- Winter mpg
- Tansmissions-Powertrains
- Practicality of tire upgrade
- 2014 Mitsubishi Mirage 3-cyl coming to U.S. & Canada this year - 40 MPG (US) combined
- How an ecomodder wants to go out?!
- Warmup time importance?
- mph vs HP using EPA data, spreadsheet
- Airless Tires - Lower Rolling Resistance & Lower Maintenance?
- Oem eoc? (automated engine off coasting)
- 2.8L Cummins Diesel Pickup
- Wheel weight
- High-Altitude effects of alcohol!
- Net energy...what's off the cliff?
- Geo Metro for $1200??
- NYC Dweller - Block Heating Help Sought
- Oxygen sensor - 07 Camry 4 cyl
- Help with EPA MPG; Corolla identity crisis
- Poor MPG for hypermiling... Maybe it's my tires?
- Grassroots Motorsports testing fuel economy
- Geo Jeff: Who's heard of him.
- Trying to relate piston speed to BSFC
- Diesel generator in homebuilt car
- A webpage that advises against idling
- Bg products
- Open discussion on using TC-W3 oil as an additive
- Cd of european 'fastback' Cruze?
- free/cheap beneficial to car eco mods actually worth doing
- 2014 Corvette Stingray - 30mpg hwy
- LLR Tire Sizes
- lower wattage light bulbs
- Make sure it's well thought out...
- School Me: WAI vs CAI
- Real world MPG not even close to Ford's Hybrid EPA MPG claims
- Tdi intercooler delete, effects on FE / power?
- One heat grade colder spark plugs
- Best way to fix a slow leak
- Radax Engine
- Low rolling resistance 12 inch tires...
- Another advantage of the Prius...
- 1.6 liter Honda i-dtec 78 MpG
- GCR: is it possible to make MPG worse by downsizing engines TOO much?
- effect of lsd on mpg
- Better Machining = Better efficiency
- Best of times, Worst of times, how changing conditions can affect your fuel milage
- Super computer to the Rescue?
- USA an energy exporter again?
- Lithium Si-Graphene battery anode
- Oil temp
- "Repaired" ECU drops 8-9 MPG
- Brace yourself, Winter commute is comming
- Suzuki US declares bankruptcy
- Winter blend of gas and mpg drop
- Ricardo Friction Modeling Presentation
- do it for science :)
- Air Fuel Synthesis, from renewable energy...
- Siemens Innotruck
- Fast warm up ideas: 3500w engine warmer
- Block heater '86 CRX HF in Seattle?
- 2013 Honda Civic: 78.5 MPG !
- Isn't it more efficient coasting in gear/engine on?
- Anyone see the "America Says Now" ads on EM?
- Trailing Throttle
- higher mpg Toyota pick-up
- Diesel efficiency -- load vs. RPM
- Speed vs. MPG chart: 2002 Toyota Camry 2.4 auto (impressive highway MPG sleeper car?)
- Two Piece Drive Shaft
- 2001 Civic HX - Intermittent High idle? (Won't enter lean burn)
- Liquid Piston? 40Bhp 75% Thermal Efficiency
- A question directly about fuel consumption
- Good news, good trend...
- Changing out my cooling fan...
- 2012 gmc 2500 HD
- Jalopnik QOTD:What’s The Best Way To Increase Fuel Economy Without Replacing Your Car
- My wife wants a Mercedes Diesel
- Block-Heater Unplug reminder
- Keep or sell gas guzzler 'because its paid off'
- Detailed statistical analysis of weather data from my daily log
- 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Pentastar
- mpg log, recording stop and go highway traffic?
- Hypermiling and emissions.
- Tata Nano coming to USA (Supposedly)
- Fuel-Stingy Technologies Set Sights on 54.5 MPG
- Lithium-ion Battery Question
- Dodge Neon low mpg
- Wanna see and hear the VW 'tractor'
- Gas usage by state and county
- Do you think the brand of fuel makes a difference
- 2013 Fusion to get 1.6L ecoboost
- New $3000... Datsun?
- any 50mpg+ luxury cars out there?
- Do different Gas Brands burn more efficiently? Higher MPG's?
- geo metro reincarnated?
- Civic efficiency question
- Catalytic converter cleaning...would you do it?
- converting IDI to DI
- Realworld highway mpgs for 2012 Focus/Elantra....
- Vx d15 questions (VX vs DX trans)
- Novel Rotary-Turbo-InFlow Tech / Gearturbine Project – Featured Development
- Aerodynamic tailpipe tip?
- aviation biofuel
- Coolant question
- Best Ecomod I Could Make
- Starting Problems Geo Tracker 1990
- increase f350 mpg
- XKCD Interesting Factoid
- You can still 'row' in a 2013!
- No lean burn? (2005 Civic EX)
- Super V.E. for diesels
- Tested: MPG/fuel economy VS. speed, 2000 Honda Insight, 1.0L lean burn, 5-spd
- rule of thumb gas savings 70mph 55mph 40mph
- Open Source Car/Truck brainstorming...
- Efficiency/Reliability of Small Light engines
- Infiniti Phasing Out V8 Engines
- Next, eco-racing!
- Retro-ratrod-steampunk-aero-Bonneville salt flat monster
- Best ecomodding potential? ('99 Prism automatic vs. '96 Camry 2.2 automatic)
- Fuel Efficiency Standards Finalized.... (54.5 mpg U.S. CAFE regs for 2025)
- Looking very good ~ VW XL1
- Honda CRX HF in Canada?
- Honda control box (accord vs civic vx)
- Crx with a d15z1 swap intake question
- Big pickup mpg ability - stock and modded
- Is the civic vx engine a D15Z or D15Z1?
- Why does it use more gas to accelerate more rapidly?
- Could have had a 2-stroke Neon? (10% better city MPG in factory tests)
- Tire pressure sticker
- 2012 Hyndai Sonata gearing
- How to pronounce "Hucho"
- GM "Vortec" heads, good or crap?
- Got rear wheel covers? (McLaren X-1 concept)
- Another Fisker catches fire
- Towing with efficiency
- Long life maint (500k & up)/low $ maint forums?
- Why There and Not Here???
- Slow driving question
- Combustion chamber efficiency?
- A good OBD2 logger?
- MPG tracker sites
- planetary gearing
- 12-Speed Truck Transmission
- Check your VX for dual catalytic converters
- On the other side of the pond....
- Ethonal blended gas Vs. %100 gasoline
- hydraulic pumps
- what would you do? (Ideas for higher MPG $6k vehicle than a Kia Sportage?)
- Ford Ecoboost 3-cyl Summer 2013
- Mpguino capability
- tire size vs efficiency question
- Neo-retro streamliner for sale
- new idea. (no alt with chargeing system)
- Should I punch a hole in my engine?
- Popsci: New Alloy Can Convert Heat Directly Into Electricity
- reading plugs.
- Future car challenge 2012
- West Philly High School X-Prize Team
- Flat-pack cardboard and plywood car scoops Eco-Design award at Shell Eco-Marathon
- New Nissan Note/Versa
- LRR Users
- BSFC maps
- Low rolling resistance tires
- MIT Study: Stiffer Roads = 3% better FE
- Improving a 3-cyl two-stroke car-engine
- DPF regeneration alternatives
- To buy a used Fit or xB?
- August National Fuel Efficiency Month
- XL Hybrid Commercial Van & Truck Conversion
- Fuel efficient(er) Rav4 (ecodream build)
- new car time.
- Jetta TDI or Prius?
- Hybrids less efficient than ICE
- Energy Conversion Efficiency of Various Engines
- What's your time worth? Fuel economy vs speed.
- 1997 Ford Explorer
- 2002 Nissan Sentra won't bump start?
- Looking for a new car
- Does my car have fuel cut while engine braking? (1994 Honda Civic LX 1.5L MT)
- Assisted push-start
- Reducing throttling losses?
- Sport mode in Saab kills/helps fuel economy?
- Diesel exhaust as cancerous as asbestos
- Civic HX Buyer's Guide?
- 99 Camry Mileage
- SAE 2001-01-0951; some GM Precept info
- Cold vs. Hot tires vs. MPG
- 2011 GM to EPA certification test documents (shows dyno "road load" HP @ 50 mph)
- ecomodding commercial airplanes
- 12v vs 120v for lighting
- High Compression Low Octane
- 8 mph hour crawl in rush hour, still really good MPG
- My '1993 Mustang - (why is my fuel log fluctuating so much?)
- New Car Advice??!! (5-seater, 40+ mpg, 5 years old or less, $14k budget)
- $2k Daily Driver Needed
- Road Pavement Matters
- Solar reflective auto paint
- Lighter civic seats?
- 10 to 12 mpg improvement is the same as 30 to 60 mpg
- Help influence & design the next Peterbilt Rig, your vision!
- New Diesel Style Gasoline Engine
- Do we need hubs?
- I may soon be in the market for a new car, recommendations?
- Picking the Best One
- Lighter sound system?
- True eco-supercar - the Porsche 918 Spyder
- Aerodynamics of a brick
- more efficient fuel pump
- hydraulic flywheel system
- blueprinting v8 engine (for Porsche 944 - goal: 400 rwhp but still maintain 35mpg)
- how much does altitude affect MPG in a N\A diesel engine????
- Where do the MPGs go? in town/highway consumption breakdown
- Karma joins the hot line up
- Certainly a very ambitious designer!
- Opinion Needed
- Looking to buy a Fit
- Interesting study on heat loss
- What's in SeaFoam? (interesting web page)
- Ford Diesel Van
- What happened to the envirofit envirokit?
- Block heater?
- Anyone seen/driven a Chevrolet Spark yet? Geo Metro 2.0 ?
- Aptera back from the dead
- MPG at high speed (07 Camry hybrid: 32 mpg at 90 – 100 mph)
- Veyron has an EV competitor?!!
- 2L 4Cyl. vs. 2L 8Cyl What's more fuel efficient?
- Another retro brand revival - eSetta
- Fiat 500 Twin Air 69mpg??
- New Diesel Record: 4.7-mpg!!
- Diesel air intake warm or not
- Any point in warming up diesel fuel?
- show off your mods
- would like to know ( ignition coil )
- Looks like the police are going ecco !
- Honda Insight or Honda HB VX?
- Oh Gee, an overabundance of fuel... what will we do with it all?
- 235 mpg? 2014 VW XL1
- GM Tech Center battery explosion
- Tips for WINNING at the fuel pump
- Charming commercial for aero design
- Idle Consumption Data
- Diesel efficiency
- whats the best increase in mpg you've seen with new wheel/axle bearings
- Inreased speed, tire deformation, increased friction?
- If the US made the standard, standard
- Anyone up for short interview?
- Best MPG car with Auto Transmission?
- Hydro-Québec set to launch network of public charging stations
- All-WEATHER(!) tires
- 1.0 L Focus engine Top Gear review
- Speed vs. fuel economy: 2010 Jeep Patriot 2.4 CVT 2WD graph/chart
- Freightliner's new truck, Revolution