to this?
  94. perpetual hydroelectricity?
  95. diesel kia power smoother drive but no savings
  96. Save gas... by never stopping for a drink.
  97. Mix transmission fluid in diesel fuel for longevity.
  98. invest in a K&N air filter
  99. Impressed so far just not on my car ...yet
  100. Holy grail of all holy grail, at the door step?
  101. beware: Microlon on the scene
  102. another hho scam
  103. Super-capacitors instead of a battery?
  104. Woah!! Hot fuel saving tip..
  105. Strap On!
  106. VorBlade Invisible Fairing...
  107. Unicorn products? Wetter than wet, Litebrake, Alcohol Water injection?
  108. Top 5 Fuel Savings Myths by CNet
  109. Funny video, some good stuff, not sure about one thing though....
  110. What is Hydrocarbon Catalytic Fuel Conditioning
  111. 2005 Tahoe 170,000 Miles and getting 28 MPG
  112. Inter Charger Installation and Initial Results
  113. S;ective Catalyst Emission Eliminator for Blow By Out Gas Toxin
  114. China launches $600 car that will get 258 mpg
  115. Hydrocarbon Crack System
  116. Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion
  117. OBII Smarter than us?
  118. What could Ultra Ever Dry do for fuel economy I wonder???
  119. BORPower additive?
  120. dynovalve
  121. Home made all "free" energy hybrid
  122. The Ultrasonic Transducer Water Vaporizer
  123. Vortex strake device and method for reducing the aerodynamic drag of ground vehicles
  124. Cigarette Plug-in fuel economy?
  125. Gadgetmangroove
  126. Tall tales (ICE running on water)
  127. Trailer Tires on a Geo Metro ...
  128. pusher fan for small SUV
  129. How many video mistakes do you see
  130. Groovy heads
  131. Exhaust Driven Alternator
  132. Cc hod...................wow !!
  133. Green Magnetic Spinners
  134. cant believe nobody posted THIS!!!!
  135. Unicorns are real!
  136. Let's give this "treatment" the unicorn treatment..
  137. Gas Pods - Anyone try them?
  138. Pee power!
  139. 2013 Grand Caravan 36mpg
  140. XADO metal repair, anyone tried it?
  141. Farm Tracktor engine in truck gets 45mpg...
  142. British engineers produce amazing 'petrol from air' technology
  143. can you see this sitting on your dashboard?
  144. 20%-40% better MPG;
  145. Why do we have ads on here for Hydrogen boosters?
  146. Hemi Prius
  147. The amazing Entabulator: an old classic
  148. Any spark plugs proven to improve MPG?
  149. spark plug heat range effect on fuel econ
  150. 35% gain using acetone/xylol...
  151. GasPods: stick on airfoils
  152. A MAF Sensor Mod
  153. Sorry but its the hydrogen generator again.
  154. The TURBONATOR. YES? Or NO?
  155. Electric Supercharger?! (adaptable for fuel economy?)
  156. I'm calling BS, what do you think?
  157. HyTronX: on-demand hydrogen injection
  158. Hid kit
  159. A gift for HHO Skeptics!
  160. Diamond Lube
  161. Solar panel to feed both H2 AND O2 into engine?
  162. Has anyone tried HHO?
  163. what do you guys thank of this idea?
  164. evap
  165. Wind powered car
  166. energy of deformation
  167. A simple idea to try
  168. Scuderi Engine
  169. Use engine block heater to warm Catalyc converter ?
  170. Install & tune a vehichle for magnets:Increase MPG, Decrease Fuel consumption (DIY)
  171. Really? Drive-charge electric motor claims
  172. anybody tried hydrogen generation?
  173. System 48 Oil Treatment
  174. Information on fuel use for newbies
  175. aftermarket variable displacement
  176. Oxytane fuel additive
  177. Absurd Eco Inventions...
  178. HHO discussion (split off from the BSFC thread)
  179. Federal Mogul Advanced Corona Ignition
  180. H² + H²O = 25% More HP
  181. Hho
  182. Anyone try water4gas....
  183. VW Rabbit diesel pickup owner wondering about Brown's gas
  184. Russian oil additive
  185. LRR tires. Unicorn of the future?
  186. Two of my own Unicorn ideas?
  187. HHO: Good, bad, or ugly?
  188. ELVIS is knocking
  189. Howe's Meaner Power Kleaner
  190. Amish miracle heater ??
  191. Denso's Twin Tip spark plugs
  192. Has anyone seen or installed a DynoValve?
  193. electric powered logging skidder idea.
  194. Who is using a "Fuel Vapor" system here?
  195. BLADE tailpipe attachment?
  196. Unicorn Dookie
  197. Another one
  198. A unicorn bragging from under the air filter?
  199. Fuel Saver Flash Chip?
  200. New fuel saving coolant up to 15% savings :d
  201. Have any of you heard of a joe cell
  202. EconoAid.com
  203. Waterboost - special, er, no HHO...
  204. Nitrogen tires
  205. Yeah we all know its a scam
  206. "TireBlast TM" Canadian tire verging on unicornian claims
  207. Time to fire up my old Hydrogen generators
  208. Viper Cell Fuel Vapor Pressure Enhancers
  209. Another version of the fuel doctor
  210. saveyourgasmoney.com
  211. Auto Charge Voltage Stabilizer Fuel Saver
  212. Do Singh Grooves Work?
  213. "...charges the air molecules as they rush past in your air intake..."
  214. Unusual aero--flapping and pumping
  215. The "Platinum 22"
  216. So I heard about this Excelerated Oil...
  217. Ram Implosion Wings
  218. Fuel Shark. What?!?
  219. EnviroTabs - I pop a pill and...
  220. ZERO OHM plug wires for more mpg?
  221. Ultra Lean
  222. Seen on CNN: Hydrogen used to Increase Mileage
  223. GEET Reactor
  224. Any Experience With HHO as a Combustion Enhancer?
  225. Nanogenerators to power mobile devices
  226. The Aircar thread, a true unicorn or just very inefficient short range transport.
  227. A Real Unicorn? You decide
  228. Placeholder for magnetic motors
  229. Does HHO REALLY Work????
  230. 200mpg? LOL. Is that all you got?
  231. Drafting idea (using sails)
  232. Increase FE by running MAX A/C 24/7/365!!
  233. 200 MPG Carburetor Talk
  234. The Unicorn Corral: warning - reader skepticism is advised!
  235. Hydrogen generators
  236. new device out that saves gas, any good? (fuel doctor - fd-47)
  237. Liberator Fuel Saver
  238. 18% increase! (Fuel Doctor FD-47 busted by Consumer Reports)
  239. S10 runs on 100% hydrogen
  240. Gadgetman
  241. Restore oil additive...
  242. Anyone using magnets to increase milage?
  243. Magnetic engine returns
  244. Hydrogen Generator Questions Answered Here
  245. Myth Busters SUCKS! (HHO mod, does it work?)
  246. Do air tabs work?